Strangeo Forum |

11/16/2006 | |
Click here for funny hamster dance!
Tell me how you like it!


11/17/2006 | |
I dug that up a while ago on JibJab. Awesome. 
ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy |

11/17/2006 | |
A da dee da dee dee do do, dee da diddy dooooo! Deedadiddyda diddydado da diddy diddy diddy diddy da dooo...


11/17/2006 | |
ugh. stop singing...please...
Beware what remains hidden in the day. For it may harm the unwary. |

11/17/2006 | |
The hampsterdance 
Ah, good times. Good times.
I remember having a party in grade 6 and we would dance like mad to that song. And then came crazyfrog...
...And then everthing whent fuzzy...
Nine times have I been told im crazy and ten times I have accepted it. |

11/20/2006 | |
Crazy...frog... I think I've heard of that...
