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Manic Scribbler



I'm really glad I have the Beautiful Town ordinance... I haven't played in such a long time lol. My native fruit is the pear, I've forgotten what my town's name is... Oh, Isabelle has tells me that it's Lain.

My residents are Twiggy, Frita, Beau, Sparro, Monique, Grizzly, Kiki, and Spork. On main street is a one-storey museum, Club lol, Super T&T, Leif's gardening shop, Able Sisters, Shampoodle, and Kicks. My native fruit is the pear, and I think I've got every type of fruit planted. I've got access to the island, and I can have Cyrus customise furniture if anyone's wants. I'm currently raising bells for the Dream Suite. Once that's done, I'll post my Dream Address too.

Once I've found my SD card reader I'll post the QR codes of some outfits I've made. Yes, the mayor of my town likes to cosplay as Mami Tomoe. ;p

Sanely Insane



 visit RisenAngel's website: The Realm

Funny story of the day: I just set out from my house with the goal of catching a giant snakehead. I walk down to the river pool.

No prizes for guessing what the first thing I ran into was. Considering how the coelocanth hunt went, it was surprising I managed to get a snakehead that quickly. Either way, the fish is now a decoration on my second floor alongside my three potted plants, and I now know what I'm doing with that floor.

In other (belated) news, I got my eighth villager in the form of a peppy penguin named Flo a few days ago. I thought she was going to be a wolf before I actually saw her for myself; my initial guess was way, way off as you can see.

I'm also due to get my ninth villager tomorrow. Since the name given was "Sheldon," I'm guessing it's a male. I'm just hoping he's not a repeat species (don't spoil me as to what he is, please).

Besides that, I had kezune visit my town yesterday. I'm hoping to visit somebody else's town today since this is probably going to be the last day for a while that I can get online with the 3DS.

~ The Realm ~
Risen Angel's Creatures Blog

Air Guitarist


 visit kezune's website: Designer Genes

I still have two spare Majora's Masks and 1 spare Mario Kart if anyone would like to claim dibs. If you haven't, you need to add me to your friend list so that I can drop them off at your town or you can pick them up in mine. :)

Updated Rehosting Policy[/title]
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

I'm so happy to see this topic thriving! :) And Razander, I love Beau! She's so adorable.

Edit: *He. :$ I'm sorry, but that is one feminine deer!

I'm actually considering starting my town over. Sometimes a fresh start is good thing, and I've neglected my current town so much lately. What do you guys reckon? Right now, everyone's houses are all crammed together in the same area. It's great for having more space for public works projects, but terrible when it comes to landscaping and laying paths!

Air Guitarist


 visit kezune's website: Designer Genes

If it feels right, go for it. Just remember how much work it is to get your town going again. XD I've been tempted recently too by the so-so way the river cuts through my town.

What is it that got you wanting to start over, if you don't mind my asking?

Either way, I think I have all of the fruit trees now, so if you restart I have extras I can drop off. :) I also have the gardening store so if you need a watering can I can buy one for you and I think I have a new, spare axe.

Updated Rehosting Policy[/title]
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat
  6/25/2014  1

Hehe, I just edited my post with an explanation. :P And thank you! That would be extremely helpful and make restarting a little easier. :)

Oh, and C-Rex: Once you unlock Tortimer's island, shark fishing becomes a cinch. I've managed to catch every variety now.

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

I started my new town last night, but there's not much to report so far! It's called Valentia (again), my local fruit is the cherry (again!) and my villagers are: Croque, Elmer, Mitzi, Pompom (again!!) and Rory. I'd love it if we could share town maps. :)




I started a new (my first) town in Wild World. Limberg, Lucy, Mallary are who are in my town at present. I don't like Limberg.
Air Guitarist


 visit kezune's website: Designer Genes

I had the misfortune to have a villager decide to move in in front of my house and destroy a third of my fruit orchard today. :(

Updated Rehosting Policy[/title]
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Cptmashek, is Limberg a cranky villager? I often find that the cranky ones warm to you and become less obnoxious after a while!

