Development Forum |
Ideas Pool 1 | 2 | ... | 4 | 5 | 6 | ... | 13 | 14 | |
6/7/2013 | 1 |
-An ettin breed that only has sex drive during its youth stage (~30 minutes), instinctively congregate at an ettin home to find mates, and then begins gadget stealing. Although I would change where they would carry them off to. |

6/7/2013 | |
Why? |
 Sanely Insane

6/7/2013 | 1 |
Why not? 
~ The Realm ~
Risen Angel's Creatures Blog

6/7/2013 | |
To prevent the youths from the not interested in breeding adults by accident? |

6/20/2013 | |
New ideas:
-More food type patch plants.
-Programmable CA emmiters: Choose the CA, how strong, and what season and time of day it is on during. |


6/21/2013 | |
A gadget that, when hoarded, teleports itself back to where it started, and teleports any other gadgets it's touching back to where they started.
My TCR Norns |


6/21/2013 | 2 |
All of Mea's amazing unused metaroom backgrounds being used ingame.
Haunting Grounds
Crystal Cave
Winery Ruins
Desert Wasteland |


6/21/2013 | |
I don't develop so I hope it doesn't come across as obnoxious to volunteer ideas, but I've always though some sort of glass container would be useful for storing, displaying and vending food and such. I guess I had in mind something in which the Creatures laws of gravity don't apply, so things could be stacked/arranged nicely (don't know if that's possible or not).
The other thing I'm in desperate need of is a nice-looking shelf to hold machine parts out of the way. I've been using the shelf listed on Seeyou7 which works well for small objects but doesn't hold anything larger than its own width. Edits to the map on Magic words help somewhat but ofcourse that only applies to room edges.
By the way if anyone needs some sprites made for any agents, I'm reasonably good at computer art and would be happy to give it a go. Summer's here and I've alot more free time now. |


6/23/2013 | 1 |
Couple more ideas:
I know it's a bit ambitious and probably not possible, but has anyone ever thought of making a small detatchable shuttle that runs between the two airlocks? When I first started playing I assumed that's what they were for.
Another and much more down-to-earth suggestion, is a welcome gift basket for new members of the community. Something that dispenses a few popular agents, and maybe a little word doc with it explaining everything and giving a few gaming tips. Could be a nice gesture.
All my ideas are for C3/DS btw; forgot to mention that before X] |
 Peppery One
6/23/2013 | |
The glass container... Well, sorts of I guess. You could freeze agents in place, so it looks as if they were sorted in a box system or something like that (I guess you mean it like a snack vendor?). The problem is that AFAIK vehicles and containers can only have a single cabin per agent, so you either had to freeze them as I already mentioned it or you make a cluster of several vehicle agents which just look like a single agent.
The shelf could be done too. Get a neat sprite, make it immune to physics, hang it somewhere and fill it.
Same limitation as for the glassbox thingy: it'd only have a single "cabin" which holds stuff (basically being like the C3 hoverboard, just size can be varied) or it had to be a cluster.
I would highly recommend NOT to use the cluster-idea, since that is a ton of unstable code for an actually simple agent.
The shuttle could be made. Another vehicle. You just had to knock out the airlock in their current function, since the shuttle and/or content might be vaporized otherwise.
The welcome basket seems to be more of an agent bundle. The best/easiest way to realize that was in form of a compact download ZIP I guess. You probably know how to ZIP stuff, so all you need is the permissions of the creators of the included agents.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |


7/1/2013 | 3 |
Watching the Creatures Online livestream got me thinking, why haven't we done something similar for Creatures 3? A plant could have a water level, visible by how brown and droopy it is. When a norn pushs/pulls the plant, the plant gets a little bit of water, and the Norn gets a boredness decrease. Once the water level reaches a certain point, the plant produces food for the Norn, maybe seeds to grow more plants or just fruit for the norn.
Another idea I've had is a vehicle for Slider norns. It would read where the Norn actually wants to go, and take them there. That way you won't forget about feeding them, or have to kill them, they could live a normalish life.
Edit: Another less pleasant idea I just remembered was an add on for the Magic Words thing. It's actually a simple idea and something I'll get around to eventuality, but it's essentially a breed testing aid. You would say something like "Zaap norn" and it would painlessly kill the selected norn like the Caos command "targ norn dead." Another one would be you saying "Grow up" and the norn currently selected would grow up a stage, like from baby to childhood.
The Mobula Ray - My Creatures blog |
 Peppery One
7/1/2013 | |
1. Totally could be done. Not sure why it hasn't been done yet, though.
2. Been thinking about a similar device. Some kinda biomechanical suit should be possible to make. It even could interact for the norn, e.g. eating or or pushing things and it totally would be so as if the creature inside did that.
This needs just one requirement: there are 2 kinds of sliders, brain sliders and pose sliders. Brain sliders are sliders because they have no brain that tells them to do anything. Pose sliders are unable to move because they lack genes for poses and gaits, but are mentally perfectly fine.
That suit would only work with latter.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |

