Dear Laura,
I have a big problem. My Hand has what you would call 'Vicious Grendel Syndrome'. It has been known to attack, kill, maul, starve, drown and slap the Grendels on the Ark to death. I have become concerned because it seems to have a mind of it's own, and I'm beginning to think it has it in for me. Oh no, here it comes! Em love hand! Ouch!
- IbibGrimNorn
Dear IbibGrimNorn,
Get a sledgehammer and show it who's boss! Geez... Norns should really start sticking up for themselves! If that doesn't work assemble a gang of Hardman Norns, then sit back and watch the Hand get teared limb from limb! (If that doesn't work try introducing it to the piranhas...
- Laura