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Norn Tourtoure???   



I just have a question that i have been thinking on. What are norn tourtoure?

Excuse my bad english


Simply lurking around
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

There's a page all about Norn torture at the Creatures Wiki:





thanks for the help Laura!
Wow norn torture are horrible! How can someone treat a norn so bad!!! :'(

Simply lurking around



I know it's so mean! D: but I would download those poor norns to let them live a happy life in my world and rehabilitate them

random 30 rock quote-
" I want to hold a mirror up to society and then win world record for biggest mirror." ~Tracy



 visit KC11's website: DragonClawWritings (Tumblr)

From what I've read, norn torture used to be quite the taboo in the CC. In my days in the community, I find that people are a bit more casual about it.

I think it all depends on how you view norns. If you view them as your pets, you tend to take care of them. If you view them as your venue for entertainment, then you may be prone to abuse them sometimes.

Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>

Peppery One



hmm, I tried it onetime with norn-torture. I made a Draconian norn + Jungle grendel crossbreed. I made that till it had one with the genus norn. then I called him "Schmerzhaft" (german for painful).

I always smashed him against walls, threw him around, used stingers and Hoverhook Bouncers at him. when hes was going to die I saved him in the last moment with draining the wounds out of him (I used the chemicals graph, found in the metarooms Terra and Terra Reborn). after the draining he got about 2 minutes pause and then I started again.

after a while I got bored and I mixed Schmerzhaft into the Bengal + Bondi crossbreeds I kept in the world.
(the world is now deleted)

it is good to get rid of agressions, but when you search fun for a long time is norn-torture waste.

This was the test summary from the Grendelkeeper Betatesting Center

Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis...
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

I'm gonna move this to General, as it's turning into quite a good discussion. :)


 visit angel51431's website: the Norn Setter

Maybe people can do it because norns are not real animals, but AI projections coming out of a computer game. Real animal abuse is a problem. Norn abuse not so much.

Its a matter of how you define "life" i guess. IMO artificial is artificial and so called torture for them isn't hurting anybody real.

Yes, I'm the forum [devil]... Any questions?

Rascii: You make my life difficult, angel.

Prodigal Sock


 visit Ghosthande's website: Breeders Beware

Agreed. There are a lot of people who take issue with abuse not only of Creatures but with other virtual pets, like Petz and Chao.

Even though they're fun, everything in these games is pre-programmed. Looking at it from a programmer's point of view, I can't bring myself to take the whole abuse thing seriously, because it obviously isn't hurting anything. If I make my character hit a Chao, the Chao doesn't actually feel "pain", it just plays an animation and a sound recording that makes it appear to be crying or whatever. At best, you have a counter in there somewhere that's counting how many times you've hit the thing so that at some point it can start using different behaviors to make it look like it's been traumatized. But there are no drives, no mental reactions on any level. Most virtual pets are about as alive as the critters running around your world.

That's why I think Norn abuse is so interesting--you do have drives, and mental reactions, and all kinds of interesting behaviors that can crop up which aren't pre-programmed. But I still wouldn't go so far as to say that a Norn is alive, or that hurting one is inhumane.




I have to disagree. Actions on creatures reflect real life actions and if we have people only buying the game so they can torture the norns, it's quite pointless. There's always the 'survival of the fittest' type of thing where you put a whole bunch of norns somewhere they will die and the ones who are fit survive, but I think killing norns for pleasure is just stupid. Creatures is a LIFE simulator after all, and at that the most realistic one I've ever seen, and though norns shouldn't be considered 'alive' artificial intelligence is advancing at a rapid pace and if there were (we all pray) a creatures 4 then I think it would have the norns being even MORE lifelike and these people who would torture them... well lets just say I think that we would see a whole lot of new reactions that we've never seen coming from a norn.

But even so, they're programmed AIs and therefore not alive so norn torture IMO has been blown way out of proportion. Though I do think it's wrong, I wouldn't go so far as to try and change other's opinions on the matter. It's a good way to take out anger, but if I have a norn that's going to die of some terrible disease or be in pain for the rest of their life I put them to sleep with an injection of ATP decoupler. And yes, I AM obsessed with dot hack and the AIs in that may jave influenced my opinion ;)

random 30 rock quote-
" I want to hold a mirror up to society and then win world record for biggest mirror." ~Tracy

Prodigal Sock


 visit Ghosthande's website: Breeders Beware

It's true that it does reflect a person's real-life actions. Anybody who tortures Norns obviously has a malicious streak in there somewhere, or else they wouldn't be doing it. However, it's a bit like people who play shooting games--obviously they have something in them that thinks shooting is fun, but that doesn't mean it represents their real-life ambitions, that they're going to go around shooting people in real life. The majority of people, I believe, see the difference very clearly and would never cross that line.

Besides that, Creatures is an open sandbox game. Playing it as a virtual pet game is the obvious lure, but that doesn't mean it's the only way you're 'supposed' to play it. In Creatures 3, there are gene splicers and sludge guns and airlocks and piranha pits--why do you think the creators included those objects with the functions that they have? Death is a possibility, if you want to play that way.

What I find interesting is the fact that many people object to Norn torture, but it's still very widespread to see people--sometimes even the same people--coming up with new ways to kill Grendels. Even if a person is good to their Norns, there's still a good chance that by Creatures standards, that person is a "murderer" who tortures Creatures. They just aren't of the Norn variety. And that is how Creatures was "meant" to be played! Even from the very start, in Creatures 1, the Grendel was just as smart as the Norns, but unable to show it, and you were encouraged to get rid of him however you could.

There's really no getting away from that death aspect. It's just a matter of which side you choose to play on.


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