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4/15/2014 | 1 |
This idea is for a pair of gadgets - when activated by the hand, it would teleport all male (or all female) creatures in the world to that area, allowing you to segregate your population. They could also be connectable. ![[nevilgrin] [nevilgrin]](/images/smilies/emot_evilgrin.gif)
My TCR Norns |
 Wee Scrivener

4/15/2014 | |
I've an idea dump.
A closable, lockable door agent for those metarooms without any doors. (e.g. Veridia) Movable by the hand, with the option to lock them in place.
No idea if this one has been done before, but I think a sort of nanny cam would be useful. Sort of like the little ones in the Comms room, only the screen is portable so you can spy on your creatures from one room in another, possibly vice versa.
Portable incubator that produces "home smells", with the option for it to produce Norn, Ettin, or Grendel home smell. For speeding up hatching times and providing some comfort for homesick and pregnant creatures.
Useless, hoard-able gadgets that only Ettins can see.
Something similar to the egg shelf in C1, an agent that will teleport all eggs to a shelf or container to store them so they don't hatch and creatures can't play with them. Can be configured for specific creatures, or just general egg gathering.
A movable tree that can be set to produce foods, fruits, or seeds for those barren areas.
An agent that will retrieve toys from bodies of water to prevent creatures from drowning when they dive in after their stray balls.
A food that is toxic raw, but becomes edible once cooked. Would need a cooking source, too. Could open up opportunities to cook other edibles. (Steamed carrots, baked apples, roasted seeds... Mmm!)
A teapot that, when filled with certain ingredients, makes different sorts of teas. From warming to cooling, calming to caffeinating, a variety of healing teas, perhaps even toxic concoctions...
A floating cloud agent, for creatures that like to chase weather.
An Ettin breed that likes to chase weather.
A critter that reduces loneliness and anger when pushed. Like a companion animal for antisocial creatures.
Justanut and lemon Garden Box plants.
Toxic patch plants, like poison berries or nightshade roots.
A reverse Hoverdoc that offers bacteria, histamines, and toxins to "cure" Toxic Norns who lack them.
A script or something that makes it so that eggs stop growing/won't hatch when creatures or hands touch them.
A little portable, fertile garden to cultivate various plants and foods and such, with an adjustable climate.
ETA: A sort of life support system for Sliders and disabled creatures, so that they can get necessary nutrition, stimulation, etc.
Also an agent that reduces the boredom of all creatures within earshot.
"Holy crap in a casket!" |
 Peppery One
4/15/2014 | 1 |
Okay, imma try to work from the top to the bottom here.
For the door thing: how about torii or what's it called or the interporters?
The cam and the incubators sound interesting. Perhaps even both in one? Some kind of egg cam.
Useless gadgets are out there. My dummy gadget for example. According to CU7, the perpetual teacups have a similar function.
The.... uuuhm.... egg collector advanced I think was it could do something similar. It sorted eggs by a quick genetic analysis into multiple piles (norn, grendel, ettin, geat). When it was carried by a vehicle, it put all eggs in said vehicle as well. Hooking it to a pulsing switch should do the trick.
Potted plants are always nice. The toy rescue seems even nicer, though.
Neat! Reminds me for some kinda alchemy idea I had a while ago, which would work in a similar fashion as Ghosthande's cauldron in KT, just producing food and not spoiler.
The teapot sounds even more like it!
Huntable clouds, I imagine that hilarious Hey, even with a suitable breed!
I think critters have that effect anyways, as a built-in stimulus in the most genomes. The effect probably could be amplified, though...
Can't help with the garden box plants.
Now that you mention it, actually weird that nobody had the toxic doc idea before. There is a plenty of replacement agents, but no actual diagnosis tool...
Might be useful to prevent eggs from hatching right in your hand. Happened to me a few times.
Argh, tricky thing. You had to hold the entire plant in some kind of container, so you had a huge invisible hitbox. A greenhouse would work better, since it is huge anyways.
And even then it is questionable. You can simulate different climates to a certain degree, but there is a different problem. It is the same as that aquarium idea that was once discussed in the IRC channel: once the seed/fruit/whatever turns into an actual plant (or the fishies mate), it creates an utterly new agent. It wouldn't know that it had to spawn inside the greenhouse and spawn in front of it instead.
Also, many agents additionally directly respond to "being carried". Most plants won't mature when carried by anything (in this case "anything" includes agents with an inventory, such as the greenhouse). Some even suffer from an accelerated death, see the NG4 fish for example. The "room type" of the inventory is set to the default value of all vehicles: -1. It means "be the same room type as the room you are in. When not in any room, be air". That means when you hold it under water, your inventory literally gets flooded, telling it's content that it is under water. When you put something inside it which needs special living conditions, it often dies anyways, since it is held by something.
The slider thingy is another complicated thing. First of all you had to find out what kind of slider they are. I personally distinguish between brain-sliders and pose-sliders.
Pose-sliders simply lack pose genes, leaving them basically paralyzed, but are fine otherwise (steven hawking-ish). Making them mobile could work I guess. You just additionally had to simulate the attention thing, since pose sliders are basically "unable to turn their heads" to look at stuff. Even if they try to, they can not look at things. That actually makes things even easier, though, since you have an agent doing the moving stuff anyways. Reading the noun a norn wants to look at is a matter of 2 CAOS lines, finding a suitable agent around it maybe 10 more lines or so.
Then there are brain-sliders. Brain-sliders got not any or just a very damaged brain, making them them unable to move because the muscles simply get no orders to do so. Even if you made them mobile somehow, they'd do nothing unless you simulated a brain as well. That goes a lot further than the attention substitute for pose-sliders, since you had to do all the thinking inside the agent. The biochemistry is not rarely corrupted as well, so I guess we had yet another thing to simulate. Seriously, better just kill them, it ain't worth the effort.
If you really wanted to make robonorns "CAUSE I CAN!!!", some kind of bibble ex machina maybe, you would be better off making just an utterly new genetic breed. You need the creature as mere memory to hold chemical levels and the status of the brain and as interface for the very basic scripts, such as creature-to-creature. Normal sliders would have way too many mutations to make them an effective interface. The genetic breed would easy and way safer. All it really needed would be a gene to define the species, a half-life gene, perhaps some intial chemical concentration genes and some brain lobes, not even any tracts.
Of course that's all just if you wanted them to participate life as "normal members" of the norn society. You could just pump em full of all chemicals they need as well, but... why? I would go for ordinary highlanders instead, they're more interesting.
Lastly, many, though not all, partially disabled creatures (such as blind ones) probably could get help again. Some things can be substituted quite well with scripts, but others less.
Instant fun, lol 
Alright, sorry that this post turned into half of a scientific paper, I just wanted to give a detailed overview of what's possible and what not XD
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |
