| If you want you can convert this file to BMP format, and then replace the old Owner Kit image (Owner.bmp) in C2 with this image. |
 | If you want, you can convert this file to BMP format, and then replace the old Observation Kit image (Observation.bmp) in C2 with this image. |
 | If you want, you can convert this file to BMP format, and then replace the old Science Kit image (Science.bmp) in C2 with this image. |
 | If you want you can convert this file to BMP format, and then replace the old Breeding Cover Kit image (SexCover.bmp) in C2 with this image. |
 | If you want you can convert this file to BMP format, and then replace the old Shelves image (Shelves.bmp) in C2 with this image. |
 | If you want you can convert this file to BMP format, and then replace the old Health Kit image (HealthCover.bmp) in C2 with this image. |
 | If you want you can convert this file to BMP format, and then replace the old Hatchery image (Hatchery.bmp) in C2 with this image. |
 | If you want you can convert this file to BMP format, and then replace the old Graveyard Kit image (GraveyardCover.bmp) in C2 with this image. |
 | If you want you can convert this file to BMP format, and then replace the old Injector Kit image (Injector.bmp) in C2 with this image. |
 | If you want you can convert this file into BMP format, and then replace the old Grave image (Grave.bmp) in C2 with this image. |
 | If you want you can convert this file to BMP format, and then replace the old Ecology Kit image (EcologyCover.bmp) in C2 with this image. |
 | If you want you can convert this file into BMP format, and then replace the old Chronicles Kit image (ChroniclesCover.bmp) in C2 with this image. |
 | Another picture from my old Handy. If you want to call me, select: 12345679001234567890 ... and don't forget the area code from Alpha Centauri.  |
 | A picture from my old Handy. |
 | You can use this graphic as a template to color in. |