slot | Norn-W | type | Genetics + Sprites | author | Ghosthande | updated | 12/7/2014 | website | [view] | A Lovecraftian-inspired Norn breed based on Vampess's CFE genome, the Deep Norns start out as terrestrial, innocuous-looking babies and gradually metamorphose into fully amphibious elders. |
I love this breed and the way they change as they age! That's a fun touch.
Possibly my favorite breed of norn!
They get very close to it at adulthood.
I agree with Grendel Man,
I think it's sad the Deep Norn didn't look like this troughout theyre life - Theyre namesake and looks fits the picture,but sadly thats only the eldery who look like this. : /
I remember I was looking forward to this breed and once out I wanted to try them right away and was suprised to see the lifestage did not look like that until becoming old!
Only felt a bit creeped out by the fact theyre like fish and sleep with open eyes.
Otherwise it's a neat breed - just wish there was a extra version with the eldery look on all lifestages.
Old age, when they look like the picture. It's a bit of criticism I have with this breed, honestly. I don't like the fact that these don't come into their full splendor until old when nearly every other breed hits that point at adulthood.
When do they become amphibious? I thought it'd be by adulthood but I just drowned one doing that, so that can't be right. >.>
Do these die of old age?