 Code Monkey
4/15/2014 | |
That last one is really simple actually, a single CAOS command. I imagine something like a musical or speaking object that can get activated and then all creatures hearing it get less bored.
It may or may not get a little more complicated than that if you don't want them to associate the drop with the object though... it directly affects drives, and I don't think that command can make learning silent if they learn from it, so your population would probably all be messing with the thing trying to get it to activate anytime anyone is bored.
I think it would end up making your creatures more boring though... most of them won't have much drive to do anything if it gets used too much. If I made something like that I'd make it have random effects, maybe even make it give random suggestions, Or just give it several reactions, like, if it gets hit, it gets angry and makes everyone around it angry and tells them to hit each other...
"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love."
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan |
 Peppery One
4/15/2014 | |
Using CHEM skips the learning process.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |
 Code Monkey
4/15/2014 | |
Yep, but then you couldn't just use a single 'SWAY SHOU' command, you'd have to get a little more complicated and iterate through all creatures in the world, and have them use the command to test whether the agent is in earshot, then use the CHEM command(s) you wanted if they are.
"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love."
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan |
 Peppery One
4/15/2014 | |
You do not even need to test it. Use ESEE instead of ENUM. Problem solved.esee 4 0 0 chem (reduce boredom) next | Not complicated at all.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |
 Code Monkey
4/15/2014 | |
Ah, that's cool, ESEE... a command that just enumerates through things in vision range.., it's not hearing, so it's not quite the same, the effect would be more like SWAY SIGN, not SWAY SHOU, but that's definitely very useful. I see there's also one for things touching the agent, called ETCH, which is like SWAY TACT... I wonder if there is a similar enumeration command for sound, I don't see one now that I am looking.
If it has to be sound, there's also the STIM SHOU command that sends a certain numbered stim to all creatures that can hear the agent, and for that, you can set the strength to 0 to affect chems but not learning. so that's another way. STIM SHOU 97 0 for example, would make norns in earshot less bored as if they played with a toy, but not affect learning. STIM SIGN would send a stim to all creatures that can see the agent instead.
"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love."
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan |
 Code Monkey
4/15/2014 | 2 |
A mutant superpowers agent.
Basically, this agent would continually watch creatures and look for many varieties of unknownase chemicals in them. If it sees a creature where any are present, it will implement special powers for that creature, based on which chemicals they have by checking their state and performing the powers when it's appropriate.
Since creatures can mutate to create unknownase chemicals, these superpowers can arise naturally from mutations. One could also inject these chemicals (though they may decay rapidly in normal creatures) or use genetics to design super-powered creatures. The more unknownase slots we can fill with superpowers, the more likely that mutations will produce powers in worlds with this agent installed. Depending on their half-lives, and how the chemicals are created in the genome, these powers could even be temporary or intermittent in some individuals.
- The power to teleport objects. (check if a creature with this chemical wants an object, and if so, teleport it nearby, possibly might need other circumstances like high drives)
- The power to attack or kill other creatures just by looking at them and thinking violent thoughts about them when angry enough (check if a creature with this chemical is angry, and thinking about hitting a creature, if so, kill the creature, possibly with a bunch of horrible screams... okay, to be a bit less brutal, just stim the victim as if they were hit, and stim the telekinetic creature as if it hit them).
- The ability to breathe anywhere. (self explanatory, check if the creature has this chemical, and if so, set oxygen to full)
- Immortality to aging (if the creature has this chemical, check life chemical and inject more if it's below a certain point)
- The ability to teleport itself. (if the creature checked has this chemical, check if it wants something and teleport it nearby to the object, again this might be subject to other circumstances like requiring high drives)
- The ability to summon critters (!)
This is something I think could be awesome, and the more cool powers that we can come up with, the better.
"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love."
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan |
 Code Monkey
4/20/2014 | |
A critterporter... critter-friendly one-way teleporter that just teleports any critters crossing over it to another location marked by an endpoint. Good for easily transplanting critter populations from one room to another, making travel networks for them between rooms, or protecting them from going past a certain point.
A warning sign, which creatures are afraid to approach. Good for blocking off pitfalls, areas where they can drown, or just controlling their movement.
"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love."
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan |
 Peppery One
4/20/2014 | 1 |
Some actual uses for the "non-skeletal creatures" feature in C3/DS. I guess it could've done a great job making things like e.g. Gaia less crashy (you know, splicing her n stuff).
For all those who don't know it: a non-skeletal creature is a creature which does not have the usual creatures shape. They have genetics and a metabolism and all, but their bodies are just normal agents. I would give examples, but there are sadly none. If I remember correctly, there were frog norns or something similar for one of the earlier games? Never played those myself.
You basically could make something like... a sentient gadget or plant norns which are ACTUAL plant agents. This could be a great base for some sick new quirks in the game.
The game just needed some minimal updates in a few CAOS scripts, to make 'em accept those quirky new critters.
For interested developers: the scripts I mean mainly involve things which show the heads of creatures, such as the containment chamber screen or the creatures list. FACE does not work on non-skeletal creatures, you had to use a pre-defined spritefile instead, either a generic one or one which you save locally in each creature (something along the lines of sets name "facesprite" "nonskellyheadmale" inside the creature's creation).
The other part would be to update the breeding scripts, so non-skellies actually create non-skelly offspring as well. That is not really required like the previously mentioned improvement, but would give the whole thing a little more sense.
Lastly, when you wanna know what the heck I am actually talking about, check the CAOS documentation for the command NEW: CRAG. It basically lets you create a hybrid of creature and compound agent.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |
 Code Monkey
4/20/2014 | |
That's cool! Butterfly norns would just love real plant norns, especially if they gave off plant/flower smell... I could see a lot of cool agents though, critters that mutate into creatures, or crossbreed with some other critters or creatures and mix sprites/coloration, Bodysnatchers pod plants that clone the appearance of creatures who touch them and become violent copies of them...
"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love."
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan |
 Chaotic Spriter

