Strangeo Forum |
A couple of song alterations 1 | 2 | 3 | |

8/8/2006 | |
Error. Hmm. Oh well.
Oh no, oh no
What a bang!
We could have sang,
A great big bang!
My novel characters must be bonkers  |

8/8/2006 | |
Heres a song going in my book i came up with just now:
Wishing on a dream that sounds far off,hoping it will come today...
Into the start of late night hope,This dream wont end today,Waiting on a true dream star...
But what if the star is not to come?
Will my dreams fade to nothing?
When the horizon darkens most,We all need to belive there is hope!
Is an angel watching closey over me?
Is there be a giuding light ive yet to see?
I wish for a chance to see what i need...
Because all i need is for my star to come...
Whatcha think?
( Mods you can shorten this is you think it's too long ) |

8/8/2006 | |
I think it sounds remarkably like Wind's Nocturne from Lunar Silver Star Story.
It can be heard in the following flash cartoon: Shii's song
The topic may be called 'Song Alterations', but that doesn't mean you can just change one line and add typos. 
The Community Scribble: make (y)our own metaroom! |

8/8/2006 | |
Nevermind bout that dident know it was from there...Someone told me it and i thought it was too cute to resist ^^ So i posted it here...I have to think next time before i post stuff like that -_-'
( Mods you can shorten this is you think it's too long ) |

8/8/2006 | |
I can't resist much longer!
Wii are the champions, my friend!
Wii'll keep on gaming till the end!
Wii are the champions! Wii are the champions!
Don't buy the PS3, cause Wii are the champions, of the world!

For those who don't get it, the "Wii" is the next gen Nintendo gaming system.
...Right topic this time! 
Not really active around these parts anymore. |

8/8/2006 | |
Wow jacob i think youve overdone yourself.....Isent of we its wii.....And yes i know what wii is..Its looks pretty cool
Ok heres one i thought of from scartch its called the answer to this nightmare and this is the one going in my book...Not that one...
I can find the source of this nightmare....So deep and feroucious
Why did he come?What did he see in me?
I seek the answer and would like to know the truth...
Whats the point to this madness?
If i knew the answers to my questions i would no longer be ashamed of myself.....
Someone tell me...Someone help me....For i am desperate.....
Was this real?Or fake?Is it reality?Or a dream?I seek the answer and I must know now....
The answer to this nightmare....Is so near yet far....If only i could find the answer right now...If only i could see the truth to this nightmare...
I shall leave this unholy place forever and find my home...Where this nightmare started...Retrace time itself and find the answer i seek out...
But how long will it take to find my home?I haved searched for many a year and still no trace of it have i discovered...Will i ever find the answer to this nightmare?
( Mods you can shorten this is you think it's too long ) |


8/9/2006 | |
Here is on that is not exactly a song, but i thought it wa s good. It will go in the book I am writing.
By the darkest night, and the brightest day
By the bright full moon, on thy starry skay’
On thy cold night, under moon so bright,
In thy cold cave of tales long pright’
When the true man cometh, and the blue egg hatchth,
Thy dragons shall fly again.
The man who receives the egg when
He is in time of youth
The man who life would seem so wrong
And he forever leave then
Thy witch that held him under enchantment
Shalt be forced to look
Trying to find the thing
That thy pet took
By the darkest night, and the brightest day
By the bright full moon, on thy starry skay’
On thy cold night, under moon so bright,
In thy cold cave of tales long pright’
When the true man cometh, and the blue egg hatchth,
Thy dragons shall fly again
For a free preveiw of the book, just ask me!
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>

8/9/2006 | |
Wow....Thats so cool KC11....Was it your first try?I dident know you were writing a book.....I wanna preview of it.....
( Mods you can shorten this is you think it's too long ) |


8/9/2006 | |
Okay, then. I will send the first chapter to you.
But I need your email address because I can't figure out how to send attachements via CC messaging.
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>

8/11/2006 | |
I'm writing a book too!
Here's a poem at the beginning:
When the skies flash with thunder
And the tides pull ships under
Eight children across the realm
Take up sword and steel helm
To drive out the shadows
Of Darkest Night
And to bring Justice Right
The Chosen will free the Light! |