Oh Kezune, that sucks. :( This video might be helpful in the future: How to Choose Where Villagers Live. Also, I'm curious... What does your town map look like now? :)

Since my last post: Kitty and Diva have moved in, I'm waiting to receive my development permit, and I made bagfuls of bells by selling several rainbow stags and scarab beetles in order to pay off my second home loan. I think my first public works project will be the campsite; I've found the perfect spot for it!

Manic Scribbler



kezune wrote:
I had the misfortune to have a villager decide to move in in front of my house and destroy a third of my fruit orchard today. :(

Four times. Consecutively. That has happened to me. Seven months I had to deal with four houses directly in front of my own. That's why I haven't played in so long... I did start a new town after the fourth one, but the inertia of weariness has made it difficult for me to go back to the game and actually care.

Still trying to find my SD card reader...

Sparro''s moving out on the fourth, so I guess I'll have to load every day with a "new character" until one moves in.

Manic Scribbler


  7/4/2014  1

I didn't find my SD card reader, but I did manage to email myself my designs via the 3DS's web browser. Here they are! The QR codes are in the links, and I've provided the original patterns so you can make your own versions. :)

[1] [2] [3] [4]

[1] [2] [3] [4]

I'm going to start a new town... again. Didn't really like the layout of this one. Who knows, maybe starting on a new leaf will be better. [nlaugh]

Sanely Insane



 visit RisenAngel's website: The Realm
  7/4/2014  2

So Club LOL finally opened for me today. After getting the "flourish" emotion from Shrunk earlier, I went there tonight and wound up spending 15 minutes in there just listening to the music and grooving.

One of these days we should have a big get-together and have a dance party in someone's Club LOL. Sadly I don't have access to wireless internet right now and it'll be a long while before I get the chance again, but we still should.

I do question where K.K. Slider got my mayor character's TPC picture, though....

~ The Realm ~
Risen Angel's Creatures Blog

Sanely Insane



 visit RisenAngel's website: The Realm

Mabure has had quite an eventful last couple days, let me tell you. And I don't necessarily mean what's been happening in-game.

Saturday was my first chance to see K.K. Slider and finally get some music for my house. Not only that, but Re-Tail was buying Golden Stags on premium, which means I had the chance to make a bunch of money that night.

Sadly, it was not to be. That same day I went on a fishing trip with my dad and a couple of his friends. I brought my 3DS with me so I could get some playcoins and maybe a Streetpass or two.

The fishing trip didn't go so well; two fish got away on me and I caught the bottom twice and a tree once. Then I actually managed to get a fish (a calico bass). Disaster struck when I went to actually release the fish. I wound up slipping and falling into the river...with my 3DS and my phone still in my pockets.

We immediately dissembled as much as we could right there before packing up and heading home. Back there we disassembled the stuff further and left it to dry. Thankfully, we managed to save everything that got soaked.

How does this relate to Animal Crossing, you may ask? Well, when I turned my 3DS on, I found that the time in Mabure had somehow gotten set to January 1, 2011 (thanks to the 3DS clock also getting reset when the device shorted out). When I loaded up Mabure, Avril had one bad case of bedhead and a full mailbox. Being appalled as this "bad future," as I called it and since the buttons didn't quite work right (the 3DS hadn't completely dried out yet), I decided to reset. I'd take a rant from Mr. Resetti over dealing with this any day.

Which brings me to today. The 3DS now has completely dried out and seems to be completely functional (the screen has been messed up a bit, but that appears to be the extent of the damage). I turned it on, adjusted the date and time and ensured all the buttons were working correctly before firing up Animal Crossing.

Then Isabelle informs me that it's 2015. I double-checked to make sure that the clock settings on the 3DS were right (they were), before immediately wondering if Animal Crossing got damaged as well. Once again, fortune was with me and I found I could tell her the correct date before loading up the town.

