Survivor Forum |
General Discussion [Game 4] 1 | 2 | 3 | |


8/19/2012 | |
Strange, my picture was fine yesterday...
-GrayDragonEmily |
 Patient Pirate
8/19/2012 | |
I can see it. |


8/20/2012 | |
hit f5 to fix the picture maybe?
When life hands you rocks, you throw them back
When life hands you tubas, you mistake them for rocks |


8/20/2012 | |
The reason it can be seen now is because I fixed it by uploading it onto a different site.
-GrayDragonEmily |


8/20/2012 | |
Thank you, Emily! It looks really cool! 
My TCR Norns |
 Caves Dweller

8/22/2012 | |
Only 26 hours left of voting before the next two users are sent home!
Additionally, the following contestants failed Contest #2:
- xrainxofxbloodx
- mip
- Deskman
Good luck to everyone!
- Rascii |


8/23/2012 | |
I lot of contestants haven't been posting...
When life hands you rocks, you throw them back
When life hands you tubas, you mistake them for rocks |


8/23/2012 | |
Maybe I'm posting too much? I've tried to cut back, but it's difficult! This is also giving me some thoughts on how to write some possible Creatures stories. And my little floating lizard sparked some interest... Maybe that will one day be a critter, long into the future!
I figure most people are busy during the week, which is why posts may be down. But please tell me if I'm going on and on too much. It's a curse! Ha ha!
Discover Albia |
 Caves Dweller

8/24/2012 | |
Here are the final results from the Survivor Week 2 poll:
- Layla 1
- Deskman 5
- GrayDragonEmily 3
- Jessica 1
- ylukyun 1
- Pirate-Rob 5
- mip 0
- C-Rex 1
- xrainxofxbloodx 2
Deskman and Pirate-Rob: thank you for playing! You guys both had a great run. However, you have been voted off of Survivor island. Better luck next time!
Week 3 poll is now open. Good luck to the remaining seven contestants! 8)
- Rascii |


8/24/2012 | |
Awe I came 2nd/3rd last 
When life hands you rocks, you throw them back
When life hands you tubas, you mistake them for rocks |


8/24/2012 | |
Someone's got to go early, unfortunately - it's part of the game. At least you made a good go of it while you were on. Besides... now you can gleefully vote to Get Layla Off The Island!
My TCR Norns |
 Tea Queen

8/24/2012 | |
Commiserations, Pirate-Rob and Desko! I'll miss reading both of your journals, they were really funny at times (especially your complaining, Deskman)! ![[nwink] [nwink]](/images/smilies/emot_wink.gif) |


8/24/2012 | |
*shudders* All these SPIDERS on Survivor Island... I hope they're not poisonous!
My TCR Norns |
 toxic biohazard
8/25/2012 | |
Malkin wrote: Someone's got to go early, unfortunately - it's part of the game. At least you made a good go of it while you were on. Besides... now you can gleefully vote to Get Layla Off The Island!
*insert crudely drawn spit-take here*
Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; We should not distort it. |
 Caves Dweller

8/29/2012 | |
Only 25 hours left of voting before the next two users are sent home!
Additionally, the following contestants failed Contest #3:
- Layla
- GrayDragonEmiy
- Jessica
- ylukyun
- mip
- C-Rex
- xrainxofxbloodx
To be honest, I'm pretty disappointed. I really didn't expect that all the users on the island would fail a contest at the same time.
- Rascii |


8/30/2012 | |
This week has been atrocious for me in terms of scheduling. Nightmare central! I thought that the contest was open through the end of today, as it's still early in the morning on the 30th for me. I still plan on submitting my entry, which was set up in my last post. Definitely planned on getting it done earlier, and I apologize for not doing so! I promise to have something done tonight, or tomorrow at the very worst. I should also be able to resume posting today... Provided the break in my work schedule actually happens!
Discover Albia |
 toxic biohazard
8/30/2012 | |
I've got a pretty jammed schedule too. This was my first week back at school and they're already piling on the homework.
Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; We should not distort it. |
 Caves Dweller

8/31/2012 | |
Here are the final results from the Survivor Week 3 poll:
- Layla 1
- GrayDragonEmily 2
- Jessica 2
- ylukyun 3
- mip 6
- C-Rex 6
- xrainxofxbloodx 3
C-Rex and mip: thank you for playing! You guys both had a great run. However, you have been voted off of Survivor island. Better luck next time!
Week 4 poll is now open. Good luck to the remaining five contestants! 8)
- Rascii |
 Lollipop Lord

8/31/2012 | |
Oh well, at least I had a good run.  |


9/1/2012 | |
Hello all, sorry for suddenly dropping off the planet like that! I've been having some major internet problems and have been too busy to post on my lunchtimes at work. 
Thank you to those who supported me while I was still in the game and best wishes to those still doing their best to survive on the island!

