C2toDS Beta 3 DS Moe | 12/5/2013 | 21 |
author | Liam, Moe | website | [view] | This is the third beta of C2toDS, a total conversion project of Creatures 2 to the Docking Station engine. This beta release is provided as-is. Now includes the 'C2toDS at Night' update! Use at your own risk and be sure to follow the instructions provided in the accompanying Readme.
Thanks, Ylukyun! I'll update the download link.
The files are now hosted here
I also have the files, so if I can do anything to help out until the website comes back up, please let me know ;w;
Hello, I noticed that the website hosting C2toDS was down so many people can no longer enjoy the metaroom. I still have a copy of the files and was wondering if I could host it somewhere until the website is fixed.
Oh, it's so sad that we can't download it right now. :-(
Sorry, no.
Was it fixed yet?
Unfortunately, I haven't heard anything about having this hosted anywhere else. Does anyone know differently? It's a shame that not everyone can enjoy it at the moment!
Is there any update on the availability of C2toDS and where the latest build can be downloaded from?
Just discovered that the download link no longer works: Is there an alternate site to download this version from?
EDIT: On the C2toDS Facebook page, this question was answered! Hosting expired, so Liam and Moe are looking into alternatives. I'm sure it will be available again soon!