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11/30/2006 | 1 |
Over the years of my playing creatures, I've found that CAOS was a very usfull and entertaining tool at my disposal.
So, I reaserched a bit and found quite a bit of CAOS commands. Some of them are for agent making. Others are for basic gameplay.
So, I will now share these commands with you all. These are in no particular order (execpt by order they were copied) and some are not even CAOS at all! (keyboard shortcuts) These are all, of course, for C3/DS
Here they are:
Save game w/o quitting:
Exit without saving:
ctrl + brk
Repeat last speech bubble:
Cycle thru previous speech:
ctrl+up or down
Cycle thru inventory:
Ctrl+left or right
Toggle btwn full and windowed view:
cycles through all the norns in Albia.
shows the x-y coordinates of the hand in game.
Very useful for cob creating as you can pinpoint
the coordinates of where you want to inject something very easily.
Weird hand talk:
Type & enter """"""""
DJ Grendel:
in Sounds folder DJ_G.wav
Make extra food:
Recover hoverdoc:
Toggle wolf control on/off:
Toggle autokill on/off (from wolf control):
Toggle game speed (from wolf control):
Open/close CAOS:
space invaders:
setv game "scared" 1 6 0 0 0
pinball room:
meta 5 0 0 0
Age currently selected creature 1 life stage:
targ norn ages 1
Kill selected
targ norn dead
Teach selected to talk:
Teach selected to talk:
targ norn vocb
Teach all to talk
: enum 4 0 0 vocb next
Make egg under hand female:
targ hots setv ov01 2
Make egg under hand male:
targ hots setv ov01 1
Extend life current:
targ norn chem 125 1
Extend life all:
enum 4 0 0 chem 125 1
Kill selected norn:
targ norn dead
increase chance of twins to 50%:
setv game "engine_multiple_birth_subsequent_chance" 0.5
inject chemical:
targ norn chem X 1
Reduce a chemical:
targ norn chem x -1
increase life span of selected:
targ norn chem 125 1
Get calendar C3 in docked world:
meta 5 6 7 8
pick up the calendar and place it somewhere on your screen then type
meta 1 1 1 1 to leave this room and go to the desert terrarium
inject a new cos file:
ject "X.cos" 7
Remove a cos file:
ject "X.cos" 1
Floating norns (0=weightless-->1.0=full weight:
targ norn accg
Kill all of selected agent:
Enum X X X targ next
make selected egg male:
targ hots setv ov01 1
make selected egg female:
targ hots setv ov01 2
C3 ONLY Set bioenergy to 1000:
setv game "Bioenergy" 1000
Change # of creatures (C3 only):
setv game "c3_max_creatures" X rgam
Change # of norns:
setv game "c3_max_norns" X rgam
Go to norn terrarium near egg machine: home
Go to jungle terrarium near portal: end
Next terrarium on the terrarium bar (along the top of the screen right next to
the icon of your currently selected norn and the hand).
Scrolls previous terrarium on the terrarium bar (along the top of the screen
right next to the icon of your currently selected norn and the hand).
Toggle Windowed/Full Screen mode:
pause break:
Will pause creatures 3 until you click it again.
Will bring up the taskbar and minimize creatures 3 if you are running in full window mode.
Teach norn words: 'targ Norn vocb',
Forced Pregnancy: mesg writ norn 65
Forced Aging: targ norn ages 1 (or more, depending on how old you want your norn to be.)
Teleport the currently selected creature to a location. Replace x y with coordinates.
Sample x y Coordinates:
Norn Meso (DS) - 465 9370
Capilita Hub (DS) - 2460 9195
Containment Chamber (DS) - 5300 9495
Incubator (C3) - 585 990
Grendel Jungle (C3) - 2050 2115
Volcano (C3) - 5000 530
Marine Beach (C3) - 5240 2100
Learning Room (C3) - 8400 590
targ norn mvft x y
Move all creatures of one species to a set location. Replace # with 1 for Norns, 2 for Grendels or 3 for Ettins. Replace x y with coordinates. (See list above)
enum 4 # 0 targ norn mvft x y next
Remove a chemical from the selected creature. Replace # with a number from the chemical list.
targ norn chem # -1
Inject a chemical into the selected creature. Replace # with a number from the chemical list.
targ norn chem # 1
To make agents untouchable by creatures. Replace family, genus and species with the appropriate agent classifiers.
Sample Agent Classifiers:
All Gadgets - 3 8 0
All Elevators - 3 1 0
All Buttons - 2 12 0
All Lifts - 3 1 0
All Teleporters - 3 2 0
All Machinery - 3 3 0
If you want to affect only one "species" of Elevator, Gadget, etc, replace the 0 with the species classifier instead.
enum family genus species bhvr 0 next endm
To set the color of an agent, where RRR is the amount of red, GGG is the amount of green, BBB the amount of blue, and SSS/RRR are the swap/rotation of the color (all are numbers from 0 to 256)
targ hots tint RRR GGG BBB RRR SSS
To clone an agent - Replace family, genus, species with the appropriate numbers of the agent. Replace x, y with the coordinates of where the new agent should be placed. Clone will fail to appear if insuffecient space is present at x, y coordinates
inst rtar family genus species stpt seta va00 twin targ 1 mvto x y
Make fixed agents moveable. Replace family, genus, species with the appropriate numbers of the agent.
Shee Ark Medicine Vendor - 2 23 2
Shee Ark Cheese Vendor - 2 23 6
Capillata Lemon Vendor - 2 23 6
Capillata Justanut Vendor - 2 23 5
Desert Terrarium Stone of Knowledge - 2 24 1
Bridge Stone of Knowledge - 2 24 2
Jungle Terrarium Stone of Knowledge - 2 24 3
Shee Ark power-ups - 2 24 4
enum family genus species attr 199 next endm
Change an agent's behavior. Replace family, genus, species with the appropriate numbers of the agent.
