Strangeo Forum |
Other Games You Play 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |

9/21/2013 | |
Really, the only games other than Creatures that I play would be: The adventures of Cookie and Cream, Klonoa, Harvest Moon and Digimon. I've got a lot more, but... Those are the most likely for me to play. :3 |
 Peppery One
9/22/2013 | |
Super Scribblenauts (I think about getting Unlimited as well), Minecraft and Pokemon Heart Gold.
I am still annoyed and sad that there's no remake of Crystal edition. Many years ago I got a special GBC Pikachu Edition as bundle with the Crystal... 
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |


9/22/2013 | |
at the moment i'm not really playing anything in particular but i'm looking forward to playing pokemon X and Y
i've been collecting games for years so i have a lot its hard to name them all xD |
 Lollipop Lord

9/22/2013 | |
What does everyone think of The Sims 4? I'm quite looking forward to it.  |

9/22/2013 | |
Minecraft and the old petz games. <3
‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.’ – Gandalf the Grey |
 Wee Scrivener

9/22/2013 | |
I play Wizard101, Pirate101, and a handful of Wii games. Yup.
"Holy crap in a casket!" |

9/23/2013 | |
I use to love playing Wizard101 Darby! I even got a cool island home place... It was awesome. Its a good game!
I was a fire wizard! ^-^ I should start playing that again sometime...
‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.’ – Gandalf the Grey |
 Wee Scrivener

9/23/2013 | |
I've been playing it for years! I've been every sort of wizard available, but I keep making new ones. My current one is a death wizard and my sister's trying to get me all the way to Avalon this time! (Never been past Dragonspyre. I usually only make it to Krokotopia and then I feel the desire to try a different school. XD)
"Holy crap in a casket!" |


9/26/2013 | |
I play Final Fantasy VI, Harvest Moon, Pokémon, MediEvil and The Sims. |

10/6/2013 | |
To give you a little background information about myself, you don't know much about me since I am quite a new member 
I love playing sims 3 and like to watch machinima vids about them, I am even trying to make my own but I don't have a lot of time because of school (I also have sims 1 and 2 but haven't played it for a long time)
I like minecraft, but I dislike the fact that I can't get any texturepacks or mods into my game (I'm really bad at those things)
Kinda the sane story with Petz 4, loved playing it, but don't get it working on windows 7..
I own Spore as well, but haven't played it for a while because it bores really quickly.
I like sacred 2 and love being a high elf, it brings my fantasy side above.
I recently began playing Guild Wars 2, but didn't really got to like it immediately, I will play it again when I have some more time
If anyone has any suggestions about games I might like, feel free to tell me 

10/7/2013 | 1 |
i could help you with the texture packs in minecraft if you want. :p
Ik zwaai met mijn handen en mijn handen zwaaien terug. |

10/7/2013 | |
That would be great! (if you explain in Dutch because I don't like figuring things out in English) |
 Air Guitarist

10/7/2013 | |
Well. I've gone and gotten myself addicted to The Sims 3, guys. Since I set up my PC here at the inlaws' house it's just been The Sims 3, Miasmata and a little Civ V.
Updated Rehosting Policy[/title] |

10/7/2013 | |
Tigercivet i will send you how to do it in a pm. 
Ik zwaai met mijn handen en mijn handen zwaaien terug. |


10/13/2013 | |
I play a lot of the original Spyro the dragon series and the Legend of Spyro on Playstation. As far as the computer, I got a copy of Final Fantasy 7, and I've been playing that. Trying to keep up with my brother, but he keeps getting ahead of me!  |

10/26/2013 | |
Just started getting into this game...
![[nsleepy] [nsleepy]](/images/smilies/emot_sleepy.gif) |


10/28/2013 | |
I recently went back to the darkside World of Warcraft after quite a long hiatus. Someone pray for me!


