SmartNorn Returns! Lanky | 4/6/2003 | | No, your eyes aren't decieving you, it is back! After a horribly long time revamping, I decided to scrap all the features that didn't work and go for it. It is probrably still a bit buggy, but I'm confident things are mostly ironed out.
The Features:
*It has a working delete script!
*It has a micro tiny (and rather useless) staff site.
*It has the beautiful Pez to help keep the site in order.
*It has a genome: The Harlequins, though they won't be available until later this today or tomorrow... Sorry!
Hmm, it doesn't look too good from this angle does it? . But I promise more people, more!
So please please have a look at SmartNorn. and submit your comments to my guestbook. |