Strangeo Forum |
Other Games You Play 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
|  Lollipop Lord

1/2/2012 | |
What other games apart from Creatures do do you tend to play? On my PC I enjoy playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The Sims 2 & 3, Jurassic Park Operation Genesis, Plants vs. Zombies and of course Spore. 
I also own a Nintendo Wii, that I rarely play on, but when I do, I usually play The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy 2 or any of my Gamecube games (I also own Spore Hero but I completed that ages ago)
I rarely ever go on the Xbox 360, but the game I last played on was Hunted: The Demon's Forge. |

1/3/2012 | |
I always play mario kart wii i love it and i play spore. |
 Peppery One
1/3/2012 | |
Minecraft, Cube 2: Sauerbraten and various Kirby games.
Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... |


2/7/2012 | |
Minecraft, Spore, DnD (I know that's not a video game, but I had to put it there). I hope to play Skyrim soon. :3
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>

2/9/2012 | |
The Sims 2 and 3, old Mario and Sonic games and other old-school platformers, Transformice... I got a Nintendo 3DS but I don't really have good games for it yet, I think Rayman 3D is the only one I liked. And occasionally I still play Pokemon games, Zoo Tycoon 2, Petz 4 and 5, and other stuff.
I have Spore but I got bored with it pretty fast, I play it about once a year now (I guess it disappointed me after all the hype and everyone thinking it would be the greatest game ever, plus i wish they made more expansions for it) |


2/9/2012 | |
Oh yeah, and I'm currently obsessed with Pokemon, thanks to my bf.
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>

2/10/2012 | |
Pokemon nurd :B
But i will murder you with my eevee team dont even pretend
in the spring you gotta let the flowers fully blossom


2/11/2012 | |
None shall beat my epic Wartortle. >:B
Funny story...I actually managed to beat Misty with my Wartortle...I was going to use my Pikachu but it got taken down by the second pokemon. All the others I had were too low level to survive, so I brought out Abhx and used megapunch, my only non water based attack. 
And they all told me water types would be useless....muahahaha
Do not upset the ugly worm, lest it be a dragon in disguise. (>oo)>

2/29/2012 | |
ATM, Skyrim and Skyward sword.
Don't forget. Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember her, you are not alone. |
 Lollipop Lord

3/1/2012 | |
I got The Orange Box the other day, so I can now play Half Life 2 and Portal. |

3/1/2012 | |
1. Get a vaporeon with max hp and speed
2. Teach it wish and protect
3. Battle
4. Wish
5. Protect
Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all opposing pokemon run out of PP
6. Win
in the spring you gotta let the flowers fully blossom

3/6/2012 | |
Silent Hill Series, Shadows Of The Damned, Sonic The Hedgehog Series, New Super Mario Bros. (DS),Metal Gear Series, Doctor Who: The Adventure Games, Golden Sun Series, Final Fantasy Series (VERY occasionally, Golden Sun will do me fine and is just the right length), Tomb Raider Series, Rayman Series, Crash Bandicoot Series, Assassin's Creed Series and the Destroy All Humans! Series. That I can think of offhand.
Viva las Vegas - or not, it's up to you. |

3/8/2012 | |
Portal 2 is a good one as well.
Don't forget. Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember her, you are not alone. |

3/10/2012 | |
I've played every Elder Scrolls game in the main series, and continue to do so regularly. I'm a big fan of bethesda.
In my nerd cave, nobody can hear you scream.
Feed my pets: Shroomy and Glow! |

7/9/2012 | |
I love minecraft for the computer! It is an AWSOME sandbox game! You get put in a never ending world where you can roam free forever! And you get to build amazing buildings! You can make a farm or anything you want! You can also mine things to upgrade your tolls and armor! I have been playing it for months now and I still love it! It does cost money to buy the full virsion of it but it is so worth it!
‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.’ – Gandalf the Grey |


7/9/2012 | |
I play Pokémon, Zoo Tycoon (1 and 2,) Roller Coaster Tycoon (usually 1,) Harvest Moon, Petz (usually the older ones,) Babyz (the old one,) Oddballz, and some others.
-GrayDragonEmily |

