Survivor Forum |
ylukyun's Journal [Game 4] | |
 Caves Dweller

8/5/2012 | |
I'm ylukyun. I love Ettins and Grendels. As you can see I have temporarily assumed the form of an Ettin, and will be on the lookout for things to steal that may assist me in my time on the island.
- Rascii |
 Patient Pirate
8/12/2012 | |
Day 1
It is very rainy, but I smuggled a stolen tent onto a secluded area of the island and so am nice and dry. Have been enjoying a few pilfered marshmallows as I think about building some gadgets to make life on the island easier. Off to sleep now, to dream about gadgets. |
 Patient Pirate
8/12/2012 | |
Day 2
I found pineapples!!! Unfortunately I do not seem to have any way of opening them without injury. Suspect the remains of crustacea could be used to fashion a knife, but I can't seem to find any. Planning to venture out to the shoreline once I have created an umbrella. |
 Patient Pirate
8/12/2012 | |
Day 2 Part 2
After getting distracted by reinforcing my tent (I thought it would be a good idea given the weather around here) I've made a rudimentry umbrella. By the time I finished making it, the sun was out. Go figure. Anyway, I went to the shore and found an abandoned crab shell. There was a Grendel fishing there but I don't think it saw me. The crab shell made an OK blade when smashed and shaped with a rock, and after being adhered to a stick with tree sap, then tied with some twine, I have a knife to cut pineapples with, so I won't starve. Hopefully it doesn't break.
Now that I have an adequate food supply I can start building gadgets and structures. I'm wary of interacting with the other creatures lest they be hostile, but if I could trade my pineapples with them, or offer to build things in exchange for items, I might be able to get some good materials! There is still the option of stealing however... |
 Patient Pirate
8/13/2012 | |
Day 3
Having heard the calls of another Ettin I cannot help but be compelled to approach it. Odd as we are solitary creatures. Finally I give in to instinct and bring it a pineapple, introducing myself. |
 Patient Pirate
8/14/2012 | |
Day 3/4
It's been too hot to do much of anything today. Took a cool dip in a pond and a crab bit me! I gained revenge by eating it. Made a little sheltered BBQ. Built nothing else. Going to go to bed and see if I can sleep in this heat. |
 Patient Pirate
8/15/2012 | |
Day 4/5
Despite the heat I have made some progress on construction. Bathroom with shower is almost complete and the extension to the tent is taking shape. I also figured out how to make pineapple wine. Let's see if it helps me fall asleep. |
 Patient Pirate
8/15/2012 | |
Day 5
I've torn a page out of my journal and posted a flier near the campfire that everyone hangs around. It reads:
Tropical Resort
*Unlimited WINE!
Admission price: 1 electronic component, marshmallow or other sundries
There is also a map.
I have taken the liberty of training a wild boar to prevent unauthorized access. |
 Patient Pirate
8/17/2012 | |
Day 7
I haven't had much time to make journal entries, because I've been taking care of my new pet. I think I may have found a very distant relative!
 Patient Pirate
8/18/2012 | |
Day 8
The weather has certainly been crummy so far. So much for my ideas about a tropical paradise. I dream of building a weather machine.
Nobody has come to my resort yet. I'm actually starting to get lonely, but I don't feel like venturing out to find others! |
 Patient Pirate
8/19/2012 | |
Day 9
Weather cleared up, so I've been putting a bunch of fliers around the island. Let's hope a hurricane doesn't come and blow them all away. Tos (my pet) has caught a lizard. The boar tried to eat it, but it scurried away and is now on the roof. |
 Patient Pirate
8/21/2012 | |
Day 10
Boar has indigestion. Whilst digging a hole to bury the lizard skeleton, I found... something interesting. Suffice to say, my time on the island has been well spent! |
 Patient Pirate
8/24/2012 | |
Not really sure what day it is.
Too much pineapple wine. Woke up with a spider crawling in my mouth!!! There are a whole bunch of them. GROSS. Trying to make a poison. |
 Patient Pirate
8/24/2012 | |
I've sent some pineapple wine to Emily, with a note attached warning there may be spiders in it. |
 Patient Pirate
9/1/2012 | |
I asked Layla if I could play miniature golf with her, but she seems distracted by some kind of net. I hope she says yes, it looks like fun. |
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