10/29/2013 | |
I've been playing through Pokemon FireRed again, just with the Nuzlocke rule this time. If I beat this Nuzlocke challenge, I'm going to breed some eggs from the winners and transfer those eggs over to ruby for another Nuzlocke run.
I've also been training some show cats in Petz, and hexing a few things.
The Mobula Ray - My Creatures blog |
 Lollipop Lord

10/31/2013 | |
I've been playing a bit of World of Warcraft myself. It still hasn't all downloaded, though. |


11/16/2013 | |
My Firered Nuzlocke has lost all of its stream since I'm near the Elite Four. I have to grind up a lot of levels for them and I don't want to. So I've been either trying to win some Petz show over at the PKC, and failing, or roflstomping enemy lords in Mount and Blade: Warband.
The Mobula Ray - My Creatures blog |
 Air Guitarist

11/19/2013 | |
Morrowind. Again. The game wouldn't work and I needed to get online to fix the problem. Now that I have interwebs I can play again.
Besides that, I've been playing Geneforge and watching the hubby play Saints Row the Fourth, the present I got him for his birthday.
Updated Rehosting Policy[/title] |

11/19/2013 | |
Mount & Blade: Warband, Borderlands 2, Civ 5I, Sims 3... Avernum (yay Geneforge player!)
Mostly Avernum and Gnomoria lately.
Above all else, though, Dwarf Fortress. |
 Tea Queen

11/20/2013 | 1 |
Skyrim, again. Playing as a stealthy Nord Warrior huntress, with a penchant for thievery. See you all in a few weeks. ![[nlaugh] [nlaugh]](/images/smilies/emot_laugh.gif) |
 Lollipop Lord

11/20/2013 | |
I'm playing Skyrim too, Laura. I've also been playing Spore on and off too. By the way, does anyone here have Steam? My steam name is the same as my Creatures Caves username. |

11/20/2013 | |
I added you, C-Rex! Probably shows up as 'Sina'  |
 Air Guitarist

11/20/2013 | |
I've got steam, too. kezune_twitch is my username and anybody's free to add me. 
Oh, but back on topic (silly me) I've also been playing a lot of MineCraft though for those of you who know me from chat that probably goes without saying. XD
Updated Rehosting Policy[/title] |

11/20/2013 | 1 |
Added, Kezune! :3 I do MineCraft a lot too haha. |

11/24/2013 | |
I recently found out about the Professor Layton games, I quite enjoy the puzzles and the stories in the games are unexpected and awesome! |
 Senior Wrangler
11/28/2013 | 1 |
Last night I finally got round to re-installing Civ3 on my laptop. I'd forgotten how addictive it was! |
 Tea Queen

11/28/2013 | 6 |
Guess who just bought Morrowind? I've really enjoyed playing Skyrim, so I'm excited about giving this earlier installment a try! |
 Tea Queen

12/1/2013 | |
So yeah, I've ordered more games! After having my ear bent by a friend and some rather persuasive YouTube videos: Shadow of the Colossus and The Darkness.
Has anybody played any of these? |

12/2/2013 | |
Oh my dad use to have Shadow of Collossus!
I liked watching him, it was an interesting game.
A tad creepy though. :3
He would sometimes let me just ride around on the horse and explore the world! That was so much fun that I got sad when he decided to sell it. xD
‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.’ – Gandalf the Grey |
 Tea Queen

12/5/2013 | 1 |
I haven't tried 'Shadow of the Colossus' yet; I plan to this weekend with my boyfriend when he comes down to visit. The game looks stunning though, and lucky me, my copy came with art cards! 
Two words: Dark Souls. *sighs* So difficult, yet so immersive! |

1/1/2014 | |
Speaking of incredibly difficult games, I'm completely addicted to Devil May Cry 3. The DMC series may or may not be your sort of thing, Laura, but I'd advise checking videos and reviews like you did with Shadow of the Colossus because if you like it you'll like it a lot. It's technically not very long, but it has an incredible amount of replay value.
Viva las Vegas - or not, it's up to you. |
 For Science!
1/11/2014 | |
My laptop's dead (motherboard fried itself, but it's had a good long run- I got that laptop 6 years ago) so I don't have access to any of my PC games right now, including Creatures. ![[nsad] [nsad]](/images/smilies/emot_sad.gif)
I've been playing Skyrim off and on since then, as well as Kingdom of Loathing if we're counting browser games. |