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CV Parental Controls   


 visit nickystar's website: Portfolio
  2/29/2024  2

So, while poking around in Creatures Village's files, I think I figured out how to reactivate the parental controls for use with the combined games! I'm not sure if this has been talked about elsewhere, but as far as I can tell, everywhere else indicates no one's found this workaround, so I thought I'd make a post about it for others to use. It's not a perfect workaround, but all it requires is making a single .cos file and putting it in your /My Worlds/WorldNameHere folder. I have the Steam version of the game, and so my world files appear in a folder in my Documents, rather than the /Worlds folder in the actual Steam game folder. I'm not sure if this is different for other versions.

After confirming where your World files are located, create a text file named Magic.cos and plop this code into it:

sets game "cav_birthdate" "DD\\MM\\YYYY"
sets game "cav_username" "name"
sets game "engine_password" "password"
*sets game "cav_gamelength" "22:30:0"
*sets game "cav_quittime" "22:30:0"
*setv game "cav_gameLengthIsPerDay" 1
setv game "engine_volume" 20
setv game "engine_mute" 0

Replace the last part of each line with your own information as you wish. Setting "engine_mute" to 1 mutes the game, and the volume line above can be set between 0 to 100. I've put * over the three lines regarding game length/quit time as I could not get them to function properly, and all they would do when active is immediately kick me out of my World as soon as I entered it, refusing to let me in again. :P If anyone else gets these to work, I'd love to know. I was particularly interested in the name and birthday lines, as the name you input appears on the banner in the upper floor of the house, and there's a cute little thing when the birth date hits. Also, you need to put TWO BACKSLASHES between the parts of the birth date. The message commands don't seem to like me typing those.

It should be noted that as soon as you enter a world with this Magic.cos file in it, the .cos file will immediately be converted into part of the TheWorldAndEverythingInIt file, so you may want to keep a backup version if you intend to make changes.

Another thing that you could do with parental controls in Creatures Adventures was input your own custom norn names, and I've also figured out how to recreate this. Simply create a /Catalogue folder in the same folder you put the Magic.cos file in, and create two .catalogue files named "BoysNames.catalogue" and "GirlsNames.catalogue". Inside each file you put:

TAG "girls"


Obviously for the "BoysNames" file you would change it to TAG "boys" and for the "name" parts you'd input any names you like. As far as I can tell, you can put as many as you want. I actually made two using the entire name catalogue from C3/DS lmao




if you don't mind me asking what are parental controls?
Peppery One


  2/29/2024  2

I don't know how Village handles it, but in C3/DS, which run different versions of the same engine, it's good practice to run an RGAM after changing GAME type variables, to process the new values immediately.
There's plenty of other things messing with GAME variables at all times, so it's regularly done anyway, but it's a good habit to form regardless.

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 visit nickystar's website: Portfolio
  2/29/2024  1

Sketchtape wrote:
if you don't mind me asking what are parental controls?

The parental controls are a feature that comes with the Creatures Adventures game, but becomes unavailable when merging the game into Creatures Village. They were essentially, as the name might suggest, controls for parents to restrict children's usage of the game, as it was targeted to a younger audience than the other Creatures games. However, there are some basic settings available in other Creatures games that are, for some reason, ONLY accessible through the parental controls of these games (such as the ability to change that game's volume, or set your hand's name.) Hence why I thought others might like being able to access them.

Papriko wrote:
I don't know how Village handles it, but in C3/DS, which run different versions of the same engine, it's good practice to run an RGAM after changing GAME type variables, to process the new values immediately.
There's plenty of other things messing with GAME variables at all times, so it's regularly done anyway, but it's a good habit to form regardless.

That's good to know, thank you! The code I used for the magic.cos file is actually pulled straight from the file created when using the parental controls in Creatures Adventures, so I copied it line for line with only the essential information edited (like name and birth date,) which didn't include an RGAM, but you're right that it would be a good idea to add one. :)


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