Development Forum |

1/17/2015 | |
My ideas so far:
- Something that can hide and unhide the HLM machine.
- A drive panel (sort of like the Medical Monitor agent but you can see all of the selected norns drives on it so you aren't going around dropping the hoverdoc on every norn.)
- Creatures 2 toys and food converted for C3/DS? I know the world has been converted as a metaroom but it's still in it's beta phase I believe and it won't install if you have the C1toDS metaroom installed already. Honestly, I'd be happy just to have the toys and food to add to my world. |


1/17/2015 | |
Have you tried the X-Ray 2.0 agent?
There are a few C2 converted objects around, it's just a case of finding them.
My TCR Norns |

1/17/2015 | |
I have, but it seems to conflict with something unfortunately. I'll give it another try and see if it still crashes. |


1/17/2015 | |
The Super Food Vendor has quite a few C2 plants in it, plus they change color overtime.
The Mobula Ray - My Creatures blog |

1/18/2015 | |
Yeah, unfortunately injecting the X-Ray 2.0 doesn't work. It pops up for a second and then disappears.
I have The Super Food Vendor! I guess I meant more toys than food (though the cheese machine from C2 might be neat). |
 The Mossy Shee

1/18/2015 | |
I've actually never been able to get the x-ray agent to work either if that's worthy of note! it auto-kills immediately on injection, or at best, upon attempted use. It's a shame though I'd love to be able to look at the norns in a more visually medical context using it again :c
The Mossy Shee & Co |
 Wee Scrivener

1/18/2015 | |
If you turn autokill off, an error should pop up that will give more information on why the agent isn't working.
"Holy crap in a casket!" |
 Air Guitarist

1/18/2015 | 3 |
Moving this discussion to it's own thread would likely be more helpful than trying to troubleshoot in the Ideas Pool. 
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1/19/2015 | |
- Completed set of G.A.I.A. head sprites. Mainly because of the 32-sprite error that I got the other day. (I may work on this myself, but if anyone else who's got more experience is up to the task it might be better for them to do it!)
--Ash |
 Peppery One
1/22/2015 | 1 |
An intelligent metaroom, that actively fights the "wasteland glitch" encountered with geats. It has an invisible sentinel, similar to the autorecovery.cos, but instead of checking the existance of certain agents, it makes sure that certain room IDs have their intended room type.
Using a technology similar to an automated version of "Moe's Room Changer", it could restore the room types every XY seconds/minutes, to counter the devastating effects of geats.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |

1/24/2015 | |
That's an interesting idea, we can't fix the engine but we might be able to fix the rooms it breaks, what I do worry though is how often it would need to restore the room, if you have a large number of geats it may need to refresh the room every second or at even shorter intervals than a second to avoid the destruction of them metaroom' plants and critters, and would that cause considerable lag?
 Peppery One
1/24/2015 | 1 |
It depends how you do it, really. I think it would not need an INST, saving a lot of power already, as the script can run across several gameticks.
The check for room types is not that hard. Using if-statements you could only change the type when it needs to be changed (as opposed to just blindly applying the roomtype, eventually changing the room to the type it already has anyways). IDK how much power a change of roomtype drains, but this most likely makes the script even cheaper to run.
We do not need to mess with the entire room either. Many cells contain air anyways, and hence are basically immune to the wasteland glitch (as it turns cells to air).
Next, we could try to make the overall geometry more efficient, so the room has fewer cells. This generally provides a marginal speed-up, but it also makes the script run faster, as there are fewer cells it has to check. Using dmap 1 in your CAOS console, you can check what I mean with "cells" (Each trapezoid you see now has to be messed with individually. dmap 0 to disable again).
Lastly, computers are now much faster than they used to be way back when the game was made. C3/DS only uses 1 core, regardless how many you have, but they are still faster than they used to be. This grants us yet another advantage.
Yes. Yes, overall I think this is a very feasible project. It would be quite hard to retroactively patch rooms for this, but if we make a completely new room, these concepts could be applied very nicely.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |

1/31/2015 | |
I'd actually love to see a Creatures Village conversion, I believe one was being made but the project got dropped. Either that or a mod to the games themselves to make them use UIs,egglayers,agent injectors and whatnot, it's the same engine so it theoretically supports it as far as I know.
I find the Creatures Village world to be really nicely made, it has changing seasons and days,rainfall and snowfall with lots of cover instead of limited to a couple of clouds floating across the screen,breath vapour when it's cold. If I recall correctly the snow settles and gets deeper. The fact there's almost no food in winter and you're encouraged to grow vegetables and stock up.
Though it would be extremely hard to get all these features in DS, the world honestly just looks nice and is very spacious, especially considering it's on a larger scale than C3 and DS.
It's honestly a game with lots of care gone into it, what it's missing is ease-of-access for us older players who like making and using loads of genomes, breeding loads of norns and customising our worlds in lots of ways. |
 Prodigal Sock

