Describes what the pet Norn bug is, lists COBs with the bug, and gives a link to the tutorial showing how to fix it. view full article > |
A showcase by KittyTikara, telling us why Veridia is a highly customizable metarom. Submitted for CCSF 2014. view full article > |
The entries for CCSF 2014's contests. view full article > |
Handish Wonderings Triptych: dream.gen by Allekha. Part 3 of 3. (Submitted by Allekha for CCSF 2014.) view full article > |
Handish Wonderings Triptych: Plane- by Allekha. Part 1 of 3. (Submitted by Allekha for CCSF 2014.) view full article > |
Handish Wonderings Triptych: Import Export by Allekha. Part 2 of 3. (Submitted by Allekha for CCSF 2014.) view full article > |
A showcase by OctoberFlash, telling us why the Norngarden is her favorite metaroom. Submitted for CCSF 2014. view full article > |
A showcase by Kezune, telling us why the Garbage Dump is still an interesting room. Submitted for CCSF 2014 view full article > |
A showcase by Nutter, telling us why the Biodome is a metaroom she regularly installs. Submitted for CCSF 2014 view full article > |
A showcase by Mea, telling us why C2 is her favorite game, and why C2toDS is one of her favorite metarooms. Submitted for CCSF 2014 view full article > |
A showcase by ylukyun, telling us why C1toDS is one of his favorite metarooms. Submitted for CCSF 2014. view full article > |
A showcase by razander, showing off what make's Tulu one of his favorite metarooms. Submitted for CCSF 2014. view full article > |
How to output random tints so you can save the ones you like. Applies to C3, DS and CV. view full article > |
Looking at the effects of the various health sprays available on the Creatures 3 Ark and in Docking Station's Capillata. view full article > |
An introduction to Boolean logic, as used in CAOS for C3/DS. view full article > |