4/21/2014 | 1 |
Oooo.... would you be able to use that non-skeletal creature stuff to make actual ghost creatures in the game? Like when a creature dies there is a small chance for it to spawn a ghost creature agent that will float around the world & scare the other creatures? ![[nskull] [nskull]](/images/smilies/emot_skull.gif) |
 Peppery One
4/21/2014 | |
More or less I guess. You could copy the genome and stuff into the ghost, making it behave the same, but as far as I know, you can not copy over experiences it made during lifetime.
The ghost would not directly behave like the dead creature itself, more like offspring or a clone.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |
 Peppery One
5/1/2014 | 2 |
(Sorry for the double-post, but I waited a while now)
Maybe some kind of "imperfect clone" breed! Using the non-skeletal thingy I mentioned above, they could turn out pretty decent. Failed cloning experiments are not rarely shown as some kinda blobby ooze thing (the pokemon Ditto for example).
The "imperfect clone" breed could be based on that. It comes with a generic corruption genome (maybe something with fairly high mutation rates). First it loads a random genome you have installed, then it splices that with the corruption genome to damage it and mess it up and from THAT it creates our little blob. After that they live like normal creatures, but wobble around as some weird mass when they move 
When we really use Ditto as base for the idea, we could borrow some code from commedia, so the creature disguises as another object when scared or mimicking a grendel or dangerous object when angry and all that.
Goes quite well with all the genetic engineering and biological machine stuff and all which the Shee (and Banshee) do/did. I bet not every attempt of creating a new species was successful for them. At least that's my opinion.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |
 Code Monkey
5/1/2014 | |
Wow, that's pretty cool... I'd probably even make an agent with them that people can inject that alters the splicer so it has a small random chance of making the cross into one of these blobs with the crossed genome plus the 'corruption' factor...
Oops! The splicer malfunctioned! <ooze>
A bell pepper patch plant... ![[nevil] [nevil]](/images/smilies/emot_evil.gif)
"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love."
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan |
 Chaotic Spriter

