Development Forum |

4/1/2010 | 1 |
I've been thinking of a thread like this for some time, basically a thread where basic, rough ideas can be discussed and expanded upon. Basically any ideas that aren't really big enough to get their own thread.
As an example, I'm thinking of building a "maintenance door" between the Norn and Ettin terrariums, because it makes more sense than going through the Corridor or Jungle.
Hashikin ko Tyni Kong Taria Haju'Rumia'an Klodz'Proddi. Terdish oxen saur yessi atai Kongo Dolpik! |


4/2/2010 | 1 |
My main idea is a power-up or agent that makes the grendel room safe. Adds some jungleish plant life the norns can eat, some new toys, makes critters like the koblod and prania just harmless eye candy and changes the genome from the grendel egglayer so it makes one female grendel instead of two males while makeing the grendels nice. Also, a CFE G.A.I.A. |

4/2/2010 | |
As far as making the grendels nice, that can be done by changing which genome it uses.
Hashikin ko Tyni Kong Taria Haju'Rumia'an Klodz'Proddi. Terdish oxen saur yessi atai Kongo Dolpik! |


4/3/2010 | |
But I haven't found agents for the rest... |


4/8/2010 | |
We've kept a development ideas thread on the Cwiki for a while like this. 
For a pie-in-the-sky idea, I'd like to see a pest that uses weeds in the same way that the butterfly agent uses plants, a pest which climbs weeds in order to change from being a stinging caterpillar to a stinging wasp-like insect. Perhaps it could have a mildly poisonous bite, suitable for sustaining toxic norns. As it is, weeds don't really have much of a place in the ecology of the Shee Starship, which is a pity.
My TCR Norns |

5/11/2010 | |
Hm, could existing Metarooms be expanded? I'm thinking the bottom of the jungle and Desert...
Hashikin ko Tyni Kong Taria Haju'Rumia'an Klodz'Proddi. Terdish oxen saur yessi atai Kongo Dolpik! |


5/11/2010 | 1 |
I have a ton and a half of ideas. Off the top of my head I can think of at least 10 different plants I'd like to add, and one metaroom to grow everything in.
Speaking of plants, I wanna start out by making purple dragon carrots. Maybe having them grow in the jungle.
I also wonder if its possible to create an agent to act as a planter box for other agents. Or maybe just create an agent that 'fertilizes' an area so that its easier to grow more delicate plants. |
 Peppery One
5/12/2010 | |
Fertilizing an area isn't that hard. You just have to find out what the plant likes and emit the wished CAs.
More complicated will it be with plants that have odd requirements, like the Botanoid with "grows in anything but fertile soil". Then you either have to make a short but quite sensitive script inside a GUI that changes the room type when you need -
Or you simply add of the most room type a bit by default.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |
 Prodigal Sock

5/12/2010 | |
Hm, could existing Metarooms be expanded?
Yes, they can. Not in the sense of adding on to a metaroom's dimensions, but in the sense of putting more interior rooms in empty parts of an existing metaroom... I've done it before, and it works just fine.

5/14/2010 | |
Thanks, Ghosthande. I didn't mean actually changing the size of the metarooms, just filling up all that unused space. Maybe the expanded desert could house my maintenance door to the Norn Terrarium?
Hashikin ko Tyni Kong Taria Haju'Rumia'an Klodz'Proddi. Terdish oxen saur yessi atai Kongo Dolpik! |
 Prodigal Sock

5/14/2010 | |
That's what I figured. 
 Patient Pirate
5/20/2010 | |
I'm thinking of a poop metaroom..
No, it's not what it sounds like. I just think it would be cool if we could have an ecosystem where creatures eat a fruit, move a bit, then poop the seeds, which grow into new plants. There should be an uncomplicated ecosystem comprising of herbivore creatures and plants, perhaps with the occasional carnivorous plant to turn the tables. 
Also, weed norns. But I don't know how appropriate that is to discuss here.. |

7/5/2010 | |
Any Disgaea fans out there? I thought up Laharl Grendels, Flonne Norns and Etna Ettins just now.
Hashikin ko Tyni Kong Taria Haju'Rumia'an Klodz'Proddi. Terdish oxen saur yessi atai Kongo Dolpik! |


7/9/2010 | |
To wit, a food agent which ripens on a tree, changes colour depending on what season it's in, and then drops forcibly at the end of that season and becomes detritus.
My TCR Norns |

7/11/2010 | |
There's an unused and unusable input/output graphic on the aquarium seedbank. Perhaps someone could find a use for it?
EDIT: I just remembered the Ettin Egg Layer and Christmas Tree conflict. That needs to be fixed.
Hashikin ko Tyni Kong Taria Haju'Rumia'an Klodz'Proddi. Terdish oxen saur yessi atai Kongo Dolpik! |

7/13/2010 | |
I always get annoyed at how in C3, it's IMPOSSIBLE to get a completely successful population going in the jungle, (sometimes) aquarium, desert, and a long running one in the norn terrarium. The bugs can mature easily in the norn terrarium, via the stalks, but there aren't any stalks in other spots.
So, I was thinking of an agent that could be made to help a critter, or beast, or more than one thing at a time, stabilize in an area, and form a surviving population.
Along with that, what really annoys me, is the king fisher, it's so hard to deal with. Put him in my inventory, somehow he dies, but if I put a wasp in there, it survives, till I take it out.
So, for me, if I do make an agent, I'll probably do something that would enable a population of animals to grow in another area, one they aren't native to.
beep |
 Peppery One
7/14/2010 | |
Such an agent might be done, yes.
The problem is: it had to be specified on some certain critters, it could not be omnipotent, simply because everybody codes his critters different. Some make a food variable, some others life force, again others both or even more and they are all randomly thrown over all 100 OV## we have for choice...
You also don't know if certain values of those variables cause something special. What if you set the population helper by coincidence that... lets say the Crobsters are permanently set to mate? BOOM! population explosion.
Or the opposite happens. The variable starts by 0 and is slowly counting up and by reaching it's max value it dies. Then it might happen that you get lots of stillbirths by your critters because the "caretaker" thinks it would fill up the life force...
You see, it had to handle with a certain critter or group of critters which have to be kept alive. As long as you keep this in mind it should be not too hard to be made.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |

7/14/2010 | |
Makes sense. I'm happy I understood that!
beep |

8/13/2010 | |
I just came up with an idea for Pikmin themed agents.
Hashikin ko Tyni Kong Taria Haju'Rumia'an Klodz'Proddi. Terdish oxen saur yessi atai Kongo Dolpik! |
 Patient Pirate
8/13/2010 | |
I posted this on the creatures wiki, but everyone ignored it, so I just want to bring it up again.. we can make new breeds out of the ex-mall ones now right? Has anyone done this yet? |
 Prodigal Sock

8/14/2010 | |
It seems like it should be--I'm not completely positive that it is, but I know GW stated (in response to the Beowulf Norn issue, I think) that they were only concerned about breeds you had to pay for. They said the ChiChis were fine for a base, for instance, since they come with DS, but not the Bruins, because you have to buy C3 to get them.
By that definition, I would expect the ex-mall breeds to be safe for use, since they're now all available as a free download. Don was actually given permission to host backups of them on her site, which might support this idea.


9/26/2010 | |
A system where a connectable agent getting hit by a creature would only cost the connection some 'power', which could then be healed to a full-strength connection, if the creature left it alone long enough.
My TCR Norns |

4/30/2011 | |
Also, Automatic Norn Egg Layer? You know, as a joke?
Hashikin ko Tyni Kong Taria Haju'Rumia'an Klodz'Proddi. Terdish oxen saur yessi atai Kongo Dolpik! |


6/22/2011 | 1 |
For such a disease-ridden metaroom, the grendel jungle is curiously devoid of sources of detritus. More detritus in the grendel jungle!
My TCR Norns |
 Patient Pirate
6/22/2011 | 1 |
Perhaps piranhas should jump out of the water when they die, and begin to rot, emitting a foul decaying fish odor in the process. Something could also be done about the fungi. Rocklice eggs can occasionaly be duds, and the egg will just sit there until it goes "off" stimming nearby creatures with a toxic gas, and giving large amounts of the toxins when eaten. |

6/23/2011 | |
I have a simple idea that I'm quite sure has not been added (feel free to berate me if it has). It would be wonderful if there was a movable tank of water agent/cob. Just a lidless box, a little smaller than the piranha pool in Creatures 3, that is full of water and can have marine plants and animals live in it. Preferably you would be able to move the tank with all the fish and seaweed staying put inside it. There would be a control panel on the side of the tank that allows you to do things like control water temperature and empty the tank on the ground.
On that topic, a second inventory full of water would be helpful too. |

6/23/2011 | |
@Harlequinade: That watertank should also be able to hold at least one creature (no, I do not want to drown them there, but a way to get aquatic breeds into the infirmary without killing them would be nice).
Emptying the tank is possible to code (well no one expected that) but making the water than flood the room would be very very complicated... I do not know how flooding a room works but you would most likely have to define the flooding for every metaroom seperately. |

6/23/2011 | |
By emptying the tank, I was thinking along the lines of the bottom sliding away in a similar fashion to the piranha pool lid and all objects, creatures, geats and plants would drop to the land below, not actually make a pool of water on the ground- basically a quick way to get everything out of the tank.
The tank would definitely need to be able to house one or two aquatic creatures- perhaps not as a permanent home, but more as a temporary transportation facility.
Hmm... this is making me want to get back off my haunches and take another stab at learning to code. |
 Peppery One
6/23/2011 | |
That pool of water can be done. I saw a command to set the "room" type of a cabin. by default cabins have the same room type as the actual room they are in. When you keep it on land, it is full of air, put it under water and it's full with the stuff too.
What makes me worry by that tank is when you try to breed something (creatures, plants, critters...) in it. Most of those don't even know it when they are kept in such a cabin. They would move the seeds (or eggs) to their own position, but do not move it inside their fish tank. The offspring would be dropped in front of it.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |

6/23/2011 | |
But the offspring has a clasifier to diferentiate it from other stuff, so the cabin could be made to automaticly collect them. And maybe even to collect everything that is created by something whithin it. (please don not ask ME how to do that) |
 Peppery One
6/23/2011 | |
You can not detect if objects have created other objects.
Letting the tank guess the classifier would be the only possibility.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |

6/23/2011 | |
Is there a way to tell how old an object is (how long ago it was created)? than a periodical script telling to collect everything that got created infront of the tank? |
 Peppery One
6/23/2011 | |
I think not, but I am not sure at all either.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |
 toxic biohazard
6/24/2011 | |
In C3 there is a "wear" command, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Maybe somebody should make norn-clothes for C3?
Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; We should not distort it. |
 Patient Pirate
6/26/2011 | |
This comes up quite frequently. DementChild made wearable Santa hats for norns, but I can't find them because his site is down. There is also a tutorial here made by Ghosthande. |


10/16/2011 | |
Make the spikey plant in the grendel jungle pushable by creatures, and make it randomly vend fungi, seed or wasp when they do so.
My TCR Norns |