Strangeo Forum |

11/16/2006 | |
Mods, I'm not sure if this topic is apprioprate or not, but if it isn't apprioprate, please can you lock or delete it please?
My friend Jessie, decided to take her life this morning, she was 15, her parents and her friends have suffered a great loss. I was wondering could you keep Jessie, and her family, in your prayers please... They could use all the support possible.
Not really active around these parts anymore. |


11/16/2006 | |
oh my god. what happened?
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>

11/16/2006 | |
Just alot of bad stuff happened in previous weeks, I guess she thought, there was no alternitive...
Not really active around these parts anymore. |
 Tea Queen

11/16/2006 | |
I'm on MSN if you need to talk. *hugs*

11/16/2006 | |
Oh my God thats awful. How well did you know here?



11/16/2006 | |
Lord, I'm so sorry, Jacob. I'll be sure to add a prayer for her and her family tonight. I hope that wherever she is now, she's at peace.
You have to be honest with yourself when you are writing. If that leads to somewhere unexpected then perhaps you really needed to go there.
-- Jim Adkins |

11/17/2006 | |
In anwser to Symia's question, I knew her for 9 years...
Not really active around these parts anymore. |

11/17/2006 | |
That's really sad. I've never had something like that happen to me, so I don't know what it would be like to be in your position.
You know, do people ever look at a kitchen knife and wonder if someone could have died because of one? |

11/17/2006 | |
I just think that it is awful.


11/17/2006 | |
My lord.
We take life for granted so often. Im so sorry.
Some things just dig right into your heart and make you cry, even if only for a stranger.
Im sorry, I cant dare to read this post anymore.
Nine times have I been told im crazy and ten times I have accepted it. |

11/17/2006 | |
I remeber this girl named kayla died it happened two years ago. She was horse back riding and something scared the horse and it fell back on her. When we drive by our house to go to church it can be quite depressing even though i didn't even know her. She was only 14 when she died.


11/18/2006 | |
I...I watched my first pet die, a parakeet, right in my hand curl up and make a sad lurch, but this doesn't come close to a friend killing herself.
Even though i don't belive in the sort of way many do about God, i hope that if God is the kind of universal force that helps people, i hope that she will live on in our hearts and minds, and she will be remembered always.
Life is a natural order on this planet, and maybe on other planets. to think life has done you wrong and willingly decide to end that process is a waste. this world has plenty of opotunitys that she could have used. but it is to late, and maybe before the blow, she maybe realized the wrong ness of that. i hope that she will find peace.
Beware what remains hidden in the day. For it may harm the unwary. |

11/18/2006 | |
Oh. My. God. *hugs*
And to think I had it bad when my dog died!
ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy |

11/20/2006 | |
I'm friends with many decent 15 year-olds and to think that some just commit suicide like that... is just, awful.
