C2toDS Beta 3 DS Moe | 12/5/2013 | 21 |
author | Liam, Moe | website | [view] | This is the third beta of C2toDS, a total conversion project of Creatures 2 to the Docking Station engine. This beta release is provided as-is. Now includes the 'C2toDS at Night' update! Use at your own risk and be sure to follow the instructions provided in the accompanying Readme.
Moe recommends that all files from the earlier betas of C2toDS need to be deleted before installing this version.
Finally yes! thank you so much!
The clam wont inject because the game "Tried to get out of range sprite" and it seems to have effected zander fish and tiger fish too.
A fix for the frogs is coming soon!
Right now, after a year or so, the world is flooding with frogs. And I mean flooding! It's extreme!
Other than that, things seem to be working very nicely. My WR failed, but that may be attributed to other circumstances entirely...
It keeps giving me the error:
Runtime error in agent 2 15 64001 script 2 15 64001 9 unique id 139832
Catalogue Error: CLE0016: Couldn't find Tag "doozer feelings count"
... 6 adds va07 "count" {@}setv va09 stoi read va07 0 doi ...
Windows NT/2000 6.1 build 7601 (Service Pack 1)
OriginalDisplay DirectX (netbabel 148)
Tue Dec 10 19:52:33 2013 - windows - 2.296 b195
Doozers, you say?
Awesome! but... No doozers..? D:
Moe | 12/9/2013
 | I regret that at this time C2toDS does not include the Granary. Sorry! However many fruits and food (but not all) in C2toDS do not rot when being held, so you can store them in any container.
One question, does it have granary?
Whoa, can't wait to try this one out!