Guidelines for reserving a script range at Creatures Caves.
Script reservation will be divided into much smaller ranges than in the past. Few, if any developers, have ever filled the previous norm of 100 "script-wide" slots. For this reason, script ranges will now be reserved in sets of 10-25, depending on the scope of your needs.
Proof of Ability, Activity
Proof of ability and production may be required. Too many script ranges are/were filled with developers who never created anything. Henceforth, Creatures Caves staff reserve the right to request a script (preferably an image, sprite, background or screenshot) that proves that you are able and actively creating work for the Creatures series. If proof is requested, you will not be granted a range until proof-of-ability has been provided. Proof is very important. Your proof will also be the determining factor in how large a script range you are given. In other words, you will not get 100 script slots if you only show a screenshot of a beach ball.
After one year, if you have failed to create content as you had planned, your script range reservation may be truncated or removed, unless you can once again provide proof that you are still actively developing. Please note: You will not be given warning! It is your responsibility to keep up with your script range if you have not released agents. We will not hesitate to simply remove your reservation. Note: This time limit does not apply to those who have used their reserved range at least once.
You must be a member of Creatures Caves in order to request a range. If you have problems creating an account, please contact us.
"I had a range! What happened to it?"
If you don't see your name on the list, please apply for the range again.
"I know someone who has released agents but isn?t on this range!"
Please tell them to submit a reservation request.
"I've released agents but don?t have a range!"
Request them using the script reservation page.
"I'm on the list, but I don?t need to be."
Please contact us and we will free the space for other users.
This information was reproduced from Creatures Development.