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C3 Norn Evolution   

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 visit KC11's website: DragonClawWritings (Tumblr)

This is a little thing that suggests how certain breeds in C3/DS "evolved" from norn breeds in earlier games.

The times go like this:

C1 ages
C2 ages
CV age (this one has two periods- the CA period and the CP period)
C3/DS ages

The first norn I will be doing is:

The Civit Norn.

The Civit norn's evolution is apparent.

It is possible that the first step in the evolutionary path was the banana/brown mouse norn in the C1 ages. As the C1 ages ended and the C2 ages began, the banana norns evolved into the hebe norns. As time went on and the CV age began, the hebe norns went under enormus change. They grew brown. The females got a ponytail, and the males got a spikier hairdo.

However, when the CP period began, a group split off from the norns then called the Alba norns. They grew a more rockish texture and their hair grew longer.

Soon, the CP period ended and the C3/DS ages began. The norns, then called the Okapi norns, changed a bit. They lost most of their brown coloring, and their underlayer became white.

So now you have the norns you breed today, the Civit norns.

Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>




 visit Malkin's website: Malkin's page at CWiki

I'm not sure that the Creatures timeline follows through C1->DS like that. I think maybe it goes C3, C1, DS, and then squillions of years later, C2. Not sure where CV fits into the timeline. I think there used to be an article explaining which came before which on the Gameware site, but I can't find it.

It'd be more interesting if you put why and how they evolved, rather than just that they evolved. "Organs developed, as they were more efficient than just letting everything slosh around inside." :) Or, "organs disintegrated, as the need for more than one kind of food was lost, so too were specialised structures" Just make it up. ;)

My TCR Norns



The order was on the C3 official website, which Alien put back online.


 visit Moe's website: Creatures 2 to Docking Station

For Quick Reference:
(The timeline CL uploaded is slightly flawed, the Shee had to be driven from their ship before the hands could invade therefore C1 and 3 began around the same time. Although I'd personally like to say that C1 started around 1500.)

355 Shee creature artificial life forms

550 Creatures abandoned on Albia.

798 Shee are in orbit of Sphericus.

800 Shee are driven from ship: Creatures 3 Begins, back on Albia, Creatures One Begins.

1500 Ron and Eve

1800 Volcano Erupts, C1 Albia destroyed - Docking Station Begins

2200 Discovery of Shee Laboratories - Creatures 2 Begins

So the timeline is as follows:

C3 - 800
C1 - 800
DS - 1800
C2 – 2200



 visit KC11's website: DragonClawWritings (Tumblr)

Aw well.

I'm just going by order of the games.

And yes, I know that CV came out after C3/DS, but I figured it would fit better between C2 and C3/DS.

It's all researchive fiction. Bear that in mind.

Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>




Well, I still think the toxic norn evolved from some slug out there.
Some breeds seem to have their own livelines, seeing as they are mostly from different universes, let alone planets.
then again, some where pure genetics, from scratch.
The chi-chis seem to be in anouther line altogether, beeing as simple, but at the same time just as far-back existing, as the bannana-norns. I think that space has some odd efect on norns becuse, the norns on albia and the ones on ships are diffrent then eatchother by miles. (Uh-oh, yoda has took control of my brain)
Diffrent the norns are. Grendles are same on all worlds. Diverse they all are.
Strong with the force you are. :D

Nine times have I been told im crazy and ten times I have accepted it.



i have made some studies and have several ideas on the evolution of Norns.
here we are, primitive(no offense) drawings from older times of these Pixie norns. notice that they are similer to Bruins. the C1 and C2 norns were the style of drawing the ancient norn breeds. you know, the Egyptains didn't draw life like, and if they would have survived longer, they would learn to draw more artistic to almost perfection. the C1 and C2 stlye creatures are an old version of drawing norns.

Beware what remains hidden in the day. For it may harm the unwary.


 visit KC11's website: DragonClawWritings (Tumblr)


First were the C1 horse norns. They changed into the C2 pixi norns, and they in turn changed into the C3 bruin norns.

I now leave this topic open to ideas from anyone.

Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>




i have done conclusive evidence on the norn families:

first there were the bruins, civets, and bengals, all derived from a ancestor. from the civets the fallows came, inheriting antlars from the civit horns, and the spots, only lighter then the civits. then some fallows became more colorful and got blonde hair back, turning spots to a 'harliquin' pattern. then some harliquins turned to hotter lands, where they still had blonde hair and turned yellow and orange and such to become Magmas.then, some magmas who were brought to the shee ark or evolved on the world turned to the stars. they devolped a new ear stlye, but kept the similer kind of hair and turned into bold colores. then some turned toxic, for males have a similer wavd back hair and ears.
from the bruins some went into the deeper forests, becoming green and turned to Treehuggers. the Bengals, some were crossbreeding with civits for the white color, and then fallows. the 2 horn styles were cancelld out, and the Zebra norn was created, mixing a simerlar stripe patters from the Bengals, the white and curly blonde hair from the civits, and the males fallowish hair from the fallows.
the chichis came from probobly a rare ancestor norn who evoloved on the ship with Fallow breeds, because chichis have faint spots and stragglely hair.
Hardmen and Bondis, i dont know or have mush of a clue to their breed heritige. they proboly are a distinct family too who were there from the begging.
third party norns like bubble norns are breeds from the Bruin norn family. the Bubbles, for instance, are amphibeous Bruins that have a bubble print fur. they are a mutated bred norn from the bruins. however some third party breeds are completly differnt norn groups alltogether. gagolyes, Sprites, aquanorns, etcetera. i can tell, however that the Dream norn was from Astro heritige because of the ears.

Beware what remains hidden in the day. For it may harm the unwary.



Touché. [evil]
However, 3rd party norns must apply to different rules, seeing as some where based on genomes and others where made from scratch.

Nine times have I been told im crazy and ten times I have accepted it.



it maybe that 3rd party breeds are just the breed mutated to have unatural qualities! like bubble norns are bruins that have been given an enhanced color gene to have a bubble pattern and to become amphibioues.

Beware what remains hidden in the day. For it may harm the unwary.



Its more then just an "Enhanced Color Gene."

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

I've just realised... What's this doing in Writings? :o It isn't a story or a poem.. It belongs in General surely?





Ah, I was wondering what it was doing there (:O


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