Survivor Forum |
General Discussion [Game 4] 1 | 2 | 3 | |
 Caves Dweller

8/2/2012 | |

Please feel free to discuss anything Survivor-related in this thread.
- Rascii |
 Sanely Insane

8/2/2012 | |
Well, this was unexpected. A good idea to celebrate the revamp, yes, but unexpected. Here's hoping it actually starts.
I'll be sitting this one out, but good luck to the eventual contestants!
~ The Realm ~
Risen Angel's Creatures Blog
 Caves Dweller

8/2/2012 | |
It will start this time. On August 12th!
- Rascii |
 Tea Queen

8/2/2012 | |
That was a bit sneaky of you, Rascii!!! ![[nwink] [nwink]](/images/smilies/emot_wink.gif)
I'm also going to take a spectator's seat for this one and enjoy cheering everyone on from the shore. It's nice to see so many first-time contestants this year! ![[ngrin] [ngrin]](/images/smilies/emot_grin.gif)
 Caves Dweller

8/6/2012 | |
Survivor Updates
- The game is now full! You can read about the 10 contestants for this round in the "Player Directory" thread of the Survivor forum.
- Each user has a journal in the Survivor forum, which can be updated only by the contestent.
- Ghosthande will be running the Opinion Column called Message in a Bottle. You should read this thread for her updates every week. 
- The game begins on Sunday, August 12th and the first two users will be removed from the island on Friday, August 17th. 
- Rascii |

8/7/2012 | |
Rascii, my gender was listed as hidden before (though I don't know why), but I've unhidden it, so can I be listed as a girl in the player directory now? 
Don't forget. Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember her, you are not alone. |
 Caves Dweller

8/7/2012 | |
Sure. Done. 
- Rascii |


8/8/2012 | |
Oh, the weather report is really neat! Are the temperatures given the highest and lowest we can expect during the day or is it day and night? With a high of 34°c, I hope I'll be allowed to pack some sunscreen!

Exploring the Ark
A journal for C3/DS - updated last: 5 May 2013 |
 Caves Dweller

8/10/2012 | |
Survivor officially begins tomorrow (Sunday, August 12th)!
This means that:
- Contestants should begin posting in their journals (which will be unlocked).
- A poll will be created whereby users can vote for who they want OFF the island on Friday, August 17th.
- Ghosthande will post her first Opinion Column article sometime during the week.
Let the games begin. 
- Rascii |
 Prodigal Sock

8/10/2012 | |
Oh, exciting! 

8/11/2012 | |
Ooh, I've never actually watched one of these before. I can't wait for it to start. Picking who to vote off is gonna be soooo hard! XP
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |
 Caves Dweller

8/11/2012 | |
Survivor has begun!
Journals and voting are now open (a few hours early -- surprise!) Good luck to everyone!!
- Rascii |
 Tea Queen

8/11/2012 | |
Woo! Good luck everyone and may the best creature win! I can't wait to catch up on everything after work. |
 Caves Dweller

8/11/2012 | |
According to today's weather forecast, it's a stormy day on the island! Please be safe everyone as you arrive on the island via the Survivor island ferry. I hope you guys packed some raincoats!! Today's high is 89°F (31°C) so be sure to stay hydrated too! You may check today's weather forecast via the link in the Survivor forum description "[today's weather on the island]".
- Rascii |
 Caves Dweller

8/11/2012 | |
Congrats to xRAINxOFxBLOODx for posting the first journal entry of the game. 
By the way, contestants: Feel free to post images in the art gallery that you want to use in your journal. You may then insert them into a journal entry using the img command. 
- Rascii |


8/11/2012 | |
Hooray! I'm so glad to see the competition begin... and the island taking shape and character. Best of luck!
My TCR Norns |
 toxic biohazard
8/11/2012 | |
Thank you, Rascii. I am wet. xD
Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; We should not distort it. |


8/11/2012 | |
Is it alright for me to go into a backstory I thought up for the Grendel I'm playing as? I'll try to prevent it from taking over my journal.
-GrayDragonEmily |


8/11/2012 | |
I, uh, sure do hope so! I would like to tie in my character's actions on the island with the reason (or current lack of) that she is there.
I make no promises as to how much it takes over Mip's journal! ![[nlaugh] [nlaugh]](/images/smilies/emot_laugh.gif)
Incidentally, Layla, that is an awesome Gamzee avatar you've got going on there. 

