Survivor Forum |
|  Caves Dweller

8/3/2012 | |
Hey, I'm C-Rex! Like Jessica, I'm an avid blogger and also enjoy drawing. Unfortunately I haven't brought a computer or paper to the island, so I'll have to find something else to help occupy my mind!
- Rascii |
 Lollipop Lord

8/11/2012 | |
Day 1, Journal Entry 1
Today I finally arrived on the island. It was quite stormy, and I got very wet indeed! Unfortunately it seemed as though my plans to go swimming will have to wait!
I decided to set up my camp far inland, so that I won't get swept away by the huge waves when the tide comes in. Fortunately I found an abandoned Coconut Crab burrow, and after lining it with a few palm leaves and enlarging it I decided to crawl inside and watch the rain pouring outside. I've always enjoyed thunderstorms, but I felt somewhat nervous as quite a few of the trees were swaying quite violently from side to side.
Overall, my day on the island has been somewhat cut short by the stormy weather, but at least I now have my own shelter to protect me! I am really looking forward to my time on the island.  |
 Lollipop Lord

8/11/2012 | |
Day 1, Journal Entry 2
It appears to be still raining, and it got pretty boring in my burrow, so I decided to go out adventuring a little bit! As I walked through the forest I caught a few raindrops in a large palm-leaf to drink. If only I had brought a few bottles with me, I could store it away from later.
After a while I caught a familiar scent - marshmallows! I walked towards the scent and found Layla roasting some marshmallows underneath a little canopy made of leaves! After eating a few marshmallows I felt full to the brim, and decided to walk back to my burrow.
Unfortunately as I made my way into the burrow I got a spider web all over my face. Yuck! I brushed the web away from my face and lay down on the soft leaves underneath me.
Here's hope that tomorrow will be a lot sunnier than today!  |
 Lollipop Lord

8/12/2012 | |
Day 2, Journal Entry 3
I got quite a bad nights sleep last night, as all I could hear was thunder outside! Fortunately, it seems to have gone now, just leaving a bit of rain behind.
As I clambered out of my burrow I could see that the lightening had brought down a palm tree. Hungry, I walked on over and picked up a coconut, but dang, I had nothing to crack it with!
After looking around a bit I saw a coconut crab scuttling around. I asked it to crack the coconut open for me, and it pinched me on the nose, ouch!
Looks like I'll have go searching now for something to stop my nose hurting, but I shall get my revenge on that evil crab some day! |
 Lollipop Lord

8/12/2012 | |
Day 2, Journal Entry 4
My nose has stopped hurting now, but I am still really annoyed at the Coconut Crab that pinched me before. To get my revenge, I built myself a campfire and got a large coconut husk and filled it with rainwater.
As the water began to boil, I ventured towards the coconut palms, in hope that I would find my victim. Sure enough, I saw the Coconut Crab nibbling on a piece of coconut, eating it with one claw and snapping at the gulls with the other.
Rushing over, I quickly grabbed the crab and carried him towards the boiling water. As I was ready to drop him in, he suddenly spoke to me, saying he was sorry for pinching me and that the reason he did it was because he had a bad day. After being shocked at the idea of talking to a crab, I soon explained to the Coconut Crab that I was hungry, and he led me to a berry bush.
The berries were delicious, and me and the crab chatted amongst ourselves until we were full. I said goodbye to the crab and then headed back to my burrow, ready for the next day. Hopefully it should be sunny enough for me to go swimming.  |
 Lollipop Lord

8/12/2012 | |
Day 2, Journal Entry 5
Yuck, what is that smell? It appears that somebody on the island has been going to the bathroom in a nearby ditch near my burrow. Haven't they heard of digging a hole and burying it? Hopefully I should be able to make a nose-peg out of twigs and vines to stop the stench, otherwise I'll have to sleep through it.  |
 Lollipop Lord

8/12/2012 | |
Day 2, Journal Entry 6
I awoke from my sleep to watch a large bullfrog hop by my burrow. There must be a pond nearby! I'm definitely going to visit it tomorrow, but for now, I must get some sleep!  |
 Lollipop Lord

