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I wonder, C4   1 | 2



Does anyone know if MindScape is going to do a Creatures IV [4]?

That would be so AWSOME! I have C2 and I am getting C3 today, is they did a C4 [LoL no pun intended] I would wet myself with happynes.. LoL.

So does anyone know?



 visit angel51431's website: the Norn Setter

no, no clear plans for a C4 as far as anyone knows. Though, if you look at other threads in this forum, you'll notice that quite a few people are ready to pee their pants if C4 were to come out...

wait, mindscape? Creatures is affeliated with Gameware now.

Yes, I'm the forum [devil]... Any questions?

Rascii: You make my life difficult, angel.




*sigh* All newbies go through this stage.

No plans for a C4. If you scoot over to the 3rd party C4 topic, you'll see that our community is nearly extinct. All that is left is a pack of around 10 newbies (you included), A pack of 10-15 year old regulars (myself included), and a small group of oldbies that have been around for nearly the whole ten years whipping us back into line.

In all, we're doomed. :)

ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy


 visit Don's website: AmberCreatures

Gameware Development (once Creature Labs) have said they would like to make Creatures 3D themselves if they can get a publisher interesting in funding its development.

(Mindscape no longer have any connection with publishing Creatures games).






*sigh* All newbies go through this stage.

No plans for a C4. If you scoot over to the 3rd party C4 topic, you'll see that our community is nearly extinct. All that is left is a pack of around 10 newbies (you included), A pack of 10-15 year old oldbie regulars (myself included), and a small group of oldbies that have been around for nearly the whole ten years whipping us back into line.

In all, we're doomed.

Ya know what? I have been playing creatures sense before I was 6...

So if you call me a newbie one more time *thinks* I am just gonna shut up be fore I get banned..




Newbies to the community, I mean. And what you nearly said would have made you, not a newb, but a n00b.

Lighten up. We don't bite, so you shouldn't.

ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy



I am a very touchy person, becuse even my real life freinds are walys talking about how much 'better' they are then me, even if I was like the original out of my group of freinds on the game, or at a game {I.E. Cards or Role PLaying games}.

So I get touchy. Sorry...




 visit Malkin's website: Malkin's page at CWiki

We just love it that you've come to join us. :)

Welcome to the Creatures Community. Please deposit your sanity in the skull-shaped baskets by the door; however, you will not be able to retrieve it afterwards. The walls of the pit of insanity have no traction, so remember to bring a grappling hook if you ever plan to get out. ;)

Currently, it's accepted that the only way that the community will get a C4 is to DIY, so to speak..
openc2e ( is an open-source clone of the game engine, and Lifandi ( is a free game in development that may eventually be played on openc2e.

My TCR Norns


 visit angel51431's website: the Norn Setter

Simmer down children, I'm gonna yell at all of you equally now.

first of all, ES (or WS if you prefer), you're not an oldbie. You're a regular. Aaaaand in the eyes of long-timers, you still are a newbie, part of a new wave of those 10-15 year olds that recently discovered this whole CC phenomenon and took over. We've been through this before - don't give out names and ranks unless you're up top and have a valid opinion. Don't use the word newbie (that MANY people are touchy about) por favor.

Freak_breeder - yes, you are a newbie to the community. I don't know how long its been since you were six years old, and how long you have been playing creatures - it really doesn't matter. Being new doesn't make you any worse, or below any other members as far as I or anyone else is concenred. WolfSpirit had no means of offending you, she was rather explaining the kinds of social circles that the community runs. Indeed there are very few people left. And so, we are glad to see a new face, moreso one that is willing to hang around the forum (most people join and never show up in the forums). Welcome and such, stick around. And leave that temper where it belongs - away from people welcoming you.

Yes, I'm the forum [devil]... Any questions?

Rascii: You make my life difficult, angel.



 visit ElasticMuffin's website: The Creature Repository

Once again, no, no, no. has been inactive forever - no activity in a year, nothing but vague hints on the wiki. Sorry, guys.

The Creature Repository / Eem Labs
My Creatures download archive (Bibbleworld, C12DS, and more)




I see,
well I plan on staying here (And on the Creatures game addicition) untill I am good and ready to die.

=D so hello all! And I will amdit, I am quite a newbie on the forums, I have been coming to this SITE for only a few months as well....

So yeah, any bad blood is washed away on my side... Everyone okay? no hard feelings?

Also a tad note, even though I have played creaturs on and off for quite a while I used to play it when I was young so I am just now getting "decent" at it. Soooo, yeah.




Well, I would certainly be happy if there was one! And I'm just a single person in a civilization full of people like myself!

But, sadly, there are no plans whatsoever.




