Creatures on Mobile via Doringo on 8/20/2017 | 37 votes Would you play Creatures on your mobile if it was fully functional with no catch?
60-year old eyes here wouldn't even attempt a game on a phone, but I voted yes for 'tablet'.
I saw someone ported the old Sim Tower game to iOS. Should we ask them to port C2?
I voted yes because I'd try it. Whether or not I'd keep playing it, I don't know. It certainly wouldn't be the same experience as Creatures on a PC, but it might be fun.
A little uncertain... I can't see how it could really work on mobile. Definitely, *definitely* only with the larger screen, in any case. I'd certainly try it, anyway.
I would like to have a low end game creatures for my tablet. As long as the DRM isn't too restrictive, I'm ok with it.
Can't imagine playing it on a tiny phone screen, but tablet? Sure, why not.