Kog Maw Grendelchi Melody | born 8/12/2014 | 3 | Welcome to the Void, meet the mouth of the abyss.
Are you here to feed me? 'Cos I'm getting quite ravenous.
Kog Maw the Mouth of the Abyss |
Goodness, Kog'Maw. You're so old.
Kog'Maw gobbled up the cheese, burping loudly in response. "Kog likes yummies!" He gave Jodie a big smile.
*Gives Kog'Maw some cheese* How are ya? ^^
Kog'Maw purred loudly, nuzzling his head against the Jodie.
*Hugs Kog'Maw randomly* X3
Kog'Maw spotted the cheese in Emerald's hand, grinning excitedly. "Hungry!!" he declared, devouring the wedge in turn. He sniffed his father's hand, searching for more food.
Emerald watches as Kog'Maw ate the ball and blinked "Uh... Hungry?" he asked, handing his son a wedge of cheese
Whoops. I didn't realize. It's fixed now. Thank you for notifying me.
You may want to remove the apostrophe from Kog'Maw's name - it'll stop other creatchis socialising with him.
Kog'Maw sniffs the ball and promptly devours it whole.