5/3/2014 | 1 |
Egg gender changer machine-
Basically it will be a simple floating case that can be put anywhere,(like the egg finder & egg finder advanced) & it will hold & pause any eggs that you put into it. When the eggs are taken out of the case, they will continue growing as normal. To keep things simple, all eggs in the case will be affect by the buttons that will be along the sides the case. There will be one button for choosing the gender of all the eggs in the case, there will be another button for dispensing the eggs, possibly with a switch to toggle between dispensing one egg at a time or all of the eggs at once. That would be the very minimum that I'd want the device to do.
If someone felt like giving it a few extra functions, I can make extra buttons for that easily, I've left spots open on the base sprite for those possible extra buttons.
There are six extra buttons, so eight buttons total. Here are some ideas for the six extra buttons.
- A button for toggling between dispensing just one egg, or all of the eggs.
- A button for collecting all the eggs in a metaroom.
- A button for collecting all the eggs in the world. (Could combine this idea & the previous one, & just have the button color change to show which option is active.)
- A button to choose which species of egg are collected by the machine. (Could just have the button color change to show which type of eggs will be collected.)
- A button to set the gender at exactly 50/50 so there will always be the same number of males & females hatching.
I’m sure there are plenty more possible ideas for those buttons, but I’m blank on further ideas for the moment.
I've already finished the sprites for this idea & have included further notes in the blog post. |
 Air Guitarist