7/1/2013 | 1 |
I like that plant idea, but I'd rather have the plant need some actual water added to it. A watering can, perhaps. And with going for too long without water, the plant would wilt and die. Same goes if it gets too cold, but then, unless it also becomes really dry, the root would survive, waiting for new heat, and sprout again...
That's ecology for you. (And that's the CCFS 2013...)  |


7/1/2013 | |
KittyTikara wrote: Watching the Creatures Online livestream got me thinking, why haven't we done something similar for Creatures 3? A plant could have a water level, visible by how brown and droopy it is. When a norn pushs/pulls the plant, the plant gets a little bit of water, and the Norn gets a boredness decrease. Once the water level reaches a certain point, the plant produces food for the Norn, maybe seeds to grow more plants or just fruit for the norn.
It could totally be done, it's very similar in execution to a vendor. The only thing is that when the norns learn that pushing this plant gives them a boredom decrease or whatever their 'pushing plant' stimulus is, and then they go and try and push bramboo... the poor dears get confused. ![[ngrimace] [ngrimace]](/images/smilies/emot_grimace.gif)
My TCR Norns |

7/1/2013 | |
Malkin wrote:
It could totally be done, it's very similar in execution to a vendor. The only thing is that when the norns learn that pushing this plant gives them a boredom decrease or whatever their 'pushing plant' stimulus is, and then they go and try and push bramboo... the poor dears get confused. ![[ngrimace] [ngrimace]](/images/smilies/emot_grimace.gif)
Make the pot they're planted in classified as tools, maybe?
Life stage event teleporter- zaps creatures to them when they trigger certain life events- programmable by event, creature genus, and sex. |

8/25/2013 | |
The astro tetras and pearl mermaid norns made me think of something, they stop being effected by the swimmer agent when their pregnant right?
I'd like to try to apply this to more things, allowing norns to get to the ground when they need to, I find creatures with the swimmer agent can have trouble picking agents off the ground, and can't use lifts when they want to. As for elevators...
Would something like a Neuroemitter stating Decision push+ Attention elevator = -255 of 63 (swimming chemical) put the creature on the ground when it wanted to push an elevator?
This is assuming that this means 'I have decided to push while my attention is on the elevator', I guess I'm gonna have to give it a go. Of course, they'd need the swimming chemical to rise again afterwards, perhaps with the stim 'I have travelled in a lift'
The thing with picking objects off the ground is that a creature can't tell the difference where it's picking it up from, and the swimmer agent puts the creatures on an invisible platform that they can't reach through, so I doubt it can be fixed, but I'd like to have a look. |


8/25/2013 | |
Sadly neuroemitters can't remove a chemical, only emit it. Plus, it's actually them going to sleep that stops them from swimming, and not just removing the swimming chemical, because they can still swim even without any swimming chemical in them. The only other thing I've found that can stop them from swimming is picking them up.
The Mobula Ray - My Creatures blog |

