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Does the Map Editor support temperature?   



Does the Creature Labs Map Editor transfer the given temperature and nutrient values to the game, or does this feature not work?

I am in the final phase of creating a metaroom (Background is ready to be integrated in the game) but in the past I always had the feeling that temperature and nutrient values set in the Map Editor will not be accepted by the game and are not present in my metarooms..
I made a metaroom with a Desert Zone, a Jungle, a Temperate Zone and a Boreal Area.

Is there a way to see the light, temperature and nutrient values for a room in game?

When it is useless to set the values for temperature, light and so on, it will be much less work to do in this stage of the development and I will only set the room types.
Is there a way to add temperature values additional?




While you can set CA values through map editor, by default CAs dissipate due to the environment. Agents using EMIT or ALTR commands is where CAs should mainly come from, and thus making invisible CA emitters is unusually how rooms can set light and heat values, with nutrients usually coming from dying plants or critters.

You know...wait...nevermind... later...



 visit Malkin's website: Malkin's page at CWiki

The Map Editor reads the CA levels from the room, but you cannot add CAs through the Map Editor that help plants grow or TWB norns not freeze. You need to add CA emitters to your room using CAOS to add CAs (and then you can use the Map Editor to see how they dissipate and find out how many CA emitters you need.)

My TCR Norns



Thanks for the answers!

I have some other questions:

When I am adding for example a CA emitter for heat, does the heat stack when another CA emitter for heat is near? Or do they just overlap with the same values?
What are the average values (0-1) for heat that are needed for a certain environment?
Boreal, Temperate, Jungle, Desert.




 visit Malkin's website: Malkin's page at CWiki

The heat stacks. For TWB you need a temperature of between 0.4 and 0.6.

My TCR Norns
Peppery One



Don't mind me, just passing through... Whoops, looks like I accidentally dropped something...

Seriously though, Moe's Room Changer seems extremely useful for this purpose, as it lets you both see and alter CA values right in the game.

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Thanks for the link Papriko!

Are these heat values only for the TWB Norns? Can Ettins and TCB Grendels tolerate more heat? I really want to make the Desert suitable for Ettins and the Jungle for the Grendels, but I don’t want to roast them ;)

Wrong Banshee


 visit Dragoler's website: TWB Development Thread

Norns are very adaptable, they can tolerate a pretty wide range but going below 0.4 risks hypothermia for the more vulnerable, such a newborns. Ettins can't feel heat but are effected by it, however they have a high tolerance for high temperatures and hovering just above 0.7 should be good for a desert. Grendels as cold blooded breeds have a narrower range of temperatures they feel comfortable in, just above 0.6 should be good for a jungle.

Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.




Ah thanks very much! My desert is now hot enough to let the thorny devils hatch and grew cactus:

Hmm I did not find an active site to claim agent IDs?
I will now use the ones 971001+

I hope they are free?




You can make your script number reservations here.
Peppery One



Liil wrote:
I will now use the ones 971001+

Uuuuuhhhhmmmmm..... Species numbers are 16 bits... They only go up to 65535. After that they simply wrap around. 971001 will instead become 53497 ingame.

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I made another request for 5800 - 6000.



 visit Malkin's website: Malkin's page at CWiki

We don't give out ranges of 200 any more, it's just too many. Please submit a range request of 10 to 25 numbers, as per the guidelines.

My TCR Norns



25 is much too few.

My metaroom features 4 very large terrariums that need heat, light, norn/grendel/ettin homes.

It is huge, 10000x4320 pixels.

This is already 76 emitters that have to be done and need IDs.

And I will also try to make some more agents for it.

But maybe I just continue the work and ask once I am ready for the reservation.

Peppery One



You can share numbers across multiple objects that do the same. You can make all emitters a single classifier number.
If you need to be able to target them individually for e.g. a climate control panel, you can assign them area codes via ovXX variables.

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You also can use any genus numbers you want since creatures won't see them anyway, and those can go pretty high(at least 255).

You know...wait...nevermind... later...



 visit Malkin's website: Malkin's page at CWiki

Liil wrote:
25 is much too few.

My metaroom features 4 very large terrariums that need heat, light, norn/grendel/ettin homes.

It is huge, 10000x4320 pixels.