5/13/2014 | |
In place of the current notification bubbles, a small marquee would be nice for the stream. Then I don't have to come by every hour and click the bubbles away and people can still see what happened while I was away. 
Updated Rehosting Policy[/title] |

5/14/2014 | |
An egg layer which works by taking .gen files and running the breeding script to make generation 2 eggs. By default it would cross a gen file against itself, but it could also cross two separate gen files. |


6/15/2014 | |
A COB similar to Cupid's Halo or the hoverdoc which hovers around a creature's head and emits heat or cold just for that creature. The COB would be a piece of floating machinery hovering over their head, showering them with heat/cold, like a portable heater or AC.
This allows creatures in need of certain temperatures to live in metarooms with differing climates. No more isolating your magmas and draconians in the ettin desert!
Unlike cupid's halo, you can make as many as you wish, and there could be a switch or some sort of controller that switches emitting hot or cold temperatures. they could even be programmed on different radio signals so you could change the settings of multiple pieces at once. The temperature could be a sliding scale, so you could either make the temp for that creature just a little colder, or really mega cold and vice versa.
Also, a shallow, movable, longish body of water that is just deep enough for Crobsters and frogs to reproduce but not deep enough for (most) norns to drown in. It wouldnt have any sides - things could move in, out, and through the water and the sides of the water with no obtrusions. this would help with crobsters getting stuck in the water in the norn terrarium and ettin desert and reproducing there but never getting out, and crobsters on land are quickly eaten up but not replenished naturally. It wouldn't be ideal for fish though- they would just fall out of the sides. |

6/22/2014 | |
I'm pretty sure non-skeletal creatures are still counted as a norn/ettin/grendel/geat species by the game, is it possible to make a creature recognised as a plant instead?
The Universe of Ettins was going to have phoenix norns complete with rebirth agent, but it seems it wont be finished, shame, they looked cool too. |
 Peppery One
6/22/2014 | |
When I recall right, you can specify a classifier number while creating the creature, giving you the ability to make it appear as something else.
Alternatively you can just create them as norn/grendel/ettin/geat and simply CATO it to something else. That works fine. Once I used CATO (changes the category an agent is seen as by creatures) and EMIT (the smell something emits) to seemingly turn a grendel into a norn.
They could not mate, but otherwise the experiment was a full success. He was accepted as a member of the community.
Pools of water are part of the room, not agents. Making it a container/agent would lead to the very same problems I described with the greenhouse in my post of 4/15/2014. Sorry.
You could try to use the Magic Words to change the room so it includes a pool of water, though.
Lastly, and I know this comes pretty late: speech bubbles vs creatures use an ESEE check to determine if a creature can hear something or not. It is limited by a certain range (RNGE command).
So in this context, seeing = hearing.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |

6/27/2014 | |
Feddlefew wrote: -An ettin breed that only has sex drive during its youth stage (~30 minutes), instinctively congregate at an ettin home to find mates, and then begins gadget stealing. Although I would change where they would carry them off to.
Has anyone done this yet? This would be lovely for CCSF2014
Papriko wrote: In the genetics it is possible (though not used yet) for a norn to feel if it is the selected creature or not. If I recall right (though I am not sure) there is even a way to check if the creature is on screen or not. Both is handled over stimuli.
Wouldn't it be possible to make some kinda... IDK how to call it... to make some kinda "manipulative brat" breed? As long as they are being watched, they are all nice and cuddle and such.
Once you leave them alone, they go berserk!
When you come back to see why your creatures start hating each other and perhaps even die, they suddenly turn nice again, like "I didn't do nothing, he started! "
Psptiko,this is actually another lovely breed idea X3
Malkin wrote: A gadget that, when hoarded, teleports itself back to where it started, and teleports any other gadgets it's touching back to where they started.
This would be absolute evil, when combined with the Teacups that reproduce when they land!
beep |
 Code Monkey
6/28/2014 | |
Papriko wrote:
Lastly, and I know this comes pretty late: speech bubbles vs creatures use an ESEE check to determine if a creature can hear something or not. It is limited by a certain range (RNGE command).
So in this context, seeing = hearing.
Lol, so creatures don't hear each other, they really just read each other's text bubbles... Yeah, from looking at the CAOS commands and CAs, it seems that conceptually, hearing was supposed to be a different thing from seeing, with different kind of effects like different damping of sound CA as it went through rooms, and different commands for hearing purposes, as opposed to sight which is only limited by range and permeability, but somewhere along the line it was not really implemented that way... sound CA is entirely unused by the engine as far as I can determine, and most likely all the 'can hear this' or 'in hearing range' type commands really are just using same code as the sight range and enumeration in the game engine. I'm not even sure the engine ever triggers the 'audible event' neurons in creatures. I'm almost certain the 'musical mood' and 'musical threat level' ones are never used, and probably are not even touched by the game engine. Sadly, it looks like sound and hearing are yet another nice concept in C3 that never really got finished.
Although, it sort of seems like drums and possibly music boxes may be able to wake sleeping creatures, but I'm not sure about that... any times I've observed it could be coincidence or just have to do with the 'look at this' that they get when you click something... Certainly nothing like that seems to be in their agent code, but it's still remotely possible the C3/DS engine might do something different with those particular agent classifications with something hardcoded into the engine itself. I know in C1 and C2 they actually did classify instruments differently from other toys and creatures got different kinds of stims from them.
Speaking of instruments, here's a nice idea: An instrument that plays different melodies based on the mood of the creature playing with it. It can use drive levels and the mood lobe to determine if the creature playing it is happy, angry, scared, sad, lonely, friendly, etc.. and play an appropriate little tune, maybe even affecting the moods of nearby creatures too. I'm thinking a keyboard or a violin might be nice.
"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love."
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan |
 Air Guitarist

6/28/2014 | |
Just a quickie. An edible balloon bug dispenser that's similar to the Balloon Pigeon dispenser in that it maintains a minimum population.
ETA: Another quickie. An agent similar to XRay that shows the numerical values for the chemicals you're reading instead of just a graph.
Updated Rehosting Policy[/title] |


6/28/2014 | |
The biochemistry tool tells you the values, if I remember correctly. Well it does if it doesn't crash the game like mine does.
The Mobula Ray - My Creatures blog |
 Air Guitarist

6/28/2014 | |
I've never had any luck with the Biochemistry tool, sadly. :C
Updated Rehosting Policy[/title] |

6/29/2014 | |
Talking about shapeshifting creatures, how about actual Gargoyle Norns that turn into statues when there's too much light? Vampire Norns that turn into bats? Charmeleon Norns that can "camouflage" (turn invisible?) when they feel scared?
Oh wait, Phantom Norns. Right.
Maybe an agent that's like the C2 Helicopter but is a Santa Claus sled instead, with the reindeers and everything!
Also, I'd like to see more breeds that act like the Hivemind Ettins. It's a really interesting breed! |
 Air Guitarist

6/30/2014 | |
DarbyDoo wrote: A food that is toxic raw, but becomes edible once cooked. Would need a cooking source, too. Could open up opportunities to cook other edibles. (Steamed carrots, baked apples, roasted seeds...
This makes me think of taro root. It anyone is willing to make the sprites, I could look into getting into CAOS again. It kind of reminds me of the steamer cob for c2. Any work towards this would have to wait til after my current creatures and irl projects, though. 
Updated Rehosting Policy[/title] |

6/30/2014 | |
Puddini wrote: Charmeleon Norns that can "camouflage" (turn invisible?) when they feel scared?
I believe you mean Chameleon Ettins, and it sounds like you haven't ever had them XD
I say this because Chameleon Ettins, they don't get scared in my experience, they are blood thirsty warriors made from actual death itself. They work better than Vampyre Norns and Ashura Ettins at killing!
I enjoy the idea of some species changing 'do
Also Kezune, it makes me think of the quirky cookies. You could use it as a base, if you can strip it apart and understand how it works, then try to apply it in the recipe sense.
beep |