As it turned out, the effects of the "bad future" were still around. All that happened was a change in scenery and a rant from good old Mr. Resetti (I told him the battery died, which wasn't too far off from the truth). Then things got better; the mail in my mailbox was but a single letter from Bob, who told me his birthday was on January 1 (which was no longer relevant since I fixed the time). My Beautiful Town ordinance protected all my flowers (though they did multiply quite a bit). And best of all, no one moved on me.

A few good things came out of this as well; Shampoodle opened up a bit ahead of schedule so I was able to rectify Avril's bedhead (though her hair color is a little off now) and the Nooklings are in the process of upgrading their store for the second time.

So far, the rest of the day has been business as usual and I'm content with that. Unfortunately I'm going to have to wait until next Saturday to get a shot at K.K. again and I don't know if Re-Tail will ever offer a premium on golden stags or the other island beetles ever again, but I'll gladly take the current situation over a dead town.

Let this be a warning to everyone else: leave your electronics at home should you happen to be doing anything that takes you near bodies of water.

In other news, over the course of the past week or so I've given the museum a second floor, built the Reset Surveillance Center, and added a zen bell north of my plaza. I have an idea of what I want Mabure to look like now, though it'll be a while before I can bring those plans to fruition.

Another thing I haven't mentioned is that I created a second character some days ago, who I named Nagako. She's primarily meant to be a mule character for storing paths and whatnot, as well as a way to help me exploit a trick to get unwanted villagers to move, though I find playing as her to be quite fun in its own right.

~ The Realm ~
Risen Angel's Creatures Blog

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat
  7/9/2014  1

Grendel Man wrote:
The fishing trip didn't go so well; two fish got away on me and I caught the bottom twice and a tree once. Then I actually managed to get a fish (a calico bass). Disaster struck when I went to actually release the fish. I wound up slipping and falling into the river...with my 3DS and my phone still in my pockets.

Oh wow, I'm really pleased to hear that both your Nintendo 3DS and your game survived after their impromptu swimming lesson! :o You were very lucky; I'm sure neither would be cheap to replace. Doesn't the messed up screen irk you though? It would me, but maybe that's my OCD talking. A working, water damaged console is certainly heaps better than none! Thanks for the words of caution: Fishing in-game is definitely the safer option...

... But still nonetheless a gripping hobby, with both frustration and surprise in equal measure. :P This morning I'm busy doing my routine tasks, when Cube scampers up to me. He wants me to bring him a napoleonfish. A napoleonfish, I ask you! Only one of the rarest ocean fish around (I haven't unlocked Tortimer's island in this town yet). I seem to catch more sharks in daylight than I do those elusive humped heads. That blooming penguin! Still, my approval rating is stuck at 91 percent, so I decide to make the effort. I'm not happy about it though; why must my villagers keep asking favours that I can't fulfill? Annalisa wanted me to catch a tarantula last night. Pfffffft. Fat chance, love!

After a long forty-five minutes pursuing huge fish shadows, and netting what I'm sure is a record number of sea bass, I'm ready to give up and cast my dreams of a 100 percent approval rating, a second cobblestone bridge and a Samaritan badge to the wind, along with my fishing rod. Then, suddenly, I spot the welcome sight of a cheeky fin poking out of the water. Yes! Hello Mr. Ocean Sunfish! What's more, I catch TWO more within the space of fifteen minutes. What a consolation prize. :D This means that Blathers is my new best friend, I get a hefty sum of bells, and Cube can stick his napoleonfish up his bum... Until later, anyway!

Sanely Insane



 visit RisenAngel's website: The Realm
  7/9/2014  2

A hint when looking for napoleonfish/marlin/ceolocanth: The shadows those three fish have actually look different from the shadows sea bass and other similarly sized fish have.