8/26/2013 | 1 |
I've noticed there aren't any fall-appropriate metarooms. There are a few halloween-themed and halloween appropriate metarooms, but none strictly for fall.
I think it'd be cool to have a fall-themed metaroom.
Maybe it could have trees that drop nuts (food) and leaves (toys). Leaf piles on the ground that norns can play with would be cool. I would love to see a pumpkin patch, and maybe some other crops, depending on the size. A cute critter to have would be busy little squirrels, running around and collecting nuts.
I would give it a moderate-slightly chilly climate. A weather system would be cool, especially if there was a small chance of early snow that would blanket the trees.
Another cool feature would be a two-story house. On the ground floor would be a large dining table and a well-stocked kitchen. On the second floor would be a television set, some toys, and a few empty tables.
On the other side of the house could be a garden with a scarecrow.
And, even though it isn't tied to any specific holiday, having optional expansion packs with holiday options would be cool. Perhaps the on/off switches could be kept in a hidden panel like the C12DS ones.
Halloween expansion-
Once you flip the switch, night falls upon the metaroom. A large moon comes out, and the weather will be clear, foggy or stormy. The cute squirrels become monsters. Clicking on the pumpkin patch will vend a pumpkin, which, if clicked, can be made into a jack-o-lantern. At this time, if the tv is pushed, it'll play a few seconds of a grendel face to some horror-movie style music.
The house is decorated for Halloween, with all kinds of treats still on the table. There is a customizable dummy creature in a witch hat outside the house, that the hand can change by clicking on it. But different appearances will have different effects when pushed (or perhaps approached) by creatures.
Normal norn- Will dispense tasty candies
Toxic norn- Will dispense toxic candies
Grendel- Will scare creatures
Ettin- Will dispense little bits of circuit-board that creatures can play with
Halloween mode can also be switched off at any time, reverting the metaroom back to its normal state.
Thanksgiving Expansion-
Another expansion, but less resource-heavy than the Halloween one. The table in the house becomes laden with food, including a big turkey. If a creature pushes the table, or expresses hunger in front of it, it'll drop a piece of food. After a certain (large) number of uses, the food will clear up.
Not a part of the holiday I take part in much, but certainly a cool touch would be having a few seconds of a football flying through the air on the tv. And perhaps a bucket full of booze could appear next to the tv.
On the outside, there could be more harvest paraphernalia, and a slightly higher chance of snow. Also, the pumpkin patch would vend pumpkins. This time, however, when clicked by the hand, they turn into pumpkin pie, which takes norns a few bites to eat.
The holiday system should be flexible enough for anybody who would like to make their own holiday add-ons. Perhaps using a selector that scrolls through, then inserts or deletes a certain holiday (and set up so no two holidays are going on at once).
DS village
My TCR norns


8/26/2013 | |
Perhaps a cage like in C1 to contain critters. I have a few problem norns when I'm working in Creatures 3/ds who I just can't watch all the time. I know there are other ways, but If you all wouldn't mind It would be greatly appreciated! =D It gets tiring when these norns accidentally kill other norns or do things they shouldn't. D=
Just your neighborhood Youkai dropping by =)


9/10/2013 | |
Pumperspikel is the only GB patch plant I can think of that produces seeds, so I was thinking of an anise plant. There could be three anise agents. An anise plant that grows in a pot, so it will be stationary and never die out, anise plants that spread and grow like any other plant, and an anise flower patch plant. Since anise has star-shaped seeds, I think they could use the star seeds from the empathic vendor.
Hi! |
 Senior Wrangler
9/25/2013 | |
With regard to the queries on this locked thread, these already (kind of) exist. Brad's Wolfling Monitor will autoname, although you have to enter the names you want it to use. And there's the Norn Ancestral Viewer, sometimes called Norn History, which I seem to remember worked pretty well. Both of those are stand-alone programs rather than cobs, though. I'm not sure the original CAOS for C1 would support cobs of that complexity, though I can't code well enough to be certain. |


9/25/2013 | |
I posted this threads locked so to save some time I'll just post the link to save space as well. Tell me what you think! |
 Senior Wrangler
9/25/2013 | |
Er... I just did? |
 Senior Wrangler
9/26/2013 | |
Thinking about potential projects - changing the door.cos in such a way that locking doors breaks the CA link, and opening them re-creates it. Would stop a lot of creature frustration. |


9/26/2013 | |
I've had a stupid thought of a Creature rpg sort of thing. It all started when I realized you could control the actions of Creatures with agents like the mind arrows and the creature remote control. Plus you could set up a stimulus gene to where it will add 1 of a random chemical to track how many times that Norn has been hit.
You could use something similar to the controlling agents to control your Creature, and "battle" an enemy. One press on the remote and your Creature would attack once, then the other Creature could attack on it's own. That would be one turn, and then it would repeat until one of them dies, or falls asleep.... I really need to learn come Caos, so maybe I can actually make all the awesome ideas floating around my head. x.x
The Mobula Ray - My Creatures blog |