This is already 76 emitters that have to be done and need IDs.

And I will also try to make some more agents for it.

But maybe I just continue the work and ask once I am ready for the reservation.

Please continue the work and ask when you are ready for the reservation and know how many classifiers you need. You may find, as Papriko and Verm have indicated, that you can re-use some classifier numbers for objects that are the same. It would be very helpful if you could please provide your code as open source on Github or similar.

My TCR Norns



As someone who has created a large room (C12DS). You don't need 200 if you properly manage them.
Peppery One


  12/18/2021  1

Like I said, numbers can be shared. If the function is something like invisible emitters, they can be all literally the same. You probably won't need a lot of scripts for them anyway. They'll mostly differ in which EMIT line you put into their creation script when you drop em into the room and won't do much from there. Using ovXX variables, you could specify what they are, something along the lines of:

ov00 for location location
0 = main hall
1 = top left room
2 = top right room
3 = aquarium

or whatever your layout would be. Then you do the same for the types of emitter, since I am not sure if you can actually read out the current EMIT of an agent:

ov01 for type of emitting
1 = light
2 = heat
3 = smell of rain

That way, if you did want to mess with the parameters on the fly, you'd only have to ENUM through a singular classifier number and use the variables to determine what your script is currently looking at.
If you didn't want/need it for, say, a day night cycle or climate controls, you could omit the variables entirely. Plop the emitters down fire and forget style.

Similar trickery can be used for other objects, as long as their type of object (seed, plant, door, etc...) differs. You said you wanted to claim the 5800+ range? You could totally make a critter that's 2 15 5800 and builds 2 17 5800 nests in which it produces 2 18 5800 eggs. After a creature takes a bite out of it and it dies, it slowly decomposes into a 2 10 5800 corpse.
That works perfectly well. The game would swallow that without a hitch.

Problems only occur once agents share all three numbers of the classifier. If you make 2 4 5800 algae, but then also code 2 4 5800 trees, that would be where you get into trouble and clashes.
If you were a bit of a masochist, you could probably squeeze the entire room into a singular number, but that's not very wise. Typically one number is used for one room feature, like the critter example in the paragraph above.

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I now integrated all emitters in the .cos file together with the script for the favourite places icon and it works if I am starting a new world.

But now another problem arises with the favourite places icon. It always says "To the norn meso" (I used the basic tutorial to make it) It seems i need a catalouge file to give it a seperate description, but only creating one does not change anything, it still says "To the norn meso"

this is the script:

new: simp 1 3 5804 "evoplaces" 1 0 1
attr 272
mvto 742 5186
tick 10

this is in the calagouge file:

TAG "Agent Help 1 3 5804"
"Go to the Evo Ship"
"A burger-like metaroom with huge space!"




Are you using the version? You likely have a split install. You may be better to join on discord to get assistance
Peppery One



Pretty sure TAG "Agent Help" is for the, well, help menu, i.e. if you hit F1 and then right click something. You'll probably need a different tag for the hover tooltip, though.
Never made a fav places icon, so not sure which tag that would actually be...

Also, are making sure to refresh your catalogue information between changes to the file? That would be running the REAF command in the console. No arguments or anything, just REAF by itself.

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The tag for tooltips is in fact TAG "ToolTip FMLY GNUS SPCS PARTID POSE"
with part id and pose being optional

You know...wait...nevermind... later...



The ToolTip thing doesn't change it. Now there is nothing written anymore if I move my cursor over the icon. But the icon works that is the most important thing.

I will join Discord later, because I have also problems with creating an agent file with Jagent. Yesterday night I got a big headache, because the Map Editor didn’t create files anymore in the bootstrap directory. The reason was that I installed Docking Station from Steam to see if a specific breed does not work because of my own with breed files overcrowded DS installation, or if they don’t work at all. After uninstalling the Steam version, the Map Editor didn’t find the old path to my DS installation anymore. But the solution was easy: Reinstalling DS to the old folder and the Map Editor worked normal again and created files in the bootstrap folder.

But this is a warning to all, who want to test the Steam version and already have an installation. It can confuse the path to your old installation.

And no, I don’t use the GOG version, I use standard DS installation from the Internet + Emulated C3 CD ROM with all the patches/remastered.


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