8/13/2012 | |
Day 3, Journal Entry 7
When I woke up this morning the rain had stopped and its now sunny; now I can go swimming in the ocean. 
Unfortunately the first sight that greeted me when I crawled from my burrow was a large, black bear sniffing around the ditch behind my burrow. It unfortunately looks like I'll have to build a shelter elsewhere, as I can't risk having a bear sniffing around.
Before I went to build myself a new shelter, I decided to finally go swimming. As I walked through the soft, cream-coloured sands, I could see the waves gently lapping at the shore. When I got in, it was very warm, and there were plenty of fish too. Unfortunately, I didn't have a fishing rod with me, so I had to leave the fishing until later.
Collecting a few large sticks and leaves, I then began my search for a good spot for my new shelter. After I found one, a nice little clearing near some bushes, I began work on my shelter.
As I built it, I dug the foundations (the sticks) deep into the ground so they would keep upright. I also tied the leaves to the sticks with vines and made a door made out of a giant leaf.
I'm feeling pretty hungry now, so I'll go and look for some food for breakfast. I'll write up another journal entry when I've eaten.  |
 Lollipop Lord

8/13/2012 | |
Day 3, Journal Entry 8
I managed to catch some fish for my breakfast and cook them over my new campfire, but now I need to find something for dinner. I bumped into Emily before and she mentioned something about a beehive. Curious, I decided to check it out.
It turns out there really was a beehive, but how would I get the honey? Using a slightly curved stick and a long elastic vine, and constructed myself a bow. For the arrow, I tied a shark tooth I had found to a long stick.
I walked quite far away from the hive to avoid being stung and shot the arrow into its side. Boy, were those bees angry! After much buzzing they eventually calmed down, and I could go and collect some in my empty coconut shell.
After collecting the honey, I bumped into Jessica. After sharing some with her, and chatting about our adventures, I headed back to my shelter.
When I got there, I could see a very large, multicoloured parrot perched on a branch nearby. If only I had brought a camera!
After I eat my sweet, delicious honey, I will visit the pond and see if I can find anything useful. |
 Lollipop Lord

8/13/2012 | |
Day 3, Journal Entry 9
I visited the pond before, and it was pretty much what I expected, although I nearly fell in when I leaned over to take a look. I did manage to catch a few little fish to eat, and I saw Lisha and her baby looking for fruit in the forest.
Unfortunately, it appears as though my journal is starting to run out of paper, and I might not be able to write any more entries for a while. I should be able to get some more from the other Norns, but for now I am going to a campfire party with all of the others. Hopefully Layla shouldn't forget the marshmallows and fruit kebabs! |
 Lollipop Lord

8/14/2012 | |
Day 4, Journal Entry 10
I had a great night last night; we all danced around the campfire and ate fruit kebabs. Alas, there were no marshmallows. 
Today the weather seems to a bit cloudy, but it is much cooler and I think that I'll just go down to the beach today and look for treasure. Apparently there is a map buried somewhere on the island, all I have to do is find it!
Unfortunately this is the last piece of paper in my journal, but don't worry, I should be able to get some more from the other islanders, but until then, I'll be looking for a treasure map!  |
 Lollipop Lord

8/20/2012 | |
Day 10, Journal Entry 11
Yay! I managed to find some spare paper! Unfortunately, I haven't found any treasure, and my ears are full of sand, but I've made friends with the parrot who lives near my shelter, and I've even taught it to speak! Maybe it knows something about the treasure I don't?
I should hopefully be able to write another entry tomorrow when I'm less tired but for now I'm going for a little lie down in my shelter. Good night! |
 Lollipop Lord

8/21/2012 | |
Day 11, Journal Entry 12
I got bored today so I decided to do a bit of fishing with my makeshift rod. After many hours of sitting silently on the shore I felt a tug and I caught this little fellow:

He was quite vicious and kept thrashing about on the line. When I landed him, he nearly took a chunk out of my hand! Luckily he soon calmed down and I took him away to cook on my fire.
Unfortunately he tasted disgusting, like rotten seaweed mixed with dog food, although he made an excellent meal for a passing seagull.
After today I should have enough strength to go searching for that treasure map tomorrow. Fingers crossed that I find it!  |
 Lollipop Lord

8/28/2012 | |
Day 18, Journal Entry 13
After almost a week of searching, I finally came across a treasure map! It says that the treasure chest is hidden within a dense cave somewhere on the island, and it contains rubies, emeralds, sapphires and diamonds. I'm going to be rich if I find it! 
Unfortunately getting home will be pretty difficult with all this fog around. Hopefully my new parrot friend, whom I've named Cracker, should help me find my way home.  |
 Lollipop Lord

8/30/2012 | |
Day 20, Journal Entry 14
After two days I have finally managed to get home! Unfortunately it is still pretty foggy and I nearly tripped over a rock before.
I have decided not to bother looking for the treasure, and instead I am going to auction off the Treasure Map I found when I get home. Hopefully it should fetch a handsome price.  |
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