C2toDS Beta 3 DS Moe | 12/5/2013 | 21 |
author | Liam, Moe | website | [view] | This is the third beta of C2toDS, a total conversion project of Creatures 2 to the Docking Station engine. This beta release is provided as-is. Now includes the 'C2toDS at Night' update! Use at your own risk and be sure to follow the instructions provided in the accompanying Readme.
No worries! I can see how it could get confusing. The files that can be downloaded by clicking the picture are ones that have been directly uploaded to the website, while ones that have a website have just been linked to. They're the ones that we don't have permission to host.
AH. Thank you so much for saving me from my own stupidity! <3
Hiya, Cloudberry. To download this metaroom, you just need to click the 'view' link next to where it says website.
Right. It's possible that I'm just dumb, but I can't download this for some reason. The only thing that happens when I click the picture is that a larger version of the picture opens. No download starts.
It's been a while, so my memory is a bit rusty, but tomatoes, albian pears, carrots,and one of the cactus species(unfortunately I don't remember) are the worst offenders.
I don't think they go extinct every winter, but it happens enough for me to want alternatives. Personally, the tendency for agents and creatures to go behind the world wrap is a more pressing issue.
Missmysterics, could you be more specific? Some plants do die out over winter, but they should revive in spring and summer. Which plants aren't making the transition?
Generally I find the plants die anyway, so no tomotoes to glitch.
The Super Food Vendor can provide good replacements though.
I'm not sure where to post bug reports, but here's one.
You probably already know about the frogs causing horrible lag, but the Flying Tomatoes are also pretty bad performance eaters. One tomato isn't enough to slow my system down but they seem to multiply and I don't know how to make it stop.
Well I thought I did but I suppose I missed one or two :B
Yep, you need to delete all .c16 files in your /images/ directory that start with moe_c2tods 