Their shadows are larger and slimmer than the shadows of the sea bass (they look like finfish shadows, minus the fin). It can be difficult to tell the difference sometimes, though, but it's better than just catching every big shadow you see and developing an unhealthy hatred for the sea bass.

~ The Realm ~
Risen Angel's Creatures Blog

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Ooh, thank you for the tip. I'll bear this in mind! :)

Edit: I just caught two blue marlins... Wrong species, game! [ndoh]

Manic Scribbler



Here's the map of my new town (also called Lain). When you enter the "demolish a project" screen, you can take a snapshot of the map. The bridge in the middle is the town's first bridge, I'm going to demolish it after building another bridge to the left (close to the town square).

On the subject of unreasonable fishing requests, Chevre asked me to catch a (great white) shark. At least she acknowledged how rare it was... I spent as much time as I could trying to catch one. No luck! I did catch three whale sharks though, so I didn't come back empty-handed.

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Haha! We might have been able to do a swap, razander! I have the shark you were after in my inventory. The napoleonfish still evades me, although it's probably too late for Cube's liking anyway. [ndoh]
Sanely Insane



 visit RisenAngel's website: The Realm

I finally got access to the sewing machine with Nagako, and as such I've started laying down some paths around Mabure. I think it's looking good so far, although I'm also going to have to move a ton of flowers around and chop down a lot of trees since they're arranged so haphazardly.

And a question: If I give a path pattern to Mabel to store and then put something else in the slot it was taking up, does it affect already-placed paths? I'm wondering how many spaces I have to store path patterns between two characters, and since a lot of path patterns tend to take up a lot of spaces I'm wondering if I'll need a third character to help store more paths or not.

~ The Realm ~
Risen Angel's Creatures Blog

Manic Scribbler



Patterns kept in Able storage don't show up in your town. You'll need to make a third character to keep more "active designs".
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat
  7/11/2014  1

I plan to move in another character to act as a path mule too. Also, I know I've been playing this game far too much when one of my villagers, (namely Bill) tells me that I've been playing for a long time now and should take a quick break! [nlaugh]
Manic Scribbler



Lol, I get that when I return from tanning on the island. One of my snooty neighbours said I looked like a zombie, actually.

Nintendo games have a long history of telling their players to take a break. In Earthbound / Mother your father calls you and suggests maybe you should rest, but understands that saving the world is important.

Air Guitarist


 visit kezune's website: Designer Genes

razander wrote:
One of my snooty neighbours said I looked like a zombie, actually.

For some reason, I only ever talk to the jocky-type characters when I've been playing for too long and they always open with "What's with that face?"

It's more fun for me (for some reason) to imagine them saying this with a nasty tone, like I spat in their coffee or something. XD

Updated Rehosting Policy[/title]
Sanely Insane



 visit RisenAngel's website: The Realm

Today was a fairly productive day.

The biggest thing that happened was that I made a third character named Rosaline. It took a try to get her face right, and then I accidentally toward Rover that she was a boy (I never make male characters these days) to thankfully no negative effect. After then having some trouble placing her house, I then started her down the path of befriending Sable.

Besides that, I found a place to put the cafe and had it funded (I've had access to the PWP for a while now; I just didn't get around to it until now since I didn't know where I wanted to put it) and also got a good chunk of my pathways done (although poor Nagako got stung by bees in the process of getting some trees out of the way; I had some medicine for her though so the swelling didn't last long).

In the process of working on said path, I saw a fair few tarantulas and scorpions. Don't know if I'll try to catch one of those demon spawn this summer or not.

~ The Realm ~
Risen Angel's Creatures Blog

Sanely Insane



 visit RisenAngel's website: The Realm

Speaking of the demon spawn, Wendy wanted me to grab her a tarantula. Ha about NO. I still don't think I'm ready to try and go after one of them yet.

Then again, she also asked this of Rosaline, who still doesn't have a net since nobody's stocking them. I still would have said no even if she asked Avril or Nagako, however.