1/31/2015 | |
Well, CV uses an older version of the engine... they added new commands to the engine when they made C3, kinda like how they added commands for DS. CV is missing some very useful commands, like JECT, so some agents like injectors are probably not possible. At least not in the standard way we're familiar with.
And that's not even mutually exclusive, either... replace the CV engine with the one from DS and virtually everything throws errors, because CV came with its own commands that C3/DS don't have. I wouldn't be surprised if that's why the project was halted--you would have to change the functionality of some agents a lot to make them work on the newer engines.
I really wouldn't mind seeing a conversion to DS, though, even if a few things had to work differently. Especially if it involved sizing the metarooms and agents down, to make them more DS-Norn-compatible.

1/31/2015 | |
Hm, I wasn't thinking so much about size compatibility, I suppose DS norns might have trouble reaching things if it was in it's larger scale? Though I think you would need to add some extra space at the top or bottom unless you want a black strip.
But this does bring into question the use of Creatures Village breeds, I guess they can be downsized too (though they already have been converted in a "large" form) |


1/31/2015 | |
How about a COB/agent which, if applied to a specific Norn, would make that Norn more attractive to/popular with its fellow Norns -- almost like the Albian equivalent of a beauty spell or something? There seems to be some evidence that Norns consider certain individuals to be more attractive or "popular" than others. Perhaps it could be like some of the "halo" COBs or agents that people have already come up with... |

1/31/2015 | |
An edible plant/flower script like the edible gadget script. It would fit with an herbvivorous breed. |
 The Mossy Shee

1/31/2015 | |
@Puddini I know it's not quite what you have in mind, but a workaround for the edible plants/flowers is perhaps working with/from the code of something like the curlshoot agent? where pushing or attempting to pick up the plant turns it into a 'leaf' instead, which is then edible to creatures.
The Mossy Shee & Co |

2/1/2015 | |
Norngarden tasty weeds (I think that's what they're called?) grow as "leaf", this and most other third party "leaf" agents are edible.
I think making it so creatures can "eat plant" would decimate plant populations.
I'd love to see more edible leaf agents though. |
 Peppery One
2/1/2015 | 4 |
A master patch. People keep complaining how incomplete and faulty most C3/DS scripts are, and actually they are not that wrong.
So instead of having a quazillion individual files that you all have to pick up yourself (like Vampess' fixes and the offline option etc...), there is just one huge batch that you can throw in and BAM! proper game.
This also could include a pile of extra generic scripts, so creatures can do more with their environment, such as e.g. that eat leaf thingy Missmysterics posted right before me.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |

2/1/2015 | |
What you mean like an installation/update executable? That would be great, easier than placing them.
There's also the scripting error that causes Eat Elevator Syndrome, at least it's a scripting error according to Vampess, but I believe the offending scripts have not been found (or at least a fix has not been found) |
 Peppery One
2/1/2015 | |
Nah, executables usually only work on windows. It'd be a hassle for mac users or linux users (like me).
I guess the cosfile system works well, but you should get em all in a handy packet.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |
 Code Monkey
2/5/2015 | 3 |
Idea for an agent:
A standup video arcade or pinball game machine... when the creature uses it they pose with their back to the camera like they are playing it for a short time, it makes game noises, and they get their stim (one that lowers boredom) from playing with it.
Optional: They have a chance to lose/do badly and if this happens the machine makes 'losing' sounds and they also get a decent-sized boost in anger. Maybe they can get something else if they 'win' too.
I can imagine a norn getting obsessed with this, getting frustrated at a losing streak and then beating up the other norns, then everyone hates him and he becomes a loser who always just hangs out by the arcade machine trying to beat his high score, and nobody wants to talk to him..
"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love."
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan |

2/7/2015 | |
The centaur/beastaur norns kind of made me realise something.
You could technically make a creature who's whole body resides on a single "body part", it would be difficult and may limit movement and the shape of the creature, but possible. Why do I mention this? Because it would make it possible to completely change the way creatures inherit their appearance,lets say the "base" body is on one body part, the other body parts would be shaped exactly the same but would be stripes, spots and whatnot instead of the base colour.
Well, when I say technically possible it would probably look much more natural if it had at least one area of true articulation, namely the neck.
 Prodigal Sock

