Strangeo Forum |
Other Games You Play 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |

1/16/2014 | |
I have been addicted to The Elder Scrolls games lately! Mostly been playing Oblivion, I also have Skyrim of the Xbox, and i'm getting Morrowind for the PC soon!
‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.’ – Gandalf the Grey |
 Air Guitarist

1/16/2014 | 2 |
Minecraft. Yeah, pretty much just Minecraft on PC. I'm playing with the new Direwolf20 pack available on Feed The Beast.
Besides that, I got Rayman Legends for Christmas and beat it. I've also been playing Mario Party 8 with the hubby a little and I'm hoping to get some Kerbal Space Program in tonight.
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 For Science!
1/19/2014 | |
Got permission to install Exodus and Civilization IV on Dad's computer, so I've been switching off between those for the past week or so. |


1/20/2014 | |
I have a pretty plentiful catalogue of digital download games (a portion being classics older than a decade, including you-know-which), but i have been putting them by the wayside for way too long, i feel. The ones i have been playing more regularly since are Rayman Origins, all three seasons of Sam & Max (currently halfway through season two) and Worms Reloaded.
And of course, there's the usual time of the day where i play around in Minecraft. |


1/21/2014 | |
When I'm not playing one particular series, I'm mostly hanging around in an MMO called "Guild Wars 2." As of this last friday it has managed to keep my attention for a year, an amazing feat given how most have never kept me for a week. I still haven't figured out myself why it has. I've recently tried those hidden object games that the older folks of the house are really into but I can't say for sure that I like them. To me they're not much of a challenge since I end up solving them anywhere within two hours. I think I'll stick to my jigsaw puzzles for those times when I don't want to play Creatures and I have no internet.
I'm not much for handhelds and consoles, besides the destructive habits of my siblings when it comes to both I can't really get into any of the games available for them nowadays. Before they killed the playstation 2 I used to play Dance Dance Revolution, of which I have a sizeable collection of discs and with no clear favorite. I'm aware that there's newer consoles out there, but none of us are shelling out the dough for something that may already be broken anyway. Same goes for trolling pawn shops for a replacement.
From the depths of Deep Lurkspace I emerge... And suddenly can't remember what it is I came up for. |

1/29/2014 | |
Hmm... Petz... Minecraft... A little bit of Elder Scrolls games... Oh! I did start playing zoo tycoon again a few days ago, I seem to have forgotten about it until now... Tomorrow it shall be played! 
‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.’ – Gandalf the Grey |
 Tea Queen

2/10/2014 | |
Lately I've obtained a Gameboy Advance, so I've been enjoying the likes of Pokémon LeafGreen, and the Advance versions of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Final Fantasy VI. Has anybody else played either of these? I'm definitely open to more game suggestions too.  |

2/11/2014 | |
If you like RPGs, you should try and track down the Golden Sun games. The problem is that doing so might be a nightmare because, well, they're for the Gameboy and it's now 2014.
Viva las Vegas - or not, it's up to you. |

2/11/2014 | |
althalus99 wrote: If you like RPGs, you should try and track down the Golden Sun games. The problem is that doing so might be a nightmare because, well, they're for the Gameboy and it's now 2014.
vba is all you need. 
now that i've found my 3ds i've been playing pokemon x. i think i'll get back to my 100% completion of sm64ds too, but i have no idea where the rest of the stars are... |
 Air Guitarist

2/11/2014 | |
Shhhh. Let's not discuss emulation here. The practice of downloading software that is commercially available -for free- is illegal.
Updated Rehosting Policy[/title] |

2/16/2014 | |
Emulators themselves aren't illegal, it's downloading the games for the the emulators that'll get you into trouble. Except it probably won't, because the police are about as adept at monitoring the internet as Mick Jagger is at sprouting wings and turning into a walrus.
Viva las Vegas - or not, it's up to you. |
 Air Guitarist

2/16/2014 | |
I understand that but downloading the Golden Sun games is pretty illegal, last I checked.
Updated Rehosting Policy[/title] |

2/16/2014 | 1 |
I think Kezune's point is that it's illegal regardless of if you get caught or not; and just because you won't get in trouble -right now- doesn't you never will.
Everyone in every industry on the planet knows piracy is a thing and they are working towards eradicating it; and this could mean legal actions in the long run.
The site administrators just want to play it safe so no one here gets in trouble. 
Twitt Stuff
Insta Arts |
 Tea Queen

