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Favorite game discussion!   

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  8/2/2018  2

This is a place where you can talk about your favorite games (Except creatures because everyone here loves creatures obviously [nlaugh])

For example:
"My favorite game is (Favorite Game here)
Because it(s?):
Is ___
Has ___
Was ____
Could ___
Would ____
Other examples, such as my favorite game are
Hi i'm veevee!My favorite game is Pokemon!Because it has so many unique animal-like Pokemon!

i love waffel! :P



  8/5/2018  2

Well, my favourite game would be Albion, by Blue Byte. It might be old and pixelated, but it has a brilliant world that feels alive and that makes you want to explore it, an interesting story line, and strategy, RPG and puzzle game elements all rolled into one. Not to mention magic and space ships [nevil]

What is the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything?


Brewer of Tales


  8/6/2018  2

I think the Pokemon games will always sit pretty high on my list of favorites. There is a big nostalgia factor at play, I like obsessively catching new pokemon, and so many of my friends have strong feelings for the series as well that it is a kind of shared experience for my generation.
Pokemon aside, I would have to say Toejam and Earl is one of my favorite games because it is fun and challenging, with a great couch coop element. Its one of those games you sit down with a friend and play until you both lose hope or beat the game together. I would call it a fun take on the dungeon crawl genre.



 visit ExuberantEevee's website: Check out my lame Twitter.

Just try to guess what my favorite game is. Really, just guess.

~Eevee is the only way to be-vee~



ExuberantEevee wrote:
Just try to guess what my favorite game is. Really, just guess.

WOW!Ok well..POKEMON!And maybe some other anime,i really need to find my ds packets and my pokemon x card.That thing is really old.Like when i try and put it into the ds itself,i have to blow on it and then it will work,and if im not careful with the ds (for example shakeing it to much) it would turn the game OFF.LIke i seriously don't know why but thats how old it is.Also i have a couple of shinys on their,and if you want a phione i can get you one.

i love waffel! :P



 visit ExuberantEevee's website: Check out my lame Twitter.

Yes. Pokemon is probably my favorite game franchise. Pokemon Ranger is honestly my favorite series though. It's super under-appreciated.

My friend has had similar weird issues with his 3DS, so I get what you're saying. My 3DS XL is still working just fine (somehow), so I've got that going for me.

And, thank you, but I'm good on Phione. I appreciate the offer though!

~Eevee is the only way to be-vee~



There are sooo many game franchises that I love! Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, Pikmin, Sonic, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, Harvest Moon.......I'm sure there's many more I'm not thinking of. My top out of those is probably the original Pikmin. I just love how adorable the pikmin are and their little sounds!!

I just found my 3DS this past week and I have a copy of Pokemon Moon I have barely played, so I may play some of that.



 visit ExuberantEevee's website: Check out my lame Twitter.

Oooh, Animal Crossing! I just picked New Leaf back up again recently! Now I'm stuck trying to figure out what the most pressing matter is.

Pokemon Moon is pretty good too. Have fun with that!

~Eevee is the only way to be-vee~


 visit fuzzlet's website: Norn Tree

I'm really into rimworld at the moment! I've heavily nodded it, and I keep making colonies with all my characters in. Pokemon is also pretty great, I've gotten back into a fangame called pokemon reborn as of late, seeing as it updated recently. That one is definitely not for those who do not like dark themes though.



That is an incredibly tough question for me to answer. I've played many a thing, and there are certainly many candidates. Of the top of my head though, the thing that comes to mind most quickly, is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl.
It's a shooter/RPG that has it's errors and many problems, but it's gameplay and especially it's style stuck with me. I don't think many games are capable of creating such a thick atmosphere that feels this unique and quite this intense. Tender loving care has been put into details, effort into trying to recreate a world that feels almost as though you really were in Chernobyl the exclusion zone. You're always on edge, you never quite know what comes next, but you can also take your time and make your way across the world at your own pace. Sound design, a feature very often completely ignored in games, has an important place in this. There are audio cues that hint at nearby enemies, the ambiance is excellent and spooky.
I suppose the game doubles as a horror game too, for others, at night it's pitch black, leaving you to your flashlight and hearing. Or walking through underground facilities that lack lightbulbs most of all. The enemy design in this is equally exciting, everything is out to get you. Even the world itself is hostile and unforgiving - make a step into the wrong direction and you'll be poof and gone from having stepped into a gravitational anomaly. The relief you feel when you finally enter a safe area again is intense, and I've never had that with any other game.

