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HavenHoney's Journal | Survivor: Space   
Caves Dweller

United States  

 visit Rascii's website: Creatures Caves

You can call me Josey. I believe through hard work and dedication I can win. Most creatures think that I am just a Grendel killing machine, but I'm just a scared treehugger at heart.

- Rascii


  8/18/2013  1

Well this is odd! I find a trail of fruit and find a silver box, and being as curious as I am, I push the button. I end up here in this small but comfortable room.

While looking at my surroundings, something somewhere starts to talk! So I fill out this form, and then I see something move outside, I just shrug and carry on with my form.

I don't know what and if the 'thing' outside my room is but I sure hope it doesn't attack... I seem to have misplaced Mr. Munchy... Well anyway, wish me and Mr. Munchy good luck in this strange place!

Username: Josey
Pasword: ******
Moniker: Unkown
Species: Norn
Sex: F
Mother: NMF
Father: NMF





Well, I'm doing another journal.

I found Mr. Munchy today! he was under my bed, which is odd because I don't remember putting him under there....

Anyway while I was searching for my things I heard running and a strange noise, It was weird so I went out of my room for the first time to investigate I heard more running so I Hid under a table I bravely went back to my room. Truth is I'm afraid of things a lot of things.

I gained up enough courage to walk the corridor and I saw a Bruin norn! I squeaked a bit before walking up to The bruin, Maybe we could be friends soon?





I give Malkin a tiny smile "H hi I'm Josey, would you like to be friends?" I heard a thingy scuttling and someone running" I say shyly.

I bring out a small pocket plant and it dispenses a little doughnut "Would you like one?" I ask holding a chocolate doughnut. I can see some orange goo... Not sure what it is but at least I made a friend! [nsmile]





"Maybe we can go to the planet! I saw some pods back there." I say pointing to the corridor on the left "I just need to bring Mr. Munchy, he's my Venus fly trap" I say giggling.

"Your very nice Malkin, maybe we could be best friends?" I ask feeling very awkward because I've never done this before.





I hurry down corridors with Malkin of course, and I find the pods, I'm very curious, so I step into one it locks me in and it ejects. I'm very scared now it was a very short ride, am I the only one here? or are there others.....

The planet is strange, more so then new Albia. I hope Malkin comes, I misplaced Mr. Munchy again. *crackle* oops gotta recharge......





Being on this planet isn't what I thought it'd be.

The planet has all sorts of food and animals, I just need to see if I can get back to the ship, here is nice and all but I don't think I can stay forever.

I have yet to see any norn yet, so I think I will go back to the ship, one problem I don't know how yet... While I'm here I might as well get an animal friend while I'm here, but what one? I start eating a piece of cheese from my dispenser and yawn.

Well it's getting late I better be heading to bed bye bye for now!





Well I met a very nice lady forest norn and it's seems this little critter is hers!

So I think we might be friends "So this is your Meerkizandity?" I asked.

I also ask her what she thinks a Hardman norn is, when after she replied I then told her what I really am at heart and that I wouldn't hurt a fly ever. I then hand her a piece of cheese from my pocket plant dispenser. I then went out and search for a little animal friend.

Well good night, I'll make another journal in the morning.





So I went out to search for a animal friend, and I got lost. [nscared]

Okay so I found this cute little buddy it's like an elephant and a grazer. Maybe I'll call it a elerazer! and his name will me pear.

Okay on to more important things, I'm lost and I keep getting stung by these wasp things in this shack covered in goo. I'm very scared right now, but I think pear can take me back to the pod.

Till next time! [nscared]





Okay so I'm back, I wasn't to far away so it was easy enough.

So Pear was super hungry so I gave him a doughnut he likes them! Any who so when I got back to my shuttle I ran into Malkin and Kappsune! I run up to hem and hug them, they seemed shocked to see me, I hope it was a good shock!

But I'm now in pain from al those stings but I'll get over it. I'm going to head back to the space station tomorrow.

Until then!





So this trip is amazing! and Pear is a happy camper if only I could have a bath to get this strange goo off.

I then take out my pocket plant form my backpack and give then some crobster bits, So how are you guys? I ask looking at my watch

So I look at them both and my watch and drag them back to the pod. We have to get back to the ship a big event is going to happen I say still covered in the orange goo.





Whoo! I feel better now that the orange goo is off!

So once we were done rinsing off everything including me and Pear I suggested we go to our rooms to rest it's been long day.

So we ended up not going to our rooms for a while we went for a walk down the corridors, and boy are they long! with our legs aching we kept exploring and soon after a while Pear and Michelle were playing together again to cute! any way we then made it back to our rooms, apparently the ship is weirdly shaped.

That's all for now!





Hi again!

So today is the big event! I hug Mr. Munchy and Pear, because I'm so nervous. Maybe a doughnut would help?
Nope, just made me feel worse.

So I met up with Malkin and Kappsune, and we started talking, and they didn't seem nervous, at all so why should I, Any way we're eating lunch now, I left Mr. Munchy in my room for now, and Pear and Michelle, are eating some grass they found.

I guess you can call us the three amigos! I hope I can
relax soon!

Wish me luck.





So, I want to describe Pear a little bit, He looks quite like this only more elephant-y with some tusks and orange stripes. and a long trunk so small elephant with orange stripes.

Bye for now!





Sorry I didn't record another journal.

It turns out Pear wasn't a he it's a she, so now I have mini Pearlets running around.

So once the Pears fell asleep I hurried out and saw Kappsune running from this hand, I run back in my room and lock the door.

So then I start to pace and boom my floor boards flip and I'm in this dark room with the three Pear children and Pear. I call for help but now one answers, I have to look for a way out of this!

