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Lollipop Lord


 visit C-Rex's website: The Norn Nebula

I've just watched the trailer and it looks pretty cool. The only Final Fantasy game I've ever played was Crystal Chronicles on Gamecube, but I got stuck on one of the bosses and ending up selling it. [nblush]

By the way, I recently discovered Sonic Before The Sequel and Sonic After The Sequel, two fan-made Sonic games set before and after the events of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. I highly recommend playing them. :)

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

At the risk of sounding like a fan girl, do try Final Fantasy VII if you get the chance! I think you'll be pleasantly surprised, as I'm sure others here will attest. It's one of those must-play games before you die. :) In my mind, Crystal Chronicles doesn't really do the Final Fantasy franchise any justice.
Lollipop Lord


 visit C-Rex's website: The Norn Nebula

Are there any other games you could recommend Laura? I remember you mentioned playing a game called Dust: An Elysian's Tail. Is that game worth playing?
Manic Scribbler



C-Rex wrote:
Does anyone have any ideas of what games I should buy from Steam? I've already bought Goat Simulator, GRID and Crysis so far, I'm just looking for something interesting and with a lot of replayability. :)

Off the top of my head: Analogue: A Hate Story, Deus Ex, Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, South Park: The Stick of Truth, and SimCity 4 Deluxe.

This one's not on Steam, but I definitely think The Trouble with Robots is something interesting with a lot of replayability! :)

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Oh, 'Dust: An Elysian Tail' is a goodun too! :) I have the Xbox 360 port and I love it. A beautiful, beautiful game with a compelling storyline and stunning hand-painted graphics.
Lollipop Lord


 visit C-Rex's website: The Norn Nebula

Simcity 4 Deluxe looks interesting, was the most recent installation released last year any good? Also, I didn't know the graphics in Dust: An Elysian Tail were hand-painted! It must have been an extremely painstaking process. :o
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Uh huh. :) It's mindblowing that Dust: AET is the creation of just one independent developer, Dean Dodrill. I think that's incredible, and it really adds to my enjoyment of the game.
Manic Scribbler



I haven't played SimCity 2013 myself, but I followed it closely the first two months after it was released, waiting to see if it was worth a buy. It had a lot of issues (the server issues were the least of them). From what I hear now, most of them have been fixed. Lazy Game Reviewer revisited the game a year after release and concluded it was still boring, largely due to the small city sizes and not being able to make them fully self-sustaining. If you do decide to get SC2013, I recommend playing offline, or only playing with close friends--strangers may abandon their cities, or worse, intentionally make run-down cities to flood neighbouring cities with crime, traffic, and pollution.

I'd say if you want more bang for your buck, get SC4. It's still a lot of fun, cities act like cities (you can't make it all residential and expect it to stay afloat), the aesthetics haven't aged badly at all in my opinion, and the modding community's really done an outstanding job make the game more fun. If you're new to the civilisation management genre, SC4 can be somewhat difficult, but there are tutorials and starter cities where you can get the hang of the game.

Here's a list of awesome mods (NAM is essential). For the Steam edition, custom regions should be put in the My Documents\SimCity 4 Deluxe\Regions folder, but plugins (pretty much all other mods) can go in either the STEAMAPPS\common\SimCity 4 Deluxe\Plugins or My Documents\SimCity 4 Deluxe\Plugins folder.

Code Monkey


  4/16/2014  1

Plants vs Zombies... very replayable, fun, addictive, and cute. Tower defense game where your backyard protects you from having your brain eaten.

Also, not sure if it's on steam, but I know it's on Populous:The Beginning... I can't say enough about this game, I spent hours upon days playing it.. if you've played other populous games, throw any preconceptions about it out the window, it's totally different, totally addictive, fast-paced, and fun as hell, with nearly infinite replayability because of all the different ways you can accomplish your goals and the huge variety of spells and units you and shaman can wield while ensuring the dominance of your tribe and the worship of you.

Others: Starbound, Banished, Any Deus Ex game, Recettear-An Item Shop's Tale, Long Live the Queen (my princess keeps getting assassinated!!), Psychonauts (OMG this game is awesome...), Stick of Truth, Sam & Max games, All Fallout Games... Final Fantasy VII and Dust have been covered, but yes, those are two really great games as well.

"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love."
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan

Lollipop Lord


 visit C-Rex's website: The Norn Nebula
  4/18/2014  1

I decided to finally purchase Minecraft today, and have managed to get a server up and running. If anyone wants to play, let me know and I'll send you the server address. :)


  4/18/2014  1

I play mostly old games (Albion, Simon the Sorcerer, Starship Titanic etc) and puzzle games (Return to Mysterious Island I and II, Syberia I and II etc)

What is the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything?





Terraria 1.2.0 is out for Xbox, so that's what I did yesterday. 8^)
Manic Scribbler



Oh! I remember the first Return to Mysterious Island! One of my favourite adventure games. The puzzles actually make sense, no cleaning licence plates to get donkey hair moustaches. It's a shame the developer went under... But their publisher is still publishing adventure games, so I hope they're still crafting some.



The second Mysterious Island wasn't as good. If you liked Mysterious Island, you should play Myst. That's a really good game.

What is the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything?





Still been playing Skyrim... Quite a bit these past few days while the internet is low and slow. Getting close to 100 hours now!

‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.’ – Gandalf the Grey
Manic Scribbler


  6/26/2014  1

My GF got me Rune Factory 4 for the 3DS. A better Harvest Moon than any of the Harvest Moons. You farm, fight, tame monsters, craft, pass ordinances, and make friends with the locals. The main plot is kind of stupid (because the villains are), but otherwise the characters are fun, varied, and likable. Except for Leon. I play as a female character and he's like one of those terrible PUAs who don't value the feelings or agency of other people.
Air Guitarist


 visit kezune's website: Designer Genes

I had to set down Minecraft for a while coz it just got too depressing to play by myself. That said, I've been playing more Animal Crossing and Pokemon X (the former more than the latter) and a few games I bought from the eShop.