~ The Realm ~
Risen Angel's Creatures Blog

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

razander wrote:
When you enter the "demolish a project" screen, you can take a snapshot of the map. The bridge in the middle is the town's first bridge, I'm going to demolish it after building another bridge to the left (close to the town square).

If I post a photo of my town map, please could someone suggest where my paths should go? :) I've seen people on The Bell Tree Forums help others out by drawing on lines where the paths will be. I ask because I struggle with landscaping, plus I'd really appreciate the input before creating a path mule!


Manic Scribbler


  7/14/2014  1

Grendel_Man wrote:
Today was a fairly productive day.

Tangentially relevant

Oh, that's pretty cool Laura! I've never helped helped anyone like that before, so I hope my feedback will be useful. What paths are you going to use?

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Here's the Valentia town map in all its glory! Any input whatsoever would be totally useful, everyone: I've tried to lay my own paths before and it was a total disaster. I think it's a case of using the paths to join buildings, bridges and houses together. If it's any help, I plan to put my campsite inside where the river curves on the right (if that makes sense?), and my police station above the town hall. I'd also like some blank squares plotted out for other public works projects, as such the fountain, bench, and wishing well. :)

For an example of what someone else did (although I don't think I need *that* many pathways, haha!):

Thanks in advance, I owe you guys big time! If you ever visit I'm sure I can repay you somehow. I'm looking to seeing what people come up with. As for path designs, I'm going to wait until I've unlocked the QR sewing machine and opt for these ones. Aren't they adorable?!

Manic Scribbler


  7/14/2014  2

How does this look? Black squares are "important" public works projects. The campsite is on the peninsula, the bottom left project is the lighthouse. The grey squares around the police station and café are squares that Isabelle is going to demand to be empty, the red squares are places you can't place paths on (the doorways of the buildings, and in The Roost's case the entire front of the store). I made a bunch of "empty boxes" for other things to go in (gardens, projects) and I tried to leave some free space for greenery too. I hope some of these ideas were helpful! :)

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Oh, goodness! This is waaay better than anything I could come up with. I tried to map out my town again today, and it wasn't very successful. :P I also never realised that you can't place paths in front of buildings and such. I really love it, Razander. Thank you! I'll let you know how I get on. :D
Sanely Insane



 visit RisenAngel's website: The Realm

Earlier today Eloise asked me to catch a rainbow stag for her. It's a rare bug that's even rarer since I cut down all non-palm trees on the island for the sake of easier and quicker beetle hunting, but I accept the task anyway.

Just a few minutes ago I manage to catch one. I bring it to her, expecting some sort of random furniture item that's probably going to wind up at Re-Tail at some point. Instead, Eloise gives me her picture.

I certainly wasn't expecting that. I didn't think she and Avril were all that close. Nevertheless, it was a pleasant surprise.

~ The Realm ~
Risen Angel's Creatures Blog

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Tonight I've FINALLY caught a Longhorn Beetle... It's a shame that Annalisa doesn't want one anymore, but Blathers will be happy!
Sanely Insane



 visit RisenAngel's website: The Realm

In Mabure today, Nagako won the Bug-Off with a golden stag worth 133 points. It was a pretty crushing victory too. The runners-up were Sheldon with a mantis worth 62 points and Coach with a diving beetle worth 60 points. It's kinda pitiful that nobody even managed to beat Nagako's initial submission (a banded dragonfly worth 88 points). She got two wallpapers and two furniture items out of the whole thing in addition to the gold trophy though, so it's all good.

In other news, I brought my 3DS out on a birthday shopping trip today and got two Streetpass hits; I'll check out those two houses shortly.

More importantly, I finally got to a 3DS-friendly WiFi access point and gave the Dream Suite a use. Mabure's Dream Address is 4300-4382-6660. Do note that it's probably going to be a while before I can update it again if anyone wants to visit, though.

~ The Realm ~
Risen Angel's Creatures Blog




I have yet to play since my battery died. I really need to get a converter or another cable.

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