*grumble* C4 would be excellent, but I'm not so sure it'll come out... I've read on a website that Gameware's problem is with the publishers: to them, Creatures is old news. They'll go for the newer things like Spore and Viva Piniata while we are slowly dissapearing.

Our future remains in doubt and it might take a miracle for Creatures to be noticed as a money-maker by potential publishers. If I could make C4, I would, but I'm not that good with graphics or anything :(. This whole thing could end in pretty much two ways: We face extinction in a few years, or (with a coming of C4) we will survive for a while longer.


Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Maybe the CC is too reliant on a new C4 for survival? Whatever happened to creating new agents/metarooms and participating more in the CC in general (forums, festivals, Wiki, JRChat), in order to survive? If more people were willing to do that, we'd probably do okay.

But that isn't likely too happen - there is a lack of interest due to having no definite likelihood of a C4. It's a vicious circle.



 visit Data's website: GR had this to say

new agents & rooms is nice- they always add a little spice to things.

Hrm, I was just wondering. what would happen if GW worked with fans on things to cut down cost? Probably wouldn't work, nm. Shouldn't post when tired (should we, Laura? At least your post made sense)

Back again! Beware!


 visit ElasticMuffin's website: The Creature Repository

Hawksight: You've pretty much got it in one. No one cares anymore. :-/ Then you have me, a person who sort of keeps involved and pretends to care despite not actually playing that much if at all. I am more of the developery type. Which probably means I should be writing some CAOS or something. But instead I fiddle with TCR which no one really needs that much because so few people play. :)

The Creature Repository / Eem Labs
My Creatures download archive (Bibbleworld, C12DS, and more)




Data: Sounds like a good idea to me ^-^


 visit angel51431's website: the Norn Setter

Laura - yes, we are too reliant. But that's because C1,2 and 3 have been sooooo worn out over the years. Everything that could have been said about them has been said. And not enough people meet up just for sake of the community. I mean I'm thinking back to JRC four years ago - all the regulars then had already long stopped playing the games and met solely to talk. I don't know the current JRC crowd, but that's the sort of thing that would barely keep things alive. Although around here it seems there's never enough OT things to talk about, other than silly strangeo games. Not enough to keep people coming back. Not to mention that most of the older creatures generations have just... grown up and got lives.

Yes, I'm the forum [devil]... Any questions?

Rascii: You make my life difficult, angel.

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Yeah, I agree with you - that's what I meant about the lack of interest in my previous post, just not in so many words.



I for one am semi-against a new Creatures game. Why? Because we've been sitting around for the six years since DS came out building up our expectations. Anything plopped out is likely to look rather sad compared to our starry-eyed desires. :P



You're probably right, Anduin. I'd love a C4 to come out where Norns are starting to inhabit Sphericus or something, but if a C4 does get made, that might not be so. I would kind of enjoy it if Creatures gets made into a roll-playing game, or if C4 is, as I stated above, a new planet for a new civilization of Norns. But if it gets made into something else, I'd probably be kind of bummed.

I'm semi-against C4 coming out too, for I have considered this possibility many times in the past: What if C4 (if it ever does come out) isn't what we expected it to be?




 visit angel51431's website: the Norn Setter

RPG? You kidding? that whole point is that the creatures are independent, not controlled by the player. that would ruin the whole... essense or whatever

Yes, I'm the forum [devil]... Any questions?

Rascii: You make my life difficult, angel.




Actually, I kind of wanted to walk around Albia/Shee Starship/Sphericus looking through a Norn's eyes. But... yes, angel. It would ruin the essense and the point of Creatures :(. Oh, well... you get what you get, I guess.





Are you insane? That'd be destroying the whole point of Creatures!

This is just getting sad. We'll never have our C4.

ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy


 visit Don's website: AmberCreatures

I think we probably will one day.

Would we want Creatures 4 or Creatures 3D though? or both? ;)





Wolfspirit wrote:
No plans for a C4. If you scoot over to the 3rd party C4 topic, you'll see that our community is nearly extinct. All that is left is a pack of around 10 newbies (you included), A pack of 10-15 year old regulars (myself included), and a small group of oldbies that have been around for nearly the whole ten years whipping us back into line.

Including moi.

I have to agree with WolfSpirit and Don. If there were more of us, and we were more unified, C4 may have a chance. With the rate things are going, we could become sort of "extinct." However, Gameware may one day decide to jump-start the Creatures part of their line of software, seeing that it still has some form of a fanbase.

But, please, don't get your hopes up.

"Through the darkness of future past,
The magician longs to see
One chance out between two worlds:
Fire, walk with me."




To EvilSpirit: Yeah... I know I'm insane. I know that'd be destroying the point, but I've always wondered how Norns envisioned their world. Seriously, haven't some of you wondered how Norns saw the world around them? The animals and trees and other Norns?

I think that a new Creatures game (that isn't a combination of two like some of the newer releases) will come out again someday as well :). A C3D or a C4 may come out. We just need to be optimistic about our future.

I believe that Creatures may one day again be at least somewhat popular, but (as ColonelJ stated) let's not get our hopes up too high.




 visit angel51431's website: the Norn Setter

Hawksight - that's what the little bubble thing in C1 and C2 is for. the window tells you what the norns is looking at and is thinking about and such.

Yes, I'm the forum [devil]... Any questions?

Rascii: You make my life difficult, angel.




I mean I want to be the Norn in the game. Wouldn't that be cool?


Yeah, I know, destroying the point and everything, but seriously ;).




 visit GrayDragonEmily's website: Emily's Observations

How about both 2D and 3D game play? You could be a Shee character you design. Eye color, etc. In 2D mode, you could be the Shee you design, and move like a Norn. You can pick up stuff, type stuff to say, etc. In 3D mode, you could be the Shee you design, pick a Norn to go with you, but It would be more like a video game in that mode. You could have the norn help you with stuff like fending off grendels, crawling though places to get things, etc. Different types of norns could do different things to help you.

My idea of a plot:

(Yes, I think it will be a nice idea to have one, but one that can vary by your actions)

After making a Shee character, you go into a deep tunnel, only to find Muco from Docking Station. Another Shee will guide your through the game. You also use some Norn DNA to make a starter family. You get to pick which, but you can always use Muco. The Norn's lives would be like that of the Meerkcats of Lion King 1/2 until you get rid of an Evil Male Banshee Grendel (Using 3D mode) that it as intelligent as a Shee.

The end could be you discovering that the Banshee Grendel is too powerful for you to defeat, but not too powerful for the other Shee, who tries to use his power to destroy the grendel, but he tells you that he can not do it without destroying his own life force, and does, destroying the grendel and himself. The Grendels are now nice, as they are no longer under control. But the game still continues, because you still take care of norns and explore, but you still feel your life is missing something, or someone...

Do you like my idea? It would be nice if Creature Labs staff was reading this.





AvatarFan, that's a cool idea, but it'd be sort of "vanquishing" the point.

My idea (shown below) is something similar, but will obviously never come to the market ;):

You get to make your own Norn, who you play as throughout the game. You choose the Norn's breed, gender, and name. Then you get sent to the Norn Meso to play.

When you get there, your job is to vanquish the evil, headed by its nasty leader, the seemingly-unstoppable Banshee Grendel, Emperor Grog.

My idea for the plot:

You start near the Musicola in the Norn Meso, where you find out from an elderly Norn with no name (the suspense!) that the Hand was leaving them on a "Wolfing Run" while the Hand was on a "vacation." He tells you that for a while the Norns were left in peace, until Grog came and filled the lands with Grendels and evil plants (called Vile Veeweeds) that when planted, they filled the landscape around them with the purest of all things evil. Your character knows instantly that it's your job to stop this evil, help your friends and family, and defeat Grog.

You then head off on an adventure, where you take as much time as you need to destroy the Grendel menace and the Vile Veeweeds. You wander around the Creatures Exodus area and do quests for the Norns in need and vanquishing the various Grendels in the metarooms, gaining exp., levels, new weapons and spells, and fame as you go.

At the very end of the game, you face Grog himself. He uses unimaginable powers to make him the size of a two-story building. You and he fight. You get to use as much time as you need to defeat him. When he's finally beaten, you see a violet flash of light and all of Creatures Exodus gets filled with goodness and purity again. After that, you can still go on quests and such, but the main mission is over.

Both of our ideas would pretty much ruin the essense of Creatures... it might attract new gameplayers, though...





i wonder now...let's all email them about C4 and protest a might get them making it...that's how super mario 64 DS is out,cause my boyfriend danny broke my N64 and told Nintendo to remake the game for DS but he's rich.i wonder if it would work...and sorry if its off subject.
Tartan Badger


 visit Hellfrozeover's website: Sims for Breakfast

*Pat pats newbie*

The bad dream will be over soon :) .



 visit ElasticMuffin's website: The Creature Repository

Yeah, let's protest and tick them off so they'll really be fed up and want to avoid Creatures altogether. Sounds like a plan. :P

The Creature Repository / Eem Labs
My Creatures download archive (Bibbleworld, C12DS, and more)

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Don wrote:
Gameware Development (once Creature Labs) have said they would like to make Creatures 3D themselves if they can get a publisher interesting in funding its development.

fin600: It's not that Gameware don't want to make a C4, but they need a publisher first. No amount of letters, emails, "We Want C4!!!" topics or any other form of protest is going to hurry that process up... :P



 visit Don's website: AmberCreatures

but getting more people playing DS online to impress a publisher might help! :)


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