General Forum |

11/6/2006 | |
Same as the last Featured Creature.
Nominate a person, state your reason.
All nominees are put into a poll, YOU vote the winner. 
Not really active around these parts anymore. |

11/6/2006 | |
umm, is this for members or a actual creature?
Beware what remains hidden in the day. For it may harm the unwary. |

11/6/2006 | |
Real people. If yeh win, Jacob will create a topic where you get to answer question people ask you.
You can nominate people too.
I nominate sahkmet for being cool.  |

11/7/2006 | |
I nominate EvilHyperThingy for being funny, cool and a good friend! And for being an Evil Hyper Thingy! |


11/7/2006 | |
In case you missed the first one (in which I won the poll by a bit of a landslide, but was woefully un-loved in the questions... ) the thread's here.
My TCR Norns |

11/7/2006 | |
thank you evilhyperthingy! i like it when at last people think i am cool! in the real world i am not that popular, proboly cause i wear dragon shirts, talk about computer, and not exactly what a boy would like... well thank you! i nominate evilhyperthingy!
Beware what remains hidden in the day. For it may harm the unwary. |

11/7/2006 | |
Sahkmet, Draconorn has already nominated EvilHyperThingy, so you need a different nomination.
Not really active around these parts anymore. |

11/7/2006 | |
hmmm...Laura! she has been helpful lately, and compared to moderators on other pet sites, very forgiving and friendly.
Beware what remains hidden in the day. For it may harm the unwary. |

11/7/2006 | |
I nominate Jacob (if possible)! He seems like a nice fellow, anyways. I've seen him post around the forums, and he deserves the title that is under his avatar. NO WAIT I did'nt mean that he is a flying monkey! I mean that the moderators made a wise choice giving him the ability to have that title. He obviously did'nt get it for nothing! Go Jacob!



11/8/2006 | |
I'd like to nominate KnyteTrypper, though he is fairly new to he has made some great contributions and has settled in well 
The Electric Angels (my blog)
"Don't you know there ain't no devil,
it's just god when he's drunk"
 Tea Queen

11/8/2006 | |
I nominate DragonGirl, for being a Rocky Horror Show fan like me.  |

11/8/2006 | |
I don't know whats with you and Rocky Horror picture show, Laura.
But I can understand it. I'm fanatic about Bruins.



11/11/2006 | |
I think you're only allowed to nominate one person.
My TCR Norns |


11/14/2006 | |
Thank you Dragon Girl. But I haven't been around long enough for most people to have yet decided if they do or don't like me. Even I didn't vote for me last time. 
So, like, can I withdraw myself from nomination?


11/14/2006 | |
Waa, know one nominated me...


11/14/2006 | |
If you wish, KnyteTrypper.
@Symia You are still rather new, and not many people have got to know you well besides you sister so far.
Not really active around these parts anymore. |

11/14/2006 | |
Lots of people have been here for quite a long time and are less known as others. It all depends on who you are. 
Or rather, What you contribute.
I nominate no-one becuse everone is too good of a member to choose from.
And becuse im lazy and wont explain why someone would win. 
Nine times have I been told im crazy and ten times I have accepted it. |

11/15/2006 | |
Yeah, I am quite new. But I make my way around the forums.
