Development Forum |
 Patient Pirate
8/23/2019 | 1 |
Glitter Norns, a breed that actually glitters when they walk or move around. Like the Mask creatures but shinier and more subtle. |


1/16/2020 | |
they could probably be made to glitter by alternating between similar but slightly different image files as far as the c16 file used, maybe having this be effected by the amount of light in the room too for photosensitive aesthetic changes. having a photosensitive gene the affects aesthetics could also be used to create norns that change color depending on light or this could be made to work on other stimuli than just light. could be possible to have it trigger the emittion of different chemicals by the norn as well.
i think something that is sorely needed is some sort of patch that fixes all the errors and bugs in the gog game download, most of which look to me like they would be fairly simple to fix for an experienced coder, but i'm not a coder. even better if gog where to host it but i don't know how receptive they may be or not be to that.
stuff like something that automatically updates the machine file if it has errors or is missing when the patch is run and something that if the installation is in a different location than the documents folder makes the program automatically move things from the duplicate it makes in the document folder to the proper folders and/or tells the program to save that data in it's own folder.
there's probably a few other bugs in the gog games instillation but i'd imagine it being so buggy probably discourages new players from getting into these games and ultimately revitalizing the community and certainly makes things needlessly tough on older returning players. |


4/23/2020 | |
My overly-ambitious idea is an agent that, when injected, populates the bridge, capilatta hup, comms room, all the etc functional rooms, with wildlife. Specifically, I'm inspired by Metroid Fusion when I envision this; As a child the two games featuring space settings I played were Docking Station and Metroid Fusion and as such they've melded together in my imagination.
I'd also like to disable most locks while I'm at it and integrate the TWB temperature changes, for a fully wild, run-down, and overgrown feel. It'd create new habitats that fit better into the setting than a typical metaroom. After all, it makes more intuitive sense to raise Toxic Norns in an overgrown and poisonous engineering bay than to simply summon a teleporter to a marshland.
darken your room, shut the door, empty your mind. you are still in great company. |


4/24/2020 | |
samsa wrote: My overly-ambitious idea is an agent that, when injected, populates the bridge, capilatta hup, comms room, all the etc functional rooms, with wildlife. Specifically, I'm inspired by Metroid Fusion when I envision this; As a child the two games featuring space settings I played were Docking Station and Metroid Fusion and as such they've melded together in my imagination.
Funny you should say that. Whenever I've discussed Creatures 3 with my fiance, he's often commented that it sounds like I'm running the BSL from Metroid Fusion. Hehehe. The ability to populate more of the C3/DS rooms with wildlife and to make the ships seem wild and overgrown does indeed sound ambitious, though. Interesting if it can be done.
(This also reminds me, I still need to jot down some Metroid/Creatures crossover sketches. I've had the idea planted for months, and still not gotten around to it.)
CeeGee Toons | Club Nintendo Archives |


1/14/2021 | |
I don't have the knowledge required to even attempt this yet, but I would like to try making medical devices for Norns. Are Norns that can't move their legs still trying to use them? Can objects be moved.... by their brainwaves?
(For now, I'm just trying to figure out how these games are modded in the first place.)
*Stabs syringes into a Norn until they live* I'm a doctor. |

1/14/2021 | |
smelliot wrote: I don't have the knowledge required to even attempt this yet, but I would like to try making medical devices for Norns. Are Norns that can't move their legs still trying to use them? Can objects be moved.... by their brainwaves?
(For now, I'm just trying to figure out how these games are modded in the first place.)
I know that in the first game at least, a Creature can move an object located anywhere in the world as long as it THINKS it can move it. Apparently there is a way to genetically modify the chance of this happening ( has some examples in its mutant norns section) but I haven't tested that yet so idk if it's true.
An immobile creature with an intact brain can still interact with objects, to my knowledge, but most immobile creatures are born with catastrophic genetics issues that prevent most of their system from functioning. so a vehicle object that responds to the brainwaves of the creature inside it would theoretically work, but most creatures that need it might not be viable enough to use it |
 Patient Pirate
1/15/2021 | |
Creatures born with Gaia leg sprites are immobile but can be fine neurologically. They can still pick up and use objects but can't walk. |
 Chaotic Spriter

1/16/2021 | 2 |
There was a cob for C2 themed around the Star Wars' force that would let creatures move objects without touching them. And there was a similar telekinesis agent for C3 that would do the same thing. I haven't used either one in ages, but I still have them... which means they are also on Eem Foo now too... |


2/2/2021 | |
After I'm done with pearlescent grendels, I'm gonna make hairless norns. Unless someone's beaten me to it. |
 Patient Pirate
2/3/2021 | |
Aren't the Banana Norns from C1 hairless? I think someone made a hairless breed for C3/DS as well, although it seems to have been intended more as a base breed. Can't remember what it was called.
Edit: Found it. |


2/3/2021 | |
Ah, I should probably clarify, by hairless I also mean furless. Like a sphinx cat.  |
 Patient Pirate
2/3/2021 | |
Oh right, I guess both those breeds do have fur don't they? I think Sphinx Cat Norns would be awesome.  |


4/24/2021 | |
I'd like a COB to make the C2 official cheese machine to vend Slink's Cream Cheese, with added protein and fat.
My TCR Norns |
 Patient Pirate
4/24/2021 | |
This seems like it would be fairly easy to accomplish with BoBCoB's autoscript function. I can't find an image of the Cream Cheese anywhere but from memory it just looked like regular cheese, so you might not even need to use the original COB at all. |


10/27/2021 | 3 |
I love Garden Box very much, because it is an excellent tool to populate a random empty meta room with life, food and tools. But in the last years not many new agents for Garden Box had been released.
My wish list for Garden Box:
-Reworked C3 animals that can survive in random meta rooms(Grazers, Birds, Hedgehogs, Snails)
-Placeable C3 style elevators
-Placeable Grendel and Ettin mother
-Placeable Muco/Norn egg incubator
-Placeable connected doors
-Placeable hole(invisible sprite but visible and usable by Norns like doors)
-Placeable waves from C1 + C2 (Decoration) |


12/23/2021 | 1 |
I'd love to see the functions of the C2 Science Kit and Breeders Kit implemented as tabs in DS. Some of their functionality does exist in the form of agents, C3 has the Medical Bay on the Bridge which allows for injections and graphing while DS has the limited displays of the HoverDoc.
What I am proposing is a set of tabs similar to the Creature Select, Options and Inventory tabs that has all of the functionality of the C2 Science Kit and Breeders Kit. |


1/26/2022 | 2 |
Fell in love with garden box! But there isn't as much in it, or I'm not particularly good at finding things for it.
I would love more patch plants like smaller berries and nuts for bushes (As fun as it is to put apples and pears on bushes I'd love some more variety and smaller sprites). Or more tropical fruit like bananas and coconuts for the more tropical plant backgrounds. Speaking of plant backgrounds it would be wonderful to have more plantlife decorations in GB as well as some other natural decor like boulders and stumps. Also more critters like fish and bugs! Things that can either just be in the background or potentially eaten! While garden box is great at making an empty metaroom live, it can still be kinda one-sided when your trying to make a simpler ecology besides norns and their food.
Would also love more placeable vendors. Like the injectable pod series, I would love this with the C3 cheese maker so I can pop it down in DS. |