How to use Monk, half of the Java-based Creatures development tool Jagent. view full article > |
Example CAOS code for making an egg in Docking Station, written by Mark Ashton for the Grendel Overground. view full article > |
A short tutorial on how to move new agents into your world by checking their location first with TMVT. view full article > |
Guidelines for reserving a script range at Creatures Caves. view full article > |
Looking at the differences between a normal growing foodstuff and a Garden Box-compatible growing foodstuff. view full article > |
AKA, DC Has Too Much Time on Her Hands. :P
Exploring the effects of three reproductive genes. view full article > |
How to find the base sprites you need to start work on your new breed, and the first steps to setting things up! view full article > |
Learn about poses and 'do if' statements to make a simple food object that can be bitten multiple times. view full article > |
A short tutorial on how to convert sound effects into a format C3/DS can use. view full article > |
It can be difficult to hunt down textures, sounds, or music that're free to use. Here, I'll point you in the direction of sites that offer. view full article > |
A-Norn looks at breed-making, in an article originally published on HomeCreatures. view full article > |
How to get a full listing of the CAOS commands acceptable to your C3/DS engine. view full article > |
An overview how to use multiple sprite sets to make an agent appear more random. view full article > |
Looking at the code that keeps the Gnarler out of the Ettin Desert pond. view full article > |
Looking at how the DS Mini Empathic Vendor hears your norns' hunger and vends food in response. view full article > |