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8/15/2018 | 1 |
Hi! I am pretty much a Creatures noob. I had the game on PS1 as a child. Had no idea what I was doing but thought it was cute. I decided to look up and repurchase some old games and upon further investigation, I discovered Creatures for PC! I just downloaded C1, 2, 3, and Village today. Mostly dabbling about in C2 at the moment. My Norn keeps getting exhausted. He only sleeps when he reaches full exhaustion... I'm guessing it's a teach/learn problem.. Eh..trial and error haha. I'm really glad there's an active Creatures forum! |
 Patient Pirate
8/21/2018 | |
Hi Metatron, welcome to Creatures Caves! ![[ngrin] [ngrin]](/images/smilies/emot_grin.gif) |


9/1/2018 | |
Hello! ![[ngrin] [ngrin]](/images/smilies/emot_grin.gif)
I grew up with Creatures 3, and Creatures Village as a child, and couldn't stop playing it, even after getting scared into nightmares by that alien that wouldn't stop following you in CV upon clicking one of the capsules in the background of the space ship. I even had my mother hide the game's disc from me so I wouldn't start it up again and have to be confronted with the alien. (I still get really creeped out, never really recovered from that.) Needless to say, I found it less than a week later and got back at it, didn't want to abandon my norns. It was one of my go-to games that, I'd play it a lot, and it sparked an interest in me in life- and city-simulation games.
I didn't really understand the game/simulation back then, though. Buying them again on GOG gave me a great time when revisiting the games, and an eerie feeling of completeness. I wish I had discovered this community sooner or were older at the time I played C3/CV, especially after reading up on some of the places and websites that have been, on the Creatures Wiki. It never struck my mind at any point in time that this series had a following. I am quite amazed at the fact You still hold up to this day, and that people still care for the series. Hopefully there will be another installment, although I don't have the highest hopes for that to happen.
Anyhow, I wanted to say 'Hello,' and add a 'Thank you' to all of you, because I felt it's the least I could do.
~Reed |


9/1/2018 | |
Hi Reed! It's good to meet you, I'm glad you've found us!
Did you draw your avatar yourself? I really like the art style of it.
My TCR Norns |


9/1/2018 | |
Indeed I did - yesterday morning. Thank you!
I've been meaning on sharing an image and another, perhaps some other day in the art section. Norn anatomy is interesting to work with, since there are such distinctive breeds.
Unfortunately it's very late here, (2:30 AM) so it'll be a while still before I can wrap my mind around a proper description in order to post them.
~Reed |


9/2/2018 | 1 |
I'm only just now posting on this thread because it's cool to be fashionably late (right?)
No but honestly, I'm very anxious when it comes to talking to people, even over the internet, so I was too scared to post a greeting. I've gotten comfortable with the fact that a forum is mostly discussion-based (Yes, I've not really been a part of a forum before.) And most small back and forths I've had here thus far have been enough to convince my anxiety that it will be ok for me to put myself out to people here.
Anyway, hello! I am known on most all websites I use as "The Exuberant Eevee" (or in the case of sites like this one that won't fit the whole thing, "ExuberantEevee" ), as "The Neurotic Eevee" just wasn't as catchy. You can just call me Eevee, if you like, or you can call me whatever else suits your fancy.
To be honest, I know next to nothing about Creatures. I just learned about it recently, and found the concept of the AI to be fascinating, so I went to learn more about the franchise. Somehow, I stumbled upon this forum, and found the Creatchi feature to be interesting enough to go ahead and make a profile. I did not intend on actually attempting to be social in any way, but here we are.
Thank you for having me, and being patient with my near infancy in terms of this community <3
~Eevee is the only way to be-vee~ |


9/3/2018 | |
Hi Eevee,
and welcome to Creatures and CC … join the dark side, we have cookies.
Btw, my account was almost a year old when I introduced myself and it was the Creatchis that convinced me to do so, too  |