NOTE: If you made the Justanut or Lemon Vendor moveable with the code above, use the first three codes on the left to make them behave normally.
Unbouncy enum family genus species elas 10 next endm
Heavy enum family genus species accg 8 next endm
Sticky enum family genus species fric 100 next endm
Bouncy enum family genus species elas 90 next endm
Light enum family genus species accg 1 next endm
Slidey enum family genus species fric 10 next endm
To pause an animal, plant or other agent (to keep it from dying while working with it)
targ hots outv tick tick 0
To resume the agent (replace the X with the number returned when you do the above)
targ hots tick X
To reinstall an agent from a .cos file
ject "nameofcosfile.cos" 7
To force the hand to drop whatever it's holding
enum 0 0 0 drop next
To find out an agent's classifier number in Creatures 3 (use Ctrl+Shift+T in DS)
targ hots outv fmly outs " " outv gnus outs " " outv spcs
To set the bioenergy level to 1000
setv game "Bioenergy" 1000
Change the total number of all Creatures (Norns, Ettins & Grendels) permitted at any one time. Replace # with the number of Creatures.
Creatures 3 ONLY! For Docking Station, use the Options Panel.
setv game "c3_max_creatures" # rgam
Change the total number of Norns permitted at any one time. If this number is reached, eggs will not hatch until a Norn dies or is exported. Replace # with the number of Norns desired.
Creatures 3 ONLY! For Docking Station, use the Options Panel.
setv game "c3_max_norns" # rgam
To output the CAOS command document
file oope 1 "caos.html" 0 dbg: html 1 file oclo
To make the hand invisible to your creatures
targ pntr setv attr 48
To move power-ups to the Norn Terrarium
enum 2 24 4 mvto 760 770 next
Quit the game WITHOUT saving. Same as (Ctrl + Pause Break)
Enable Debug Mode
Debug Mode Exclusive Commands:
Shift + Pause - Halt ticks
Shift + Space - Force a tick
Shift + Insert - Toggle Map lines On/Off
Shift + Page Up - Next Metaroom
Shift + Page Down -Previous Metaroom
Shift + Home - Change Display Resolution
Shift + Delete - Show Agent attention boxes
Shift + End - Normal/Double skeleton update speed
setv game "engine_debug_keys" 1 rgam
To run the (C3 only) Space Invaders game
Click on the Grendel head to begin the game. Move left and right with the arrow keys, and use the Space Bar to fire. Clicking on the Norn Meso door or any of the Favorite Places will return you to Creatures.
setv game "scared" 1 meta 6 1 1 1
To make your selected Creature say a phrase of your choice. Replace "text" with your phrase.
targ norn sezz "text"
To enlarge the map to fit more metarooms such as Aquamind (they must be programmed to be in that location).
mapd 100000 100000
1 -Carryable -Can be picked up by things other than creatures, vehicles and the pointer.
2 -Mouseable -Can be picked up by the mouse.
4 -Activateable -Can be activated using the mouse - otherwise CLAC and CLIK style events don't get sent when you click on the agent.
8 -Greedy -Cabin When set on a vehicle, it will automatically pick up things dropped in its cabin.
16 -Invisible -Creatures don't see you - applies to ESEE and STAR on creatures, as well as internal creature code.
32 -Floatable -Agent floats relative to the screen. Move it with FLTO. If you call FREL, the agent will float relative to another agent instead of the screen.
64 -Suffer Collisions -Will collide with room boundaries, according to its PERM.
128 -Suffer Physics -Agent falls with proper physics, including gravity, air resistance and friction. Otherwise, it simply moves with velocity.
256 -Camera Shy Agent can't be seen on a remote camera (PAT: CMRA) or photograph (SNAP). For vehicles, the contents are shy as well.
512 -Open Air Cabin
1 -Activate 1 -Creature can activate 1 this agent.
2 -Activate 2 -Creature can activate 2 this agent.
4 -Deactivate -Creature can deactivate this agent.
8 -Hit -Creature can hit this agent.
16 -Eat -Creature can eat this agent.
32 -Pick Up -Creature can pick up this agent.
elas : this controls the elasticity (bouncie bouncieness) of the object.. I.e. rubber ball versus rock.
accg: acceleration due to gravity OR weight in other words.... Either way, how fast it falls!
fric : friction of the object.. I.e. if it has high friction it won't slide down a slope so fast
aero: Aerodynamics .. or how fast the object will fly if you pick it up and throw it 
perm: A little more complicated, this is used to govern the different levels, and different depths
within the game and is why some apples will land on the wooden walkway , while some will fall
all the way to the norn garden. More later.
INST : causes whatever script you've injected into the world to execute (run) immediately, i.e.
the game will run this whole script before continuing at all. If it's a big script, there might be a
considerable pause in the game.. If not, then eh... who cares 
MVTO x , y : Move to the X,Y coordinate, i.e. in C3, mvto 700 750, would move the current object
into the norn nursery area.
ENDM : Signals the end of the current script. -
new: simp 2 11 2 "infinite_cheese_machine" 2 44 8000
attr 195
bhvr 48
perm 64
elas 40
accg 10
aero 5
fric 20
mvto 700 700
1 7 5
Floating objects:
targ hots ?1
or any number, depending on how high you want it to go.
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>

12/1/2006 | |
Very helpful, KC11! You obviously spent a lot of time on that 