2/7/2015 | |
Well... possibly. Creature articulation is a bit complicated, especially when walking is concerned. I tried altering the usage or (visible) existence of certain body parts when creating Gaius, and the initial results weren't pretty at all. It took a few redo's before he was what you could call functional.
The order in which body parts appear on top of each other is not handled in a way that can be altered by players, but seems to be handled by the game engine itself. The only body part that ever clearly overlaps the head is the upper arm, or humerus.
You might co-opt the arms (or at least the humeri) for use as head markings, but leave the rest of the body intact, and still have a functional Creature.
You could probably also co-opt the thighs for use as body markings, but without articulated legs a Creature cannot walk. I guess you could use the thighs as body markings, pretend the shins are thighs, and pretend the feet are shins, and possibly that Creature would still be able to move about normally.
Or it could become the Creatures equivalent of a Furby. 
 Air Guitarist

2/9/2015 | 2 |
I don't know if this is doable, but I'd like to see "wild norns" in the game.
This is related to my "Grendel Control Toggle" except I want to be able to play with Grendels or Ettins or Geats and be able to just ignore Norns (and have no control over them).
Updated Rehosting Policy[/title] |

2/13/2015 | |
Something that freezes eggs as they're laid. I'm aware of the eggernator but I had some trouble with it and something simple that will just freeze eggs as they're laid so that you can walk away from the game without worrying about the next generation hatching before you want them to would be great. |
 Peppery One
2/13/2015 | |
Maybe Eggtimer?
Alternatively you can try to get your hands on Clucky's Egg Finder Advance. It collects eggs from all around the world and dumps them nearby. When the EFA is inside a vehicle, it'll even place them inside the same vehicle as well.
Using that and a pulsing switch, you could just dump all the eggs in a pool of water or an eggernator in freeze state.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |

2/13/2015 | |
That's exactly what I was looking for (but couldn't find). Thank you. |
 Code Monkey
2/14/2015 | 4 |
A Grendel/Ettin Breed selector for C3/DS... An agent that lets you pick and choose which genomes can get automatically injected and hatched by the Grendel and Ettin mothers.
"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love."
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan |
 Code Monkey
2/27/2015 | |
A dirty garbage dumpster for Toxic Norns that makes it look and sound like they are rummaging around in it when they use it, and vends a selection of various nasty detritus and unpleasant foods, like rotten banana peels, fish-skeletons, tin cans, old shoes, moldy bread, apple cores... Even better if they can occasionally get bacteria or toxins from rooting around in it.
"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love."
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan |
 Air Guitarist

3/6/2015 | |
Purely cosmetic, but a set of creatures breeds or "costumes" based on the Five Nights at Freddy's games would be really cool.
Updated Rehosting Policy[/title] |
 Code Monkey
3/6/2015 | 2 |
Super Saiyan creatures...Make a breed where the 'angry' head sprites look like they have super spiky anime hair and different colored eyes from normal... (should be pretty easy, since you can theoretically work from a base breed and not have to edit too many sprites).
This way, when the creatures get mad enough, they appear to go Super Saiyan... they can even pass the trait on genetically with their appearance/sprites and expressive genes. Even better, you can pair this with other genetic reactions when they are that angry, to give them other Super Saiyan traits, for example anger reacting away wounding or something like that, so that when they are in Super Saiyan 'form' they can also become practically invincible...
You could go a little further with this and give the breed monkey tails, though of course they would have to have these all the time (I wonder how that would look...)
"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love."
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan |

3/14/2015 | 1 |
Here's a cool new idea I had:
Jailbreak Metaroom
Basically it's a futuristic prison like metaroom with multiple cells that you have to fill with creatures. Your creatures will have to trigger specific things to escape the metaroom to the DS hub/C3 Bridge I.E flushing the toilet causes something to happen in the other creature's cell, allowing them to trigger some other events.
Once they would get out of their cells, (I don't know to what extent this is possible in CAOS) they would have to do something more complex, like bring an object (Something like a crowbar or lost keys) to another object (the door) or something like that.
The general idea is that you would leave creatures in there in a wolfing-run like way and see how long it takes for them to accidentally solve the entire puzzle. |
 Air Guitarist

4/12/2015 | |
An agent that removes creatures once they reach X minutes old instead of exporting them based on their lifestage. Could be useful for wolfling runs that see a lot of immortals, to keep generations moving along.
An agent that imports a creature every X ticks. I like to collect creatures every once in a while and run them through wolfling runs that are often un-attended.
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