Not to mention the splendid amount of mods the community has spawned over the years. Even without those there is nearly endless replay-ability, you'll always find something new every time you give it another go.

SoC's strong points are definitely it's setting, it's style, and it's quality of graphics. The gameplay too. It's story is fine, albeit a bit lackluster, and unfortunately the engine is quite buggy and rather unstable. Regardless I can get lost in the game for hours on end without noticing the time go by. I'm quite passionate about this, as it seems.
Other games that come quite that close to being my favourite, things that I replay every now and then would be Mad Max, Half-Life (2), Mirror's Edge, and probably Dwarf Fortress. That list goes on...



  9/14/2018  1

Unsurprisingly, I gotta say that Pokemon's and Pokemon-esque games are some of my favorites. The stories keep getting better for the most part and it doesn't help that they keep releasing cute birds that I can't help but fall in love with. Have you seen Rowlet? Absolutely perfect, 10/10. Love me a cute, round bird friend.

Guess it's not a surprise that I really love Yo-kai Watch, too. I mean I've been going around using the name of one of them quite a lot lately. The games will likely never reach the amount of popularity Pokemon's gathered over the years, but I still hope people who were hard on it come to realize that it's a neat little series all it's own.

Katamari Damacy's one of my favorite games too. It's so colorful, kinda silly, and full of some really good tunes that play while you're rolling everything up. I was really excited to learn it's getting a remake! So excited in fact that I almost started crying when I saw that it's going to be on Switch yesterday.

There's a few more games and series I could add to the list, but this post is already enough of a wall of text. [ntongue]

~Speedy artful! Sing la-la-la! Everywhere Heartful!~


 visit ExuberantEevee's website: Check out my lame Twitter.

You say that like most people here are gonna know what Yo-kai Watch is, Alphie. We're two of the only people I know who knows about it, and I only know like maybe five people in total who know about Yo-kai Watch.

Which is lame, cuz it's a great series :T

~Eevee is the only way to be-vee~



ExuberantEevee wrote:
Oooh, Animal Crossing! I just picked New Leaf back up again recently! Now I'm stuck trying to figure out what the most pressing matter is.

Pokemon Moon is pretty good too. Have fun with that!

Nice! Honestly i haven't really been playing Pokemon Moon that much.I just got a old game i used to play,its called World Of Zoo.Good game but its way better on pc.Animal Crossing!Ah yes,what a great game.I could not figure out how to save so i lost ALL my progress (includeing digging up bones and finding butterflys).

i love waffel! :P




Nifflas's games have a special place in my heart; even when they're hard as nails, the sense of peace and wonder is so beautiful.
It's cool too to look at his library and watch the aesthetic, themes, and gameplay of each new game build upon the last.



  2/20/2019  1

Knytt, yes! I still have the assets from the time I tried to make the C3 ark in it.


Look at the widdle "carrots in the grass", and "apples in the grass" sprites! and the bluebells are my fave, pretty much the only thing that really came out well.



 visit FieryBirdyThing's website: CeeGee Toons

I have quite a lot of favourites, so much so that I think it would be more descriptive to just say I mainly enjoy platform games (such as Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong Country or Banjo-Kazooie), with some other games thrown in as well (such as Star Fox or Legend of Zelda). To single out one favourite game, however, is something I cannot do. If you were to ask me that question on two different days, you'd get two different answers.

As to why I enjoy platformers, I guess it's partly nostalgia - I loved the 'mascot' platformer trend back in the '90s/early 2000s - and also because I find most of them rather appealing to look at and fun to play.

CeeGee Toons | Club Nintendo Archives


 visit HelenWilliams66's website:
  3/16/2020  1

I am very new to computers but I have seen my granddaughter play Stardew Valley and it looked very nice.


 visit ColorfulCamel's website: Odie's Ocean

I love Pokemon, of course, but apart from that, I love virtual pets of all kinds, as well as Animal Crossing and other life sims. I just find virtual pets really fascinating. I also love puzzle games, such as Scribblenauts, Lemmings, and The Incredible Machine games, as well as adventure games (mostly old LucasArts ones) for their humor and fun stories.

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