2/16/2014 | |
Yeah, debate and technicalities aside, we still don't allow talk of any illegal or questionable activity in the public forums. This has always been the policy here. If you need to discuss this further, or have any questions, feel free to message one of the website staff, but please don't bring the subject back up in this topic.
Now, let's get back on topic: What other games do you play?  |


2/16/2014 | 1 |
I've been marathoning Morrowind recently. I've already beat the main quest and Tribunal and am still on the colony quests in Bloodmoon. I'm wondering how it will lead into the werewolf part, if it ever does. It's been the most fun I've had with the expansions so far.
Tribunal was a living nightmare though, at least with Almexia's quests. I actually enjoyed seeing the Queen Mother, and doing Helseth's quests. I thought it was fun to snoop around and actually do some investigating. It's a shame that my save game is glitched and I could never challenge Helseth's body guard to a duel. In fact that's a major reason I hated Tribunal, besides that one guard who resists everything magical ever and is the worst part of Morrowind ever. My save game has glitched somewhere along the way, and I had to hack in the pieces of Nerevar's blade. I couldn't get their dialogue to trigger for whatever reason, even after looking up twice. I don't know if it's because I abused this save file to much, or if I didn't do the quest just right.
The Mobula Ray - My Creatures blog |
 Wee Scrivener

2/16/2014 | |
Does skulking about the web count as a game?
"Holy crap in a casket!" |

2/16/2014 | |
As of today, Kingdom of Loathing. So far the only sleaze-alined monsters I've seen was creepier than the spooky ones....
I also stole a bar's accordion. Go me! |
 For Science!
2/17/2014 | |
The accordion you can steal from Hellions is my favorite so far. It's one-handed!
I got a new laptop for my birthday, and with that I have a bit more access to games. I'm going to start Broken Age as soon as I figure out where my headphones disappeared to... ![[nquestion] [nquestion]](/images/smilies/emot_question.gif) |


2/22/2014 | |
I haven't been playing too many games lately since I went back to Creatures.
While my Steam library has far too many games for me to ever get bored (120+), I don't really feel like getting into any of them right now.
I occasionally check in with Starbound to try out the newest updates, but I don't want to overdo it and end up getting bored with it once it comes out of its beta phase for good.
I also really like the Legend of Zelda series and I've been playing a lot of Skyward Sword before I installed Creatures Exodus. I'm done with that game now, though, anyway. My wrists are grateful. |
 Lollipop Lord

2/24/2014 | |
Has anyone hear ever played Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning? It's quite similar to Skyrim, but the combat is much more superior in my opinion. Another interesting thing is that there are two-headed ogres in the game that are known as 'Ettins', and there is also a region known as 'The Sidhe' (pronounced Shee). |
 Tea Queen

3/2/2014 | |
Wow, that's a coincidence and a half! Who'd have thought that those two particular things would be mentioned together, in a game that isn't Creatures. I think I may have to read up about this game now; my curiosity has been piqued.
I'm about to get stuck into Fallout 3 again, for real this time. I've only ever got as far as leaving Vault 101 before and reaching Megaton, and then I kinda stopped playing for some reason. Now Skyrim's started to get boring, it's time to give Fallout 3 a proper go! I like the fact that it has the same mechanics as Skyrim (in terms of its functional similarities) but has a completely different story, era and atmosphere to it. Good ol' Bethesda.  |


3/2/2014 | |
I play way too many games to count but I've been playing a lot of pokemon lately, before that was sims 3.