Exploring the Ark
A journal for C3/DS - updated last: 5 May 2013 |
 toxic biohazard
8/11/2012 | |
Why thank you, mip! 
Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; We should not distort it. |
 Tea Queen

8/11/2012 | |
It's been great reading so many entries so far, although it has left me with a hankerin' for some marshmallows. The first vote is going to be a tough decision if everyone's journals are this fun!
I also love mip's 'Boombox' journal feature; very neat! ![[ngrin] [ngrin]](/images/smilies/emot_grin.gif)
 toxic biohazard
8/11/2012 | |
Aaw, yiiis! Marshmallows FTW! 
Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; We should not distort it. |

8/12/2012 | |
Im loving surviver!
Its my first one I have been in and seen!
I think its lots of fun 
‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.’ – Gandalf the Grey |
 Caves Dweller

8/12/2012 | |
GrayDragonEmily wrote: Is it alright for me to go into a backstory I thought up for the Grendel I'm playing as? I'll try to prevent it from taking over my journal. Sure, that's totally fine. Seems like the journals are off to a great start!
- Rascii |


8/14/2012 | |
lol I have a complaint: Jessica and C-Rex post too much/long XD
It takes so long to read.
Loving survivour so far!
When life hands you rocks, you throw them back
When life hands you tubas, you mistake them for rocks |


8/14/2012 | |
I must control myself! Problem is I'm getting ready to write my almost forgotten Creatures story, so I'm treating this as more of a novel than a real journal. Although my character is supposed to be rather long-winded, curious, and a tad bit strange. I'll try to make shorter entries... Although that might just mean that there will be more! It's a blast reading everything so far: Everyone has such different ideas and stories to tell!
Discover Albia |
 Lollipop Lord

8/14/2012 | |
Sorry for overdoing it a bit, I'm just trying to fit in as much as I can before my mobile broadband data allowance runs out. |
 Caves Dweller

8/16/2012 | |
Just so everyone knows:
Voting for Week 1 ends on Friday, August 16th, 2012 at 1:00pm Korea Standard Time (KST).
New York: Friday 12:00am
London: Friday 5:00am
Sydney: Friday 2:00pm
- Rascii |


8/16/2012 | |
I thought I'd let you all know that I'm having trouble with my internet at home so I apologise for my infrequent posting. I am writing more though so there will be updates when things are working (my access is intermittent at the moment).
I'm going to try to catch up a bit today so wish me luck! ![[nsmile] [nsmile]](/images/smilies/emot_smile.gif)

Exploring the Ark
A journal for C3/DS - updated last: 5 May 2013 |


8/17/2012 | |
I'd like to apologize for the declining quality of my journal entries. I just started a new school year yesterday, and I tend to get lazy after school. I hope to write better journal entries in a few day when I'm used to school again.
-GrayDragonEmily |
 Caves Dweller

8/17/2012 | |
Here are the final results from the Survivor Week 1 poll:
Layla 0
Deskman 2
GrayDragonEmily 4
Jessica 1
ylukyun 4
Pirate-Rob 4
mip 0
Lisha777 8
C-Rex 1
xrainxofxbloodx 1. Since there is a three-way tie for the second person with the most votes, only one person will be removed from the island this week.
Lisha777, thank you for playing. However, you have been voted off of Survivor island. Better luck next time!
Week 2 poll is now open. Good luck everyone. 
- Rascii |


8/17/2012 | |
Wait 2 people get voted off every week?
When life hands you rocks, you throw them back
When life hands you tubas, you mistake them for rocks |


8/17/2012 | |
Yes, so that the game will only run for just over a month rather than two months. 
My TCR Norns |
 Tea Queen

8/17/2012 | |
Aw, bad luck Lisha777! I really enjoyed reading your journal. Nevermind, now you can help decide who should be voted off next! ![[nevilgrin] [nevilgrin]](/images/smilies/emot_evilgrin.gif) |
 toxic biohazard
8/19/2012 | |
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been writing much. School's starting again soon and I've been spending a lot of time getting ready. I've also been doing a lot of studying to get back into the school mindset, and I haven't had much time to update.
Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; We should not distort it. |


8/19/2012 | |
Is it just me, or is Emily's new creature picture still broken? 
My TCR Norns |
replies cannot be added because this thread has been locked. |