stage | dead | age | 24:0:0:53 | generation | 1st | Although initially given the name Tragedy, her owner eventually felt bad - she can't control being an Ettin, after all - and renamed her for her yellow-golden fur instead. Now she's just going about her business, being an Ettin. Her owner has given up on ever knowing where his gadgets are and that's OK. |
She's senile already?? It feels like just yesterday I had just hatched her and was agonizing over getting an Ettinchi. :p Time goes sadly fast for Creatchis...
I think it's too late for her and Greg to become a couple...
should I put a do not disturb sign on Greg?
Do you still want to pair her up with Greg?
It's actually Gilder, from 'gild' or 'gilt' and gold, due to her color.
Glider is a cute name
I've just never liked them. Something about their design just doesn't appeal to me.
Poor Tragedy. Ettins are cool >.>"
Aw. Yeah, probably my least favorite too. >>;