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Because My Fur is Blue...   

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 visit KC11's website: DragonClawWritings (Tumblr)

This is a little story I will be posting her chapter by chapter. And here it begins:

Malk was a simple little bondi norn, expected to do simple, bondi nornish things. His family was well known for being the lazyest, low down family in the Ark. And so they were looked up to by other bondi norns.

Malk lived with his mother and father in the aquatic area of the Ark. The Ark was a very enormus larger-than-normal ark. Indeed, it would take a full day for one to walk from one end of the beach to the other.

Malk had never seen the rest of the ark, but he dearly wanted to.

A very odd thing about Malk was he didn't really like to laz around. Once, when his family was out for their daily snoze on the beach, he tried to run to the other side and back before his parents woke up. Naturally, he failed, and when his parents found him, they thought someone had put him over there as a joke. That was the first of many times that showed that Malk was different.

Another time, a young norn, also bondi, made fun of him (calling him girly) because he had axedentlly dyed his hair red. Malk attacked him, and when it was over, you would have though a child grendel had gotten to the bondi boy.

The dyeing of the hair never changed. It simply turned a more brownish color, adding to the list of odditys that Malk had.

One day, though, a notice was sent out that tommoro was exploration day. All the norns from the ark would come and conjergate. They would travle around the ark as a sort of tour. Buses would take them to the tour starting point and back to their homes when it was done.

Of course, the ettins would take a different bus. One that was not as good or clean or fast as the norn's bus. In this ark, ettins were discriminated against because they looked and sounded so different from norns. They had once been used as slaves, but a war ended that.

That was the day that changed everything for Malk. The day of Exploration Day.

End of Chapter One

Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>




 visit Malkin's website: Malkin's page at CWiki

So Malk's a bogan? XD

laziest, enormous, laze, snooze, accidentally, thought, oddities, tomorrow, congregate, travel. Also, the Ark should always have a capital A.

I'd like to see a little more description in your story. Why did Malk fail to cross the Aquatic Room?
I'd also like to have a mental image of this one brown-haired boy among the other blond surfie boys. Maybe they could tease him for being 'girly'? ;)

I look forward to the next chapter! :D

My TCR Norns


 visit KC11's website: DragonClawWritings (Tumblr)

Malk's family are considered "Bogans" to other norns, but not to Bondis.

Anyway, here is the next chapter (if you can call them that)

Exploration day came. Malk was excited, but did not show it. That day, he tried to get rid of the brown hair dye for the upteeth time with no success.

So the buses came. Already, it was filled to the brink with norns. Malk's parents would not come. They had suddenly gotten a rather bad cold.

Malk walked over looking for an empty seat.

"Hey! You can sit over here!"

Malk looked, and found the norn calling him.

"Thanks." he said

He went over and sat opposite the norn (the bus had tables).

The norn was a Toxic norn male, about Malk's age and hieght.

"Me name's Yetam." said the norn

"Mine's Malk." said Malk.

The norn looked at him curiously, then said "are you a bondi?"

"Er, yeah."

"Then how come your hair is brown?"

"Long story."

The norn thought a little while, then said, "You sure seem to act differently from bondis."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you don't walk with that stupid swagger that bondis usally walk with. You didn't plop down in the seat like you had just run ten miles."

Malk thought himself, then said "I am a bit... odd... for a bondi."

"Well, that makes us a bit alike."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Well, I am a bit different from toxic norns. I don't really like eating detritus (discusting stuff, that is), and I never really liked my home.

"Toxic norns live in that metaroom, right?"


"Excuse me? Can I sit here?"

They looked around to see another norn. Just by a glance they could tell she was a treehugger.

"Sure!" said Yetam

"Thanks" said the treehugger. More treehuggers were bording the station. The intercom on the bus said "Last stop... norn terreium." soon the bruins, bengels, civits, and other types of norns would be bording the bus.

The bus bounced around, and all the norns had many talks about this and that. Througout the whole time, the treehugger said nothing.

"Er, is anything the matter?" Malk finally asked.

"I just, I don't really want to talk right now. My... nothing."

"What? What is it?"

Finnaly, the treehugger took a deep breath, and said rather quickly "Mymotherresentlydied"

"What?" both Malk and Yetam asked.

The treehugger took another deep breath, then said clearly "My mother just died. That is why I am so quiet."

Malk and Yetam looked at each other.

"Well, I am very sorry. What did she die of?"

"The grendel invasion."

"THE WHAT???" both Malk and Yetam asked

"The grendel invasion. A band of grendels is going around, killing a lot of people. They recently almost wiped out a village of ettins. And now they are moving to the Aquatic room.

"THE AQUATIC ROOM???!!!" Malk yelled "MY PARENTS!!!"

Malk ran out the emergency door of the bus, with Yetam and the treehugger following.

Malk ran and ran. He did not care about fatege. He had to warn his parents.

He ran so fast he barely saw anything in front of him, and ran smack into a norn.

"Ow! Watch it!"


Malk looked up right into the angry face of a female Hardman norn.

"Oh Hand..."

A hard wack in the face, and he was unconscience.

End of chapter two.

Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>




 visit Malkin's website: Malkin's page at CWiki

You know, I don't give you feedback because it's good for my health.. ;)

My TCR Norns


 visit KC11's website: DragonClawWritings (Tumblr)

I did say that the ark was larger than normal, and it would take a full day to go from one end to the other.

Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>




A cool story :) Norns are so funny sometimes!


 visit KC11's website: DragonClawWritings (Tumblr)

Yeah. I will write the next chapter sometime, hopefuly soon.

Edit: Next Chapter!

Malk woke up to find himself on a bed of leaves. The Treehugger was dampening some leaves. Yetam was sitting on a rock nerby. The hardman was nowhere to be seen.

The treehugger looked over to him and said "Good, your awake. Now I can give you your medicen properly."

Malk groaned "Ugg. What happened?"

"You took a rather nasty blow from a hardman." said Yetam. "Your lucky to still be thinkin straight."

Malk got up, then all of the sudden he remembered why he ran.

"What about my parents? And the grendel attack?"

"You were to late." said a coy voice.

Malk looked to his right to see the hardman female sitting on another rock.

"What didya hit me for?" he asked.

"It is in my nature to hit when I feel I am being threatend." said the norn simply.

"I wasn't threatining you!"

"Still, when one is hit in the side by a speeding creature, then they would consider it a threat."

Yetam got up, and changed the subject as best he could. "Who are you?" he asked both the females.

"My name is Natily." said the treehugger.

"And I am Justine." said the hardman.

Malk rubbed his head, then asked Justine "What do you mean I am to late?"

He knew the answer before she even told him, yet he did not want to believe it.

"Your village was attacked. There was only one survivor, and that was a baby norn."



Justine jestered behind her. They looked and saw a baby draconian norn playing happly with a large bug. The norn ate the bug, made a tiny burp, then sunngled down to sleep.

"My parents are... dead?" said Malk.

"Apparently, yes." Said Natliy "Unless you are one of those rare cases where an insiminator was used on you, with the genetics of this one. Which is entierly unlikely, because for one, we do not have an insiminator, for another..."

"Okay, Okay, I get it." Said Malk.

Then he sat down and cried.

Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>


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