Dear Laura,
I'm stuck on a desert island because the lifts have broken down and the boat is all the way on the other side of Albia. I tried to call for help on the radio, but it's broken; all it does is play the same song over and over. I never want to so much as look at another coconut, the smell of them makes me sick. I'm using my last hooch bottle to send you this message, I just hope it gets through!
- Reluctant Islander
Dear Reluctant Islander,
There's nothing quite like a desperate survival situation to motivate us to tap into our creative and resourceful side! Using the palm trees and their giant fronds, I'm sure you can fashion a slingshot and catapult yourself back onto the mainland. Hopefully you'll land on something soft! Perhaps you could even craft one of your beloved coconut shells into a safety helmet? 
- Laura