9/8/2018 | 1 |
Oh hey! I'm starting to go by tengloom or something similar on recently joined sites as of late. You can call me that, Al, or just about anything else that floats your boat. You'll get bonus points if the name's a bit silly, though. Silly things are great.
Honestly, I just learned about these games yesterday due to chatting with another member of the forum outside of the forum. Didn't take much to convince me to join when I heard about the Creatchi feature. That stuff is riiight up my alley. Plus it kinda helped that I really enjoy being a part of a forum. xux;
Some of the game's mechanics are interesting and, compared to the games I normally play, very unique! Well, the ones I've heard about so far are. I'm likely going to try and learn more about them on my own for now. Always down for diving into something new, especially if the thing I'm curious about is as interesting as these games are. I'm already hoping I'll be able to buy and play one of these games myself someday!
Also if any of the names I give my Creatchi seem a little weird, it's because I'm going through a list of egg dishes and finding something I think will work for the most part. Nothing wrong with having some sort of naming theme, right?
~Speedy artful! Sing la-la-la! Everywhere Heartful!~ |


9/8/2018 | |
Good to meet you! Please feel free to ask questions about the games in the forums (that will earn you apples and balls for little Poach). You can try Docking Station for free, but these days, is where the games are at.
My TCR Norns |


9/20/2018 | |
hello, i just recently got back into my GOG versions of the games. i've been a fanatic of the series since i was 6 or 7 years old (and my forum username is what i used on AOL when i was that age, haha!) when i was younger i wrote tons of stories about my norns and loved traveling the webrings; helen's bibble directory stood out the most to me!
i decided to join here since i was downloading stuff from the site. so happy to see there's still a community for this game.  |


9/20/2018 | |
Welcome to Creatures Caves, grendelglo! |


11/13/2018 | 2 |
Im a computer science major who aspires to be a game developer someday.
I was introduced to the creatures games when I was about 3 or 4 years old. My mom bought me Creatures Playground and it was my absolute favorite game in my early years.
When I was 10, I must've been searching for the games. My mom helped me and found docking station. She introduced me to downloading third party agents and whatnot haha. I ended up purchasing all the creatures games for PC a few years later.
Basically, the reason I am on here is that I would like to create for the game. I'm excited to meet all of you. |
 Patient Pirate
11/13/2018 | 1 |
Welcome (back?) to Creatures Caves! |


11/13/2018 | |
thank you! I was briefly here as primrosenorn but never really did anything on here. You can see me give a very similar story earlier in this thread lol. |

11/14/2018 | |
Why, welcome! I hope you'll enjoy your stay! 
Simply lurking around |


12/10/2018 | |
Hi guys, I'm Michael. Have been lurking around for a while but finally decided to jump in and join the actual discussion.


12/10/2018 | |
Welcome Michael  |


12/16/2018 | |
Hi all I'm adam. I've been lurking on here for a while its nice to see an active forum :-). I've been a massive fan of the creatures games since C3 released . After moving recently I lost my external disk drive so picked up Creatures Exodus on GOG and I'm hooked again.
I muck about in 3d (3ds max) and know my way around gimp after playin for so many years I'm interested in making my own rooms unfortunately my scripting skills are kinda dire lol I may ask questions. |

12/16/2018 | |
Welcome! I'm not very knowledgeable in scripting (as in I gots no skills at all) but there are many people here who would be happy to help you!
I'm excited to see the worlds you'd make! ^o^ Creatures 3 could use more non-water filled rooms!
Between my love of cookies, tea, and the observation of genetics in nature I'm practically a Shee.![[ngrin] [ngrin]](/images/smilies/emot_grin.gif) |


12/17/2018 | |
Im currently trying to figure out signpost and doors :-).
Trying to find links for stuff is all kinda overwhelming lol Ive been playing with some of the creations from around the web Im itching to start off on something of my own though :-).
Mostly just need to find tool links for the image format used and links to the dead tutorials on the signposts for the rooms. Ill post in the dev section later with a more specific list of where Im struggling to find info.
Thanks for the welcome :-) |
 Wrong Banshee

12/17/2018 | |
I'm here to talk if you need help making sure your Mettaroom is instinct-friendly 
Creator of the TWB/TCB genome base.


