Website Design Feedback via Rascii on 5/15/2015 | 35 votes Do you still find the website to be too bright/difficult to read?
I think white has no place on a website.
Computers make around as much light as a 20 watt bulb.
The only reason people traditionally use black text and/or white backgrounds is to mimic ink paper.
Plus there are a million other colours to be used!
TBH the site is still MUCH better than it was
Personally, having any constant animation would add a huge amount of eye strain if it wasn't small or otherwise avoidable. it's already a bit bright for me. it's like what jesseth and others said, it's always bright, but it's not awful.
Maybe have an animated border with creatures chasing each other around the title?
A few creature filled banners would be nice
It feels just a touch like a hospital with the color scheme but that's not a bad thing. Some cute lil norns or ettins or grendles would liven it up a bit
I think based on the feedback I've been receiving I will:
- Darken all of the colors a few shades
- Add some creatures-y banners
Hopefully this will make the site pleasant for all. I appreciate all of the honest feedback! I just wanted to the site to look very clean/modern and always consider it a work in progress.
When I first looked at it I thought the site had been taken over and put up for sale. All that white at the start was pretty jarring, and awful for those of us who can't handle bright color schemes like that all the time. Its more readable now than it was before, but it feels like there's something missing. Probably what Grendel Man just said.
I'm mostly fine with the color scheme. My biggest complaint is that it's just visually bland right now. If nothing else I'd like a banner for the website title, if not a more interesting background image than just the solid color it is right now.
I wouldn't say "awful", and it's not hard to read, but I would prefer if the white was something darker... But I could get used to it, since lots of other websites have more white than this!
It's not hard to read, so that's A-ok<3 But it is pretty bright! Like malkin said, it's not 'not usually' either though, so I picked 'yes' because it's always bright, not sometimes.
I will say though don't worry I don't think it's 'awful' by any means, but the brightness is a thing. c'x
It's definitely better with the grey/blue borders, the pure white turned out to be too much for me. I'd say 'sometimes', but I wouldn't go so far as to say 'but not usually', sorry!