8/12/2006 | |
ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy |


8/12/2006 | |
So far, I have found two people other than me who are writing a book.
Draconorn, are you left-handed?
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>

8/13/2006 | |
No, I'm right-handed. I'll send you the first chapter, if you like but be warned, no idea copying.
Here's the poem for book 2:
War rages across torn lands
Sent forth by evil hands
Hatred twists words once said
Blood taints the seas deep red
Beasts from afar soar in the sky
Heroes and kings try to defy
The pitiless grip of War |


8/13/2006 | |
Wow. That sounds like a pretty good book.
You can send me the first chapter (if you haven't already)
My email is
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>

8/14/2006 | |
Do you like fantasy? That's what it is. A sort of mix betwean humour, sci-fi, fantasy and adventure. One moment they have a sword, next moment they're in a space ship 
I haven't made up Book 3's poem yet  |


8/14/2006 | |
I really like fantasy. In fact, the book I am writing is a fantasy book.
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>

8/15/2006 | |
Cool  |


8/16/2006 | |
Here is a lymric I made up.
There once was a cat named Chester
Who never could get any thinner
So one day he say
And as he may
"I'll stop eating mice by the platter!"
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>

8/17/2006 | |
Last night I made up a little story about a mailman....but it's stupid.
ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy |

8/18/2006 | |
Here's a song someone in my class made up the other day:
Little grey jumper
You look like a cat
It's not your fault
You turned out like that
You're from the Salvation Army
For only a dollar |

8/18/2006 | |
Guys, this is really funny.
Jesus is Watching You
A burglar is broke into a house late at night. As he snuck around with his flashlight, he heard a voice solemnly,"JESUS IS WATCHING YOU."
The burglar stopped in his tracks.
Cautiously, he began to search the house again, but he stopped short when he heard the same calm voice saying,"JESUS IS WATCHING YOU."
The burglar strained his ears, but heard nothing more, so he started to look around again, but, as before, the proclomation rang out in the darkness,"JESUS IS WATCHING YOU."
This time, the burglar waved his flashlight around the room--and the beam picked up a green bird sitting on a perch.
"What's your name, birdy?",he asked.
The parrot replied, "CLARENCE."
"What kind of owner would name a bird Clarence?", the burglar asked scornfully.
ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy |

8/20/2006 | |
That's funny!  |

8/20/2006 | |
Yeah, I laughed for 10 minutes when I first read it.
ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy |


8/20/2006 | |
Really good!
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>

8/21/2006 | |
Where did you get it? |

8/21/2006 | |
A dog site.
ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy |

8/22/2006 | |
i have some this one i heard from school
fle fly
fle fly moquito
oh nono no more moquito
oh nono no more moquito
ichy ichy scrachy scrachy
oo i got one doun my backy
beat that bad bug with the bug spray
beat that bad bug with the bug spray
hehe like it? |

8/22/2006 | |
I think I've heard that at some campo before It's cool.
I forgot a line in the jumper song:
Little grey jumper
You look like a cat
It's not your fault
You turned out like that
There's jam on the sleeve
And dirt on the collar
You're from the Salvation Army
For only a dollar |

8/22/2006 | |
hehe cool =D |

8/22/2006 | |
Thanks |

8/22/2006 | |
A jumper cat 
Or does it go the other way?
( Mods you can shorten this is you think it's too long ) |


8/23/2006 | |
Here is a weird song...
He lived as a fly
And could not find out why
Everyone always tried to squash him.
He flew off one day
And just as he may
He was squashed by a rock thru the air.
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>

8/25/2006 | |
I dont understramnd that at all....
( Mods you can shorten this is you think it's too long ) |

8/25/2006 | |
ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy |

8/26/2006 | |
A norn named, Selafane
norn named, Selefane
Should'a been his name
the norn called,
cuase you can look right through him,
walk right by him,
I just loved that song, made it about a norn for fun.
Nine times have I been told im crazy and ten times I have accepted it. |