I also beat Donkey Kong Country 2 for the billionth time recently and started playing DKC 3. Again. To beat it for the billionth time.

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Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Wow, I really like the sound of Rune Factory 4. :o Might have to check out some Let's Play videos on YouTube, I think!

Edit: Nevermind, the European release was cancelled. :(

Manic Scribbler


  6/26/2014  1

Eep, yeah, the 3DS's region-locking once again makes it harder for our Europals to have fun. Apparently they need somebody close to the source code to make a European release, and since the devs went bust the publishers don't have easy access to the people close to the source code.

...Maybe it will come out in Europe someday? It took Shin Megami Tensei IV forever.

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Such a pity, because I'd be all over that game like a cat on a mouse. :'( Maybe one day! It seems like Final Fantasy combined with Animal Crossing, two of my favourite franchises, and I also love any game with a spot of dungeon crawling! Are there any other titles for the 3DS that are similar, apart from Harvest Moon?
Manic Scribbler



The town or social aspect? I can't think of any.

I'm staying away from the HM series. After they released Harvest Moon DS Cute for the DS (fun except for the American censorship), they turned the series into a cynical wallet milker aimed at draining as much money as they could from the "girl demographic" (think all those Barbie games). Coincidentally around this time a lot of the original HM developers moved on to Rune Factory. :P I've heard some good things about Harvest Moon: A New Beginning, but everyone I've talked to agreed that RF4 was the superior game.

Dungeon crawlers, off the top of my head there's Etrian Odyssey IV, Bravely Default, and Shin Megami Tensei IV. All of them have turn-based combat, though.

The SMT series has more focus on narrative and character interaction, so that's your best bet, though it doesn't have those social sim and management sim aspects that make games like New Leaf and Rune Factory so much fun. I haven't played SMT IV myself yet, but my GF says it's fun.

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey for the DS is a turn-based dungeon-crawler that I personally enjoyed, I recommend picking it up if you find it. Since the DS games weren't region-encoded you should be able to play that fine on the 3DS.




SMTIV was amazing in my experience.

On a side note I got a ton of steam games now, my wishlist went down. Now have The Ship, which is interesting, one of those kill or be killed scenarios, along with Dungeons of Dredmor, Don't Starve, and others X3

Air Guitarist


 visit kezune's website: Designer Genes
  7/28/2014  1

Did anybody else take advantage of the Humongous Entertainment Flash Bundle on Humble Bundle today? I sure did. I just played through Spy Fox in: Dry Cereal twice today and saw a path I never figured out as a kid.

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I ended up playing TF2 again, and now I'm hooked. Though generally, Minecraft and Megaman end up playing ping-pong with my video-game interest.



I'll put a word in for Rune Factory, that whole series is really good.
Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

I just got Rune Factory 3 recently, haven't played it yet though! I hope I'm in for a treat. :)



I'll put a word in for Rune Factory, that whole series is really good.
Air Guitarist


 visit kezune's website: Designer Genes

You've already said so. ;)

I'm still in my Humongous Entertainment binge, actually. XD I might play some Minecraft again though. I haven't played in a while because playing by myself made me feel kinda lonely. I did enjoy it alone before, though.

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Oops haha double-post! My bad. :$

The third Rune Factory is the best one, imo. Laura, if you like Animal Crossing you might also like Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times (I think its's called Enchanted Folk and the School of Wizardry in the UK). It's to Animal Crossing what Rune Factory is to Harvest Moon.

Tea Queen



 visit Laura's website: CC Chat

Thanks for the recommendation, Lambie! It does sound like something I might enjoy. :) I should probably try Rune Factory 3 first; I don't have as much money to spend on video games as I'd like. :P
Air Guitarist


 visit kezune's website: Designer Genes
  8/6/2014  1

Well. I guess we'd better say goodbye.

I've started playing Minecraft and Morrowind again. :P

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Code Monkey



I want to play SMTIV so bad... That might just be the game that finally makes me break down and buy a handheld console.

Recently I've been playing Hearthstone, Dishonored (really awesome steampunk kind of assassination game, very deep gameplay though, with stealth, tech, and magic-like powers too, so many ways to accomplish everything and so much hidden stuff), Starcraft II, Galactic Civilizations II in anticipation of 3 coming out later this year, and some slightly obscure old PS2 RPGs and SRPGs: (Ar Tonelico, Mana Khemia, Legend of Makai)

"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love."
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan




I recently got addicted to pokemon ruby again,and I have caught three rare pokemon during my grinding sessions:Skitty,ralts,and surskit.



pokemon black
pokemon pearl
the sims 3
various virtual pet games
lots of things

[chirping and clicking] Clicks for a winter god! >
Peppery One



Scribblenauts Unmasked! It is a really fun game concept. Except for a few suits and some powerups for custom objects, there is nothing you really have to unlock. You can e.g. summon superman and glue a fried chicken on his head, just for teh lulz and that right from the beginning! :D

You have to complete tasks and riddles, but the way you do usually is fairly free. And occassional challenge stages make it even nicer, for example when you are only allowed to use e.g. vehicles. How to banish an escaped genie? Well, hold him with a tow truck! :P
You have to give someone a gun to feel secure, but you can only create animals. What now? Make an "armed squirrel" and steal it's gun to give it to the other person!

THis whole concept just gives you a ton of hilarious solutions for all kinds of problems. At least when you can think of them ;)

Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis...

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