Strangeo Forum |

11/14/2006 | |
Spoiler for my norn book! A section of a chapter. It is only a little taste of the book, and it probubly will not make a bit of sense until read a few times. I will or may put more spoilers in this forum.
The scientists used their technology to bring back more and more norn breeds. Soon, every norn breed that had been found in that pool were now alive and well in the world. And so scientists began on ettins, and sold the rights to sell norns in pet stores and shelters.
The first norn sold was the first norn ever. Little Abigal, the pippin norn, was now a child. It had been three years. Three whole years since the day she was born. And now here she was, sold off to a rich family.
With each norn that was sold, the family was given a norn care guide. When the pool had been discovered, the papers that Jema the Shee had created were saved. Some of the papers were found to have a complete norn care guide, one in English, one in Sheeish. The documents were used to decipher the Shee language, and the English version was copied and sold to every adopting family.
Abigal had a full vocabulary now. She arrived in a crate at the doorstep of her new family?s house.
She heard the door open, and felt the box being lifted up. She squealed with delight as she readied herself to explore the house.
The box opened and she was released into the mansion. She jumped around, looking up at the high ceiling, and down at the painting on the floor, and left and right at the expensive objects that resided there.
She ran around the house, careful not to break anything, lest her owners get made at her.
It was then that she ran smack into something furry.
She fell on her bottom, and shook her head to figure out what she had run into.
She found another norn standing there.
This was a Bruin norn male, a child too. He shook his head, and tried to uncross his eyes.
Abigal heard footsteps behind her, and looked to find a human standing there. She was used to the sight of humans, having been around them all her life in the lab.
This human was a female, made up most lavishly. She had brown hair, high heels, a black dress, and the brightest lipstick Abigal had ever seen.
?Ah, there you are, you little norns!?
She took both their hands, and led them away.
?Come now, you must met your new housemates.?
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>

11/20/2006 | |
Eeee! I want a norn!!!!
May my house be filled with balrog norns and draconians! |

11/27/2006 | |
Only you, Kc 