3/3/2014 | |
Been playing a lot of Skyrim lately.
On my Khajiit assassin/thief character. :3
But I have also been addicted to this little mmo game...
Its surprising to, mmo games like this don't usually keep me playing them for so long, but everyone is friendly and there is always something to do there!
Its called Sylestia, everyday I play it I seem to like it more. x3
‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.’ – Gandalf the Grey |
 Code Monkey
3/6/2014 | |
Anyone ever play Viva Pinata? that game gets addictive... i had it for a long time, just had the urge to play it again, and now I'm right back to obsessing over trying to get the perfect garden. Ive been on a kick of replaying old games or getting back into ones i haven't touched in years...
other than that, I've been doing a little minecraft (mostly terrafirmacraft), some starbound.
Fallout 3 is definitely a great game, the world is very big and there is a lot of stuff to do, great atmosphere, story, even the music, it's easily one of my favorite games.
"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love."
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan |
 Code Monkey
3/6/2014 | 1 |
Laura wrote: This week I've been playing Dust: An Elysian Tail, a little known game that deserves more attention than it currently has, I think! Has anybody else ever heard of it, or played it? I cannot recommend it enough! The hand-painted graphics are beautiful, the story is engrossing and the Melee combat system is just so much fun. ![[nsmile] [nsmile]](/images/smilies/emot_smile.gif)
Yes, I got that game on steam, I really like it. It reminded me a lot of the Don Bluth animated movies... It really is beautifully drawn, and the details of the world are all just so perfect. I agree about the combat too, it's interesting and deep enough that it never gets boring.
"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love."
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan |
 Tea Queen

3/6/2014 | |
High five, evolnemesis. That game has made such an impression on me; I still can't believe that it was created by just one man! Whenever I get bored of Fallout 3 or Skyrim, Dust: AET is a game I always find myself going back to. And I've never made that comparison with the Don Bluth movies before, but now you've mentioned it, you're absolutely right! It definitely has a 'The Secret of Nimh' feel about it.  |
 Air Guitarist

3/6/2014 | |
I enjoy Dust quite a bit. Actually, I should go back and try to beat that game.
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 toxic biohazard
3/6/2014 | |
I play League of Legends, Portal, a bit of Minecraft from time to time. Also NetHack, which none of my friends seem to enjoy because it doesn't exactly have state-of-the-art graphics... But I love it!
Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; We should not distort it. |
 Peppery One
3/6/2014 | |
I am trying NetHack for years now and never made it to the end so far! Did you ever beat it? Maybe got some good tips?
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |


3/7/2014 | |
I usually don't have the money for new games. But besides Creatures 1 & 2, I have Minecraft, Skyrim, and the Sims 3 (a birthday gift, just the base game.). I love sandbox games apparently. |D
...and then I regret posting that two seconds later. |
 Air Guitarist

3/21/2014 | |
I spent the day playing the coop mode of Portal 2 with my husband. I've also been playing a few games with friends online and Minecraft by myself. I tend to hop from game to game.
Updated Rehosting Policy[/title] |

3/21/2014 | |
I have actually got back into minecraft single player, somehow, (Haven't properly played minecraft single player for quiet a while) in the last few days. I just started a random world and ended up in a pine forest and just started playing. x3
Also lots of Skyrim to! I don't think I will ever fully tire of it.
I'm still hoping to get Starbound, maybe when we get more internet usage...
‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.’ – Gandalf the Grey |
 Manic Scribbler
4/9/2014 | |
I've played a lot of games... The ones I'm recently playing are Zoo Tycoon 2, Dungeons of Dredmor, and Soulbringer.
ZT2 has a lot of mods, but as a decade-old game a lot of those are difficult to find now. Fan-created textures and models really make the game look nice, and some remakes even fine-tune animal behaviour. For me, the best part is designing spaces for both people and animals, even with the blocky collision detection and pathing. A new Zoo Tycoon came out for the XBone, but it fell into the SimCity trap of "You know what would make this more fun? Simulating all the little people-agents, restricting the amount people can actually build!" Because obviously people play Zoo Tycoon because they're so invested in the tourists. That's why we feed them to lions. 
I beat Dungeons of Dredmor, but that was before the expansion packs came out. I'm having lots of fun as an unarmed werediggle vampire crafter. Actually, the build has made the game a bit too easy on Dwarvish Moderation...
Soulbringer's a really old cRPG that's being sold on GOG. I got it on recommendation by one of my most respected game developers. I haven't played it much though, because I'm still trying to fix the font... On modern widescreen monitors it's barely legible. ![[nsad] [nsad]](/images/smilies/emot_sad.gif) |
 Lollipop Lord

4/16/2014 | |
Does anyone have any ideas of what games I should buy from Steam? I've already bought Goat Simulator, GRID and Crysis so far, I'm just looking for something interesting and with a lot of replayability.  |
 Tea Queen

4/16/2014 | |
Final Fantasy VII?  |