Oh great they're hungry

Bye for now! *sigh*





Okay, something weird happened last night.

So you see Pear was cross bred with a Grazer and a Elephant, she glows in the dark! And the babies have stutters of glow, maybe with them I can find a way out!

I see many closed doors. I checked one empty, checked another empty with a side of spiders, I quickly closed that one, and I found one more, I need a key for it though.

Well I best start searching for one. Bye!





Oh yay!

I see Kappsune and I immediately run to her happy to see my friend, then I notice she's limping so I bandage her up with some cloth from my nap sack.

So after our reunion I found the key! Kappsune fell on it when she dropped. So then I see Mitchell, has she grown? She seems bigger. Any way I unlock the door and there is this tunnel, thinking what do I have to loose, I follow the tunnel with the Pear family at my heels, and Kappsune following holding Mitchell.

We reach the end of the tunnel and guess what! we'er out and in my bathroom, weird huh.

Well the floor is back looks like I better was up, I'm covered in what I hope to be cob webs.






Okay so, I'm back!

I was walking down the corridors when I saw this Yeti-thing, so I kinda squeaked and hid.

So hiding didn't work, the yeti found me in a few seconds. So I kinda cower in fear as it gets closer and wince for a moment. After I stop I notice he's just standing there. Maybe he's a friend?

Bye for now!





Okay so I stopped by Malkin's room.

I knocked a few times with no response, so I opened the door and I saw it was empty. So I slowly walked out sighing She must have gotten voted off.

I'm back in my room now and I got a message from the H.A.N.D it said: Congratulations you have not gotten voted off. Unfortunately Malkin and Ettinmaniac, have been voted off.

What will happen now? the trio is now a duo.

Well wish me luck!





Sorry that I haven't done a entry in a while.

You see after coming out of my room I saw a Pearlet bolt out, so I ran after she it had something in her mouth I caught her eventually and I saw that what she was holding was a relic so I then was walking to the dessert when black dust hit me! dust of all things *sigh* anyway so I followed the trail of dust.

Oh my! I have seem to have run into another norn.

See you later!





Hey Journal I bumped into Kappusune today!

We where following this black dust and she bumped into me, funny huh? Well anyway there is this I don't want to say annoying but it is in fact annoying and the yapping seems to be coming from, the strange norn's staff.

I asked Kappsune where this relic came from, she didn't know so I put it in my nap sack and I tossed some doughnuts at the stranger she looked hungry I then gave some to Kappsune she very skinny. So I have to make leases now so the Pearles don't escape when they're mum is sick. I start to walk down the the medical bay cause I need some medicine for Pear and I see Mitchell, I treat her ankle and grab the medicine and I go back to my room.

Oh my goodness when I got there, there wasn't a wall from mine and Kappsune! So I see her come in smiling I smile at her and give Pear her medicine.

Bye for now!





Wow, this week has been crazy!

I woke up today, and I had a little message on my tablet Congratulations you have not been voted off today, but Nimhslab and Jeremiah J. Irons have been voted off, you are still in the game.

Okay then, Well Pear id feeling better and Kappsune is still asleep, The hand seems very violent, best not run into it, Well Pear is feeling better.

Well bye for now the Pearlets are eating some wall ruble.






Well I'm now leaving my room.

So Kappsune asked me to go with her, so I guess I better go! plus the pearlet is hungry.

So I hurried with my stuff and caught up with her.
Well I have to unpack

I'll see you soon





Sorry I haven't made another journal in a while.

You see when we got to the Terrarium we built shelters, mine is done and boy did it take a while, I'll ask Kappsune
if she needs help. I wait for the reply and I grab some leftover bark and glue it together with sap and so on and so forth until the roof, that's the hard part I climb up some of the tree and put bark on the top and seal it with a coat of sap. Now to seal it on the inside.

So I'm now done the roof and now we have to make it comfortable so I grab some leaves and line the floor with it and glue it to the tree so it wont come off and I then make a bed for her using big leaves and some cloth from bark.

So she now has her home and the Pearlets -1 and Pear are in my home and one of the boys is in Kappsune's

See you soon journal!





So I guess I now have to release the Pear family. *sigh* I'm going to miss them [nsad] But it's for the best they're now all grown up so I released them into the wild Pear seems to be much happier and her adult-children are happy so I guess I should be happy. Hmm I half expected there to be a contest but *shrug* whatcha gonna do? Wait a minute I'm not so scared any more! I still love animals but I'm not afraid of my own shadow. Well I best be off Wish me luck!





Well I woke up today by Mitchell stepping on my arm. I picked her up and took her up to Kappsune's hut. Oh my! she's gone! I want her to come back, maybe I should go looking for her?

Yes. I'm going to go looking for her I just hope we're still friends.

So I walk out of the Terrarium and I hear something muffled I race to a door. Oh I hope this is the right one! I jump down and I see a create,I open it out of pure curiosity and I see Kappsune! Yay!

Well *crackle* I have to *crackle* recharge you by for now!





So I woke up today with a note taped to my forehead weird huh. Anyway the note said "Contestant you must head back to the planet and grab some specimens for testing, if you do not complete this task, it can influence the voting, bring them back today. -Hand" So it looks like I'm heading to the planet.

So I have almost reached some pods so I left Mitchell in my little hut and I strap myself in 3 2 1 I'm heading down to the planet now......... I've landed, and I'll grab some animals and plant life, so I'm picking up the last plant and animal when I see a Sand storm! I have to get back to my pod! so I'm running from this storm and trip I think "It's all over I'm going get sucked up in this storm," But no I get back up and keep running I reach my pod and stuff the plants and animals in the back seat and launch off again.

So I barely missed the storm I'm glad to be back on the ship and away from the storm.

Well that's all for now.



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