7/6/2014 | |
I think a tool similar to the gene compare one that would ignore minor changes in the mutation rate of genes (like.. a difference of 20 in total or so) would be great.
I'm really curious about how the genetic diversity in the populaation alters during longer wolfing runs and there are just soooo many genes that have their mutations rates increased by .. one.. and spam into the comparisation.
And to be honest they do nothing new to my creatures at all  |
 Peppery One
7/8/2014 | |
Scrambled and/or boiled creatures eggs.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |
 Sanely Insane

7/18/2014 | 2 |
Another thing that might come in handy for wolfling/feral runs: A creature counter that not only counts the number of each species, but also of each gender within the species (e.g. it counts how many female and male grendels there are, not just how many grendels total there are).
~ The Realm ~
Risen Angel's Creatures Blog

7/20/2014 | |
Kezune: I'll happily draw you some plant/food sprites, let me know what you'll need! |

7/23/2014 | |
An idea for a pokeball that I posted in the wrong forum.
I've been thinking up an agent lately,and it kept me up until 2:00 in the morning thinking that this thing could be a possibility.I don't even know if CAOS masters could do it,because my idea is just so utterly crazy.Well,without further ado,here's my idea.You can post your own ideas,too.
Pokeballs!Yep...pokeballs.You can catch a creature with it by dropping it over one and clicking it,but judging by how much wounded chemical the creature has,it may break free from the pokeball and go on living its life.This happens if it has no wounded chemical or very little.If the creature has a decent amount of wounded chemical in its system,let's say a norn that survived a grendel attack,the norn will be captured.This norn is now a pokemon.
It will be stored inside the pokeball in a frozen state until you send it out by clicking the pokeball,and it becomes mostly immortal,because if something kills it,it will simply go back into the pokeball,which is the equivalent of your pokemon fainting,and various items can heal it,just like in the real pokemon games,but it can still die of old age.Potions reduce wounded,and antidotes completely eliminate any traces of toxins in creature's system. These items will not work on normal creatures,they have to become pokemon.They are used by placing one over a creature that has become a pokemon and clicking on the item.
There will also be various berries and better pokeballs,such as great balls,ultra balls,and master balls.All of these items will be found randomly spawning in various locations around the world,similar to an easter egg agent that makes norns say things when they eat them,but there are limitations to what spawns where,and items spawn far less frequently.Potions and antidotes only spawn in areas like Engineering,the bottom of the norn terrarium,and other inorganic areas of the ship.Berries will only spawn in the norn terrarium and the norn meso.One more thing about berries is that norns have to actually eat them.
You can also find berry plots in fixed locations around the world that can be used to grow the various berries around the world that you find during your travels.All you have to do is drop a berry onto the plot,water it with the wailmer pail found in the inventory along with a single pokeball when you inject the agent,and wait for your berries to grow.Normal creatures can eat them for the usual fruit eaten stimulus,but only creatures that have become pokemon will feel their special effects.
Wow,I'm just cranking out ideas faster than I can write them down.Anyways,ettins seem to be fascinated by potions,antidotes,and pokeballs.Technically speaking,this means the items will be classed as gadgets,so you can go to the ettin desert to quickly stock up on pokeballs,potions,and antidotes.
Well,I'm out of ideas for that thing.Pretty much squeezed my brain dry of ideas waiting to be shared.Oh,wait,one more thing,the agent will be called Pokemon World in the creator machine.Feel free to add to this idea,give feedback on it!I'd also like to see someone try to code Pokemon World,because it would be totally worth it in the end,and because we don't see that many pokemon themed agents for C3DS.Oh,and I'm a complete noob at CAOS.
EDIT:Just realized that I forgot to mention the healer.You put a pokeball on top of it and click it to heal your creature.Fainted creatures cannot be sent out again until you do this to their pokeballs. |