Exploring the Ark
A journal for C3/DS - updated last: 5 May 2013 |

9/3/2012 | |
Finally caught up with all the journal entries so far. Well done everyone. ^_^ Hang in there!!
Darn, I missed voting last Friday though! *pout*
This is so much fun. I love seeing what everyone gets up to on the island.
Also, Ghosthande's most recent message in a bottle (they are always entertaining) made me laugh about the part with her being there yet just invisible. Does anyone else think this would be a fun excuse to use in other circumstances?
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |
 Caves Dweller

9/7/2012 | |
Here are the final results from the Survivor Week 4 poll:
- Layla 3
- GrayDragonEmily 4
- Jessica 4
- ylukyun 5
- xrainxofxbloodx 2
ylukyun: thank you for playing! You had a great run. However, you have been voted off of Survivor island. Better luck next time!
There was another two-way tie for the second person off the island, so only one was removed. Week 5 poll is now open. Good luck to the remaining four contestants! 8)
- Rascii |
 Patient Pirate
9/9/2012 | |
I had a great time on the island! I didn't think I would last so long! Good luck to the remaining contestants!!! |


9/10/2012 | |
BTW, I've updated the Survivor listing at the Creatures Wiki - if anyone would like to add more, please feel free. ![[ngrin] [ngrin]](/images/smilies/emot_grin.gif)
My TCR Norns |
 Caves Dweller

9/10/2012 | |
Thanks, Malkin! I forgot how cursed the previous Survivor games were. ><
I thought in previous Survivor games, the two with the most votes were removed every week, no?
- Rascii |


9/10/2012 | |
I... really can't remember. ![[nscared] [nscared]](/images/smilies/emot_scared.gif)
This news post, from 'Survivor One', refers to two out of the final six being removed... and in this post from 'Survivor Three', it refers to two Survivors being removed...
So it seems like it has been traditional for the two survivors to be removed, and the reason why it lasted twice as long as the current Survivor was planned to was because it had 16 participants instead of the 10 we started with.
That's great to know - we can fix it! Is there anything else you can remember about previous Survivor games that could go on the page?
As an aside, it seems like it was acceptable in past Survivor games for the contestants to somehow post on the news of, once the competition heated up.... just as an aside. ![[nwink] [nwink]](/images/smilies/emot_wink.gif)
My TCR Norns |
 Caves Dweller

9/12/2012 | |
Only one day left of voting before the next two users are sent home!
Additionally, the following contestants failed Contest #4:
- Layla
- GrayDragonEmiy
- xrainxofxbloodx
- Rascii |
 Caves Dweller

9/14/2012 | |
Here are the final results from the Survivor Week 5 poll:
- Layla 2
- GrayDragonEmily 6
- Jessica 2
- xrainxofxbloodx 4
GrayDragonEmily and xrainxofxbloodx: thank you for playing! You both had a great run. However, you have been voted off of Survivor island. Better luck next time!
Week 6 poll is now open. This is the FINAL WEEK of the current game of Survivor. Good luck to the remaining two contestants! 8)
- Rascii |
 Caves Dweller

9/20/2012 | |
Only one day left of voting before the FINAL user is sent home!
Additionally, the following contestant failed Contest #5: Layla
- Rascii |
 Caves Dweller

9/20/2012 | |
Here are the final results from the Survivor Week 6 poll:
- Layla 12
- Jessica 7
Layla: thank you for playing! And congratulations on surviving until the final week. You had a great run. However, you have been voted off of Survivor island. Better luck next time!
This game of Survivor is now officially over. Thank you to everyone who participated in the game, voted in the polls and helped me with running it!! 8)
Congratulations to Jessica for winning this game of Survivor!
You will receive your prize shortly.
- Rascii |
 Patient Pirate
9/21/2012 | |
Congratulations Jessica! |
 Tea Queen

9/21/2012 | |
Jessica and Layla: Big congratulations for making the final two, and Jessica, I hope you enjoy your prize! I can't believe Survivor is over already... |


9/21/2012 | |
Thank you so much! I really enjoyed Survivor, and it got pretty interesting and competitive towards the end. I loved keeping up with everyone's journals and seeing what else was going on around the island. Thanks for bringing this back, Rascii! It was great to be a part of this round, and hopefully Survivor will return again in the future. Seems like it just started yesterday!
Discover Albia |
 Caves Dweller

9/21/2012 | |
Jessica has officially received her Survivor prize for winning the game! Her name is Coconut Dolly, and she is a C3/DS agent created specially by Ghosthande for the winner of this game of Survivor. Thank you, Ghosthande! And congratulations, Jessica!
Additionally, Ghosthande has created an agent for everyone to enjoy, called the Survivor Radio. I have just posted it in the C3/DS agents section, so be sure to check it out. The agents look fantastic, Ghosthande!! Thanks again.
- Rascii |
 toxic biohazard
9/22/2012 | |
Sorry I wasn't updating for a while. I have pharyngitis and I don't know how to spell pharyngitis.
Congratulations, Jessica! Good game!
Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; We should not distort it. |
replies cannot be added because this thread has been locked. |