7/20/2012 | |
Wow! I play babyz and petz to!
I also like zoo tycoon!
And harvest moon!
And I want to play Oddballz!
You seem to like games that I like xD
‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.’ – Gandalf the Grey |

7/24/2012 | |
I play The Sims 2, Sims 3 (I prefer Sims 2 more though - prettier 'dolls'), Neverwinter Nights (when I could get it to work on a's one of my top fave games ever). I also love to do online post -by-post literate role playing on a couple of other sites.
Games I like but currently don't have time to play are: Black & White 3, Skyrim, Flyff, Final Fantasy games for the PS3, Spore, Diablo III and many others.
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |
 Tea Queen

8/14/2012 | |
On the PC: Wolfenstein 3D, The Sims 1, the Little Big Adventure series, Gobliiins, King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride, Populous: The Beginning, Sushi Cat, Theme Hospital and Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale.
On the Xbox 360: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The Secret of Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (the special edition versions), American McGee's Alice, Sonic the Hedgehog 1, 2 and 3, Sonic Spinball, Streets of Rage 1 and 2, Ristar, Ecco the Dolphin... (gotta love the Sega Megadrive Ultimate Collection for Xbox 360)! ![[nwink] [nwink]](/images/smilies/emot_wink.gif)
I've also recently bought Alice: Madness Returns and Terraria, both of which I can't wait to try out. |

8/14/2012 | |
Telltale's Sam&max series and the bttf game,Disgaea series on ps2/3, Persona 3 and 4, Sims 3, Arkham asylum/city, skyrim,recettear,Railroad tyccoon
I recently got addicted to the Inazuma eleven series on DS |
 Prodigal Sock

8/14/2012 | |
Wow, I thought I'd posted in here already.
Portal 1 and 2
Majesty & Majesty: The Northern Expansion
The Sims 1 and 2
Various Sonic games... my favorite is Sonic Adventure 2 but it's in storage ![[ncrying] [ncrying]](/images/smilies/emot_crying.gif)
LEGO Star Wars 1 and 2 (and hopefully soon, 3)
LEGO Digital Designer, which I guess isn't a game per se, but IMO qualifies as one
The Gobliiins series ![[nsmile] [nsmile]](/images/smilies/emot_smile.gif)
Zoo Tycoon 2
Myst, Riven, Exile
Croc 2
Petz 5


8/15/2012 | |
Ghosthande wrote: Wow, I thought I'd posted in here already.
Heh, so had I.
* Amnesia (er, the demo at least. Still debating if I have the mental capacity to play through the whole game)
* Minecraft
* Sims 2
* Subeta (an "adult" alternative to Neopets)
* Essentially all of the Mii mini games because I am an achievement fiend
* 999 (fffff- this game is the bane of my existence!)
* Ace Attorney series
* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (friend lent it to me; still struggling through it)
* Mario Kart 7
* Pokemon series
* Professor Layton series
@Laura Ooh, I watched a Let's Play of Alice a few months ago. One of the most twisted games I've ever witnessed. I got far too involved in the story considering I wasn't even playing the game myself.
You have to be honest with yourself when you are writing. If that leads to somewhere unexpected then perhaps you really needed to go there.
-- Jim Adkins |
 Tea Queen

8/15/2012 | |
Officer-1BDI: I'll let you in on a secret... I've only just started Alice (it came included free with Alice: Madness Returns) and I've spent more time watching a Let's Play than playing the game too! Which one did you watch? I've been following the walkthrough by VISOGamer. Not because I want to cheat; I'd heard a lot about it and wanted to know what I was getting myself into. It's really inspired me to actually start the game properly... If I dare. And I agree, it's not for those with a nervous disposition! ![[nevil] [nevil]](/images/smilies/emot_evil.gif) |