9/26/2013 | |
Fluffy Norns, based off Fluffy Ponies.
They are small and have fluffy and thick fur, the standard color being a light pink. They were bred for maximum cuteness and fluffiness, but at the cost of becoming really stupid. Fluffy Norns typically have oversimplified, fragmented speech patterns, very similar to those of a small child (Maybe some sort of computer or teaching agent that teaches them to speak that way? And if it's possible trough CAOS, nameless Fluffies would refer to themselves as "fwuffy" rather than "eem" ).
They tend toward clumsiness and poor coordination and are not always aware of the consequences of their actions, which increases their mortality rate drastically and while they can learn which concepts are good, they will quickly forget the bad ones. They travel in groups of ten or more and therefore, they become crowded less easily. Fluffy Norns have poor offensive and defensive skills and are friendly towards anything unless it acts aggressively towards them or attacks them.
If a male succefully breeds with a female, it dies shortly after conception. Maybe if you put them in water they die instantly? Their colors would very easily mutate and you could probably end with a bunch of multicolored Fluffies in very few generations.
EDIT: Another idea. How about an agent that works like the Swimmeragent but instead of turning an Unknownase into something that makes creatures be able to swim, it turns it into an injection that makes creatures less fertile/willing to mate or just completely neuter/spay them. What if you want the creature to be fertile again? Another Unknownase could remove the effects of the sterilizer. |


9/27/2013 | |
sam999 wrote: All of Mea's amazing unused metaroom backgrounds being used ingame.
Haunting Grounds
Crystal Cave
Winery Ruins
Desert Wasteland
I wonder if these could be compiled into a C2 world. C2 needs more completely new worlds. |


10/26/2013 | |
Two cobs/agents I'd like to see, if possible:
* a TARDIS (complete with sounds) that functions as transportation, teleporter, or portal
* a monitor (possibly something similar to the Hoverdoc) which tells you whether a norn has or has not learned its vocabulary. In feral or wolfling runs when I'm trying to identify norns which have been smart enough to get themselves to the HLM on their own initiative (and which therefore might make better breeding stock for future games), it's not always easy to wait around to see whether they happen to say something that makes it clear whether they've done this or not -- such as use of a qualifier and/or abstract concept vs. continuing to use baby talk. |


11/5/2013 | |
I think I've been playing way too much Creatures recently, because I ran into a wild Eevee in Pokemon X today and immediately thought of a norn. For those who don't know what an Eevee is, it's this little guy:

I just think that a fox-like norn with a fluffy tail, scruff, and long ears would be cute! Since Eevee is also known for evolving into many different types, it can also have a higher mutation rate than the average norn.
I don't know. It's just a random idea. ![[nlaugh] [nlaugh]](/images/smilies/emot_laugh.gif) |


11/10/2013 | 1 |
Famous painting metarooms! Would that be so cool? You could make a playroom out of Van Gogh's cafe terrace, or cultivate the ecology in Monet's waterlily pond. You could even have artistically themed breeds. Might be a nice way to show the appeal of 2D games anyway, because they get very little love. I think it would attract more interest to the games if it was done well and shown on youtube. |
 Peppery One
11/17/2013 | 1 |
In the genetics it is possible (though not used yet) for a norn to feel if it is the selected creature or not. If I recall right (though I am not sure) there is even a way to check if the creature is on screen or not. Both is handled over stimuli.
Wouldn't it be possible to make some kinda... IDK how to call it... to make some kinda "manipulative brat" breed? As long as they are being watched, they are all nice and cuddle and such.
Once you leave them alone, they go berserk!
When you come back to see why your creatures start hating each other and perhaps even die, they suddenly turn nice again, like "I didn't do nothing, he started! "
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |

11/17/2013 | |
Frick wrote: Famous painting metarooms! Would that be so cool? You could make a playroom out of Van Gogh's cafe terrace, or cultivate the ecology in Monet's waterlily pond. You could even have artistically themed breeds. Might be a nice way to show the appeal of 2D games anyway, because they get very little love. I think it would attract more interest to the games if it was done well and shown on youtube.
So, I hadn't even visited this topic recently, and it seems I had the exact sae idea on the 11th of CCSF lol
I think I believe in the Collective Unconscious now
beep |


11/21/2013 | 1 |
So there's this awesome retro learning game I had when I was a kid: Helicop Investigates Words and Numbers.
Check out the first level:
Pretty simple shooter game, and pretty cool concepts. There are loads of nice looking levels and imaginative enemies, so I wondered if anyone who can code would be interested in doing something with these graphics. It runs on Windows 95 but the guy who uploaded it said there were ways of getting it to run on more modern systems. In any case isn't it cute?  |
 Prodigal Sock

11/21/2013 | |
Cake wrote: I just think that a fox-like norn with a fluffy tail, scruff, and long ears would be cute!
Moe was actually working on a Fox Norn breed for C3/DS. Judging by the few preview images I've seen, they are awfully cute.


11/27/2013 | |
A gruesome realistic heart toy which uses the "hart" and "weak" sound effects when played with. (and on the occasional, spooky, timed basis?)
My TCR Norns |