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Websites Flock to A2k!   Rascii | 4/27/2003  comment  log in to like post

Upon the arrival of Albia2000's new CC site hosting, many great community sites haved moved to its servers! Most recently, The Ettin Embassy and Bugs Lair have joined the A2k family.

The Ettin Embassy has some cool music, downloads, pictures, and more! Also has a nice set of website links and a fun little message board.

Bugs Lair is the home of the Bugs Temple metaroom, soon-to-come Seaweed Tavern metaroom, and the awesome Draconian Norn breed. Check out these great sites today!
Better Than Ever Inc!!   Rascii | 4/27/2003  comment  log in to like post

The unbelievably great Creatures Incorporated, which recently closed its doors, is now back - better than ever! Sharon bought a new domain called so it also has a new address. There's a revamp and some great new content, so be sure to check it out today and sign the guestbook!
Happy Birthday Gryph!   Karias | 4/27/2003  comment  log in to like post

Guess who's birthday it is today? It's our nice, little, feathery Gryph's Birthday today! Yay, and Happy Birthday Gryph! :D

» Post Gryph a birthday greeting

Lonely Guestbook   Rascii | 4/25/2003  comment  log in to like post

The guestbook here at Creatures Caves is getting very lonely! If you haven't taken a moment to sign it yet then please do so soon! Feedback is welcome. :)
DSAftermath's Official Newsletter!   Don | 4/25/2003  comment  log in to like post

DockingStation-Aftermath is about to launch it's newest community endeavour, an official newsletter. To submit your news or for more information please read the DS-Aftermath announcement; alternatively
if you have something you would like to be included in the first issue you may submit your news via email to the news moderator before May 7th.

In related news, it now seems one of Broderbund's Creatures update files has become virus infected, so the best and only place to go for all the official Creatures patches and updates now is the files section of Creature Labs' DockingStation-Aftermath group.
Amanora's Creatures Redesigned   Amanora | 4/25/2003  comment  log in to like post

After long weeks of redesigning, the new layout of my webpage Amanora's Creatures is finally online. In addition to the new design there are also many other new things to be found. I hope you visit and enjoy the page although it is up to now only available in german language. Do not hesitate to sign my guestbook :-)
Joining & Banning Updates   Rascii | 4/22/2003  comment  log in to like post

Earlier this evening some moron decided to create 9 accounts in about five minutes. As I saw this happening I quickly updated the joining script so that it gets the IP of the user trying to join and runs it through the banned users database. If the IP is an exact match or similar, the user gets a banned message and is not able to create a new account. I'm hoping, however, that this does not cause any problems with people who are not banned not being able to get accounts! If anyone encounters such a problem please let me know immediately, though I do believe the system works fine.
Dr. Evil's New Lair   Jamie | 4/21/2003  comment  log in to like post

There is a new website called Dr. Evils Lair! Some of the features are news, a guestbook, and a chat room! If you're interested, the address is
Happy Birthday   Don | 4/19/2003  comment  log in to like post

I believe we would all like to wish our Rascii a very happy birthday and congratulate him on the continuing success of

» Post Rascii a birthday greeting

Shee: Under Cover   LuciaInFurs | 4/19/2003  comment  log in to like post

There is a new website for both Creatures 2 and Creatures 3 called Under Cover Shee! The site has adoption, photos, and links. Make sure you click here to check it out today!
Jungle Updates!   Rascii | 4/18/2003  comment  log in to like post

There's a nice new update over at the Creatures Jungle from April 8th... It's so nice to see great websites updated every once in a while! Apparently the owner of the site is slowing moving on to The Sims community, though the website itself is still there and as excellent as ever!
Breed In The Making   Rascii | 4/18/2003  comment  log in to like post

I stumbled upon an awesome looking new Creatures 3 breed today! They're nicknamed the Aquatic Grendel Demons, as mentioned over at Volt11's new site. There's a picture of them at this URL if you're interested, though it sounds like they need someone to do the CAOS for them! Let's all hope they're complete soon.
RaptorNorn Is Alive   Karias | 4/12/2003  comment  log in to like post

That's right, the new site RaptorNorn, made by Karias is here! You can check it out here, or post your comments here. RaptorNorn is not fully finished, and will be constantly changing, so don't be surprised. ;)
Thanks to all who have helped out making it! :)
Aah! New Clowns Are Here!   Lanky | 4/12/2003  comment  log in to like post

I've finally got around to finishing those stupid Harlequin norns! They have updated life and gait genes to change the way they move and live. This esecially shows when they're "frisky" ;)
Thanks to Chani for making Edynn, which I used for the testing process and the 30 odd deformed norns that are currently wandering around my worlds... the ones that can wander that is!

Get them at SmartNorn now!
Submit some feedback
Quick Reminder   Rascii | 4/10/2003  comment  log in to like post

I know I've told everyone millions of times, but I just wanted to post a friendly remind that multiple accounts are strictly prohibited! If you forget your password then use the lost password page. If for some reason you can't check the email that it sends your password to then drop a message in my mailbox and I'll help sort out the problem! If you create two accounts both of them will be banned for good!

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