General Forum |
Ughh... Prob with the avvies.. | |

11/4/2006 | |
Ok, will someeone explain this to me?
Ok, first of all, I luv norns and creatures games. they are my life and inspiration (ok maybe I'm exagerating just a tad). I also enjoy looking at all the norn avvies as well! but the point is, they're just kinda boring. I mean, this is just my opinion, but I personally prefer moving ones (I'll change my avvie in a moment). I mean, this is a norn site but.... you know, I'm just an incredibly picky person.


11/4/2006 | |
Erm, explain what? Are you asking how to make animated avatars? |

11/4/2006 | |
So what you're trying to say is you think most of our avatars are boring and we should explain that to you?
Alright, here goes:
An avatar, icon or avvie on is something that appears on the side of every single one of your posts, above your username. It makes you recognizable to other people and lets you express yourself a bit.
See the underlined bits? Avatars tell people what kind of person you are, since you chose that avatar to represent yourself on the forums.
Your avatar right now is telling me you are loud, annoying, badly drawn and like to tell people they "suck big time" every 1/2th of a second.
Not only that, an avatar appears next to all your posts. In your case this means a whole row of ugly, flashing, mildly insulting bunnies.
I don't know what kind of person you are in real life, you might be a very kind, intelligent and sensitive person, but all we can see on the forums is a yellow flashing bunny with a tact problem. 
So that sums it up. Our avatars are boring because they're not bright and flashy; and they are not bright and flashy because that would be annoying for everyone.
The Community Scribble: make (y)our own metaroom! |

11/4/2006 | |
LOL I got a kick out of that last post Aquashee thx for posting. Whatever, though. like i said in the begining, I'm just a picky peep. ta ta then!



11/4/2006 | |
Lets just say we let our avartars reflect who we are, what we like or our interests.
For example, mine shows I am a fan of Ronald Dahl, Johnny Depp and Tim Burton.
Shadowveil's shows a love for bengal norns, prehaps a favourite norn or/and the colour green.
AquaShee's shows he loves creatures two and shee mythology.
I think you'd better look at yours and think about the message it gives to other forum users.
The Electric Angels (my blog)
"Don't you know there ain't no devil,
it's just god when he's drunk"

11/4/2006 | |
Mine shows that one of my favorite Pokemon is Pikachu.
And that I think I'm AWESOME. =3 (Why I said I THINK I'm awesome is because others may disagree) Draconorn made it. Yay Draconorn! xD |


11/4/2006 | |
Mine shows my addiction to dragons. Nuf' said.
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>


11/4/2006 | |
Everyone has different opinions. Some people like big, gawdy jewelry and others prefer something more tasteful. It appears the same goes for avatars.
To each their own. 
?Love is the Fire of Life; it either consumes or purifies.? |


11/4/2006 | |
Yup. I love creatures... perhapes as much as you do. But I wouldn't want to put them in as my ava (although I did do so in my early days, just for a test ava really) because I like dragons better.
Some people like norns best. Some people like dragons best. Some people like Shees best. And some people like yellow bunnies best. It's all relitive.
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>


11/5/2006 | |
You can probably guess what I think about avvies... (I've never had one here, and I only use some default one on Gameware etc.) I just can't be stuffed. A couple of lines of text in my siggie and my title is all I want.
My TCR Norns |

11/5/2006 | |
Mine often changes, but is usually depicts Mewtwos, Grendels or Dogz, showing that I love pokemon, creatures, and petz.
ps. I haven't played Monster Raannnrrrnnchhdoggy |

11/5/2006 | |
Mine shows... I have brown hair? And I like Japanese stuff?
Not really active around these parts anymore. |

11/5/2006 | |
you guys are all right. I guess I was silly to post this subject.
I also got mail from "da mod Laura" that flashing avvies like my old one may cause seizures, and also that "u suck big time" bunny avvies are'nt exactly friendly. Hope you like the new avvie!


11/5/2006 | |
*pokes* I likies. Much better than the other one.  |
 Tea Queen

11/5/2006 | |
Please take a moment to read the new rule about animated "flashing" avatars over at the New Users: Read This First topic.
Thanks! |

11/6/2006 | |
umm, Aquashee, no need to be picky, but i didn't get it when you said Symaras avatar had bunnies on it, when it has a Flaming Lips album now! or did she change it? also she is my sister, and have learned she was being well teaseing and stuff. forgive her. she doesn't get it.
sorry. i just learned it was my avatar with the rabbit on it. sorry. 
Beware what remains hidden in the day. For it may harm the unwary. |


11/6/2006 | |
Don't worry about it. And yes, as Laura said, we really don't allow bright flashing animated avatars. Small, subtle animations are fine, ones that aren't too distracting. The one she has now is just fine.
Its actually now a new rule, we've always had this.
Yes, I'm the forum ... Any questions?
Rascii: You make my life difficult, angel. |

11/7/2006 | |
ya I got the mail from Laura and I did'nt want to brake any rules. So I hope this one is Ok now!