2/22/2019 | 1 |
Hey there.
I just noticed, that I completely forgot to introduce myself.
I'm kinda new to creatures. Well, at least when it comes to playing the game. I used to watch my sister play Creatures 2 alot when I was younger but she never allowed me to try it myself. Over time she lost interest in the game and eventually sold it and I kinda forgot about the game.
I recently got a copy of creatures exodus and now I'm totally addicted to it. I'm still a little confused about some stuff and haven't figured out a lot of things but I'm slowly getting better at it. It's so much fun to figure out how things work and what to do in certain situations.
When I found out that there are still people who play the games and create new stuff for it and then found this forum, I just had to register here. Maybe one day I will be able to make my own breeds and other cool stuff just like you guys. But for now I'll stick to learning how to properly play the game and take care of my creatures. ![[nlaugh] [nlaugh]](/images/smilies/emot_laugh.gif) |


2/25/2019 | 1 |
Hi all. I've used this site for a long time but haven't posted in the forums before until recently. Figured I'd say g'day.
@Dr_Crite C2 was one of the first PC games I ever played as a kid too. C2 is still my fave even though I eventually purchcased C1 & C3 as well (& Creatures Villages for my baby sister). |


3/4/2019 | 1 |
Was a fan of the creatures games when I was a kid though I didn't fully understand them at the time. Hope to learn more about them and have some fun, so happy to discover this community! |


3/19/2019 | 2 |
I never played any of creatures games, mostly petz. But i started playing creatures docking station version and i already love this cute little game. I already joined some creatures discord servers, i didn't even knew that this game had that big community |


3/25/2019 | 2 |
My name is LavaRose. I'm a bit late posting here, because I was too shy. But the community here seems very welcoming towards newcomers. I barely found out about the Creatures games and I immediately fell in love. I'm really happy to have found CreaturesCaves and I'm excited to be a part of the community.  |


4/9/2019 | |
Hey, new guy here. Used to play Creatures all the time when I was younger, was also active on creature forums back then as well. Don't know where to start now lol, I'm assuming Creatures is no longer online? Everyone plays their own standalone game? |


4/9/2019 | |
Hey there!
Yes, the server has been offline ever since Creature Labs shut down. You will need to use the DS offline option to play Docking Station.
The community has made the Albian Warp to reestablish some online features of Docking Station, but it is still in beta.
If you want to share norns and the like from the games, you can export them and upload their files on to this site to share with everyone else! (or use the new Albian Warp in the case of DS, though someone else will also have to be online for it to work!)
Have fun!
~Issy ![[ngeek] [ngeek]](/images/smilies/emot_geek.gif) |


9/22/2019 | 3 |
Hello Everyone,
I'm an older gamer who played creatures one years ago. I''ve just rediscovered the series on gog and was amazed to find what is to me a new set of games. I saw a post in the gog forums about creatures caves, and decided to join. I have been doing a little research into cs2 and cs3/ds and village and I'm looking forward to playing. There is a lot for me to learn though. I'm glad a place exist for these games and I'm pleased to make the acquaintance of those here. Here's to hopefully making some new friends. |


10/16/2019 | 1 |
Hi, everybody! I'm Rowan.
My older sister and I got into Creatures when we were about 4 and 6 years old. We continued to play off and on for a large part of our childhoods, and even outside of the actual video games, norns made frequent appearances in our make-believe games and stories. I even dictated some poetry about norns to my mom before I was old enough to write!
I was thrilled to find the series up on GOG, and equally amazed to find that there is a LOT more to these games than I managed to comprehend as a kid. Getting back into this as a 22-year-old is simultaneously extremely nostalgic and completely novel.
Very glad that there are still a few fan sites still around! ![[nsmile] [nsmile]](/images/smilies/emot_smile.gif) |


11/2/2019 | 1 |
I'm Fairy! And I honestly feel a little silly introducing myself here. No clue why, as I really enjoy forums.
Anywho, I got into Creatures for the PS1 yeeaars ago and wished as hard as my little self could that they would make another. Being as young as I was, I didn't really know how to look into it, and so was blind to the vast world of Creatures that actually existed. I remembered the game the other night and pulled it out to play (something I've done off and on through the years), before deciding to look into it again. Thus, I found CreaturesCaves and the many other games of Creatures!
I'd love to own the whole collection, but am currently uncertain about the best way to go about that. I suppose I'll learn more as I explore this forum and get to know everyone. |

11/2/2019 | 1 |
Welcome! And it's buying them (on sale, if you wait) on GoG, really, though nowadays C2 seems unplayable on most systems  |


11/19/2019 | |
hi guys im new to the creatures community. i ran across the game on another website and fell in love with the design.
i may ask a lot of questions because im new to all this. please be patient.
Gemmy to the max |
 Lollipop Lord

11/20/2019 | |
Welcome! Nice to see new faces around here. |
 Patient Pirate
11/20/2019 | |
Hey, welcome to Creatures Caves!  |