8/16/2012 | |
Oh wow. I couldn't even guess what all I play. I own a PS2, PS3, XBOX 360, Wii, PSP, 3DS, and obviously my PC, so I have waaaaay too many options and many games I'll never finish. Also I've been playing video games since 1993, so there have been many in my life.
These are the ones that I am seriously attached to, get cravings for, and will probably play until I die:
-Kingdom Hearts 2
-Final Fantasies 7 & 9
-Zoo Tycoon
-Warcraft 2
...... and a few others I like for good measure:
-Viva Pinata
-Little Big Planet
-Fat Princess
-Dwarf Fortress
-Mario Kart
-Harvest Moon


8/16/2012 | |
Laura wrote: Which one did you watch? I've been following the walkthrough by VISOGamer.
I stumbled across a user named Lumin who did a (IMO) very entertaining playthrough of the game.
You have to be honest with yourself when you are writing. If that leads to somewhere unexpected then perhaps you really needed to go there.
-- Jim Adkins |
 Tea Queen

8/16/2012 | |
I'm going to have to give that one a watch, I think! ![[nsmile] [nsmile]](/images/smilies/emot_smile.gif) |
 Tea Queen

8/27/2012 | |
This week I've been playing Dust: An Elysian Tail, a little known game that deserves more attention than it currently has, I think! Has anybody else ever heard of it, or played it? I cannot recommend it enough! The hand-painted graphics are beautiful, the story is engrossing and the Melee combat system is just so much fun. ![[nsmile] [nsmile]](/images/smilies/emot_smile.gif) |

8/27/2012 | |
DisasterMaster wrote: Uuufff.... there was much to say for me to this question. I have gambled quite a lot of games. In short, just a few examples from games that makes me fun to play: Sea Monkeys
Sea Monkeys was a game? O_O |
 Air Guitarist

8/29/2013 | |
Rather than start a new topic, I decided to dig this one up. It's ok, I have something relevant to say. 
SNES (and SNES ports): I've been playing Super Mario World and Super Mario RPG lately. I still have to finish Link to the Past but I haven't touched that since I lived in Japan.
Wii: I've been playing WarioLand Shake It. It's not at all what I expected it to be but it's -so- much fun! It doesn't have the same 'staying power' as a Mario game but I think it's still worth a play.
PS2: I half-heartedly started playing Dual Hearts. I beat it years ago so I don't think I'll keep playing. I still need to beat Castlevania: Curse of Darkness but I've been too distracted to set up the thing.
N64: I'm about half-way through Super Mario 64 and started Gauntlet Legends with some friends. They haven't been over since we started but I'm sure we'll get a chance to play more after we move.
GBA/NDS: I've made it to the Suhalla Desert in Golden Sun. Before the weekend, I hadn't touched the game since March last year. It's been a long time.
PC: Well, with my limited hardware (I miss my computer so much!) I'm pretty much only playing Morrowind on the PC. Truth be told, I'm shocked this little laptop can even run that.
iOS: Oh dear. I'm afraid the list here is pretty long. Lately, though, I've been playing Amateur Surgeon 3. I've also been playing Jetpack Joyride (have been since I got my iPad) and even some Fish Out of Water.
Updated Rehosting Policy[/title] |


8/29/2013 | 1 |
I've actually been playing my PS2 for the first time in forever and trying the beat The Legend of Dragoon. It's like a 4 disc game and I'm maybe half-way through disc one. The farthest I can remember is my favorite character dieing and me giving up after that, which was barely into disc 2, so I still have a long way to go.
I've also been playing random SNES games with my best friend when she comes over(she loves Simcity). I've also been playing Minecraft again, since all of the mods have updated to the latest version. Currently I've moving into a new base, and digging little rooms for all of my pet wyvrens. By little I mean huge rooms, some of the wyvrens can't even get inside the house with out a 4 by 4 entrance.
The Mobula Ray - My Creatures blog |
 Small Birb

8/30/2013 | |
Woah, could've sworn I already replied, I guess not.
I still need to get a PS3 so I haven't played any games from that console yet. Right now I'm playing the PS2 J-RPG game Soul Nomad, which is a really good and underrated one. I also was replaying Persona 3, which I already beat a few years ago, but wanted to play again.
Soon I'll either get a 