Noir Nornchi C-Rex | born 12/5/2017 | 2 | Favourite food: Noodles with extra soy sauce
Favourite colour: White
Hobbies: Reading, playing the xylophone and stargazing |
Noir hasn't got much time left so I decided to donate all of his items to the Creatchi Mart.
Well that's interesting... lol
Apparently they can! XD
(Not that norns have ever been too choosy about their mates.)
They can?
So apparently sibling creatchi can breed? I did not expect that. o__o;
Aw, the cutest little lump of coal for Christmas.
He looks like a little lump of coal, doesn't he? Luckily he'll live to see Christmas this year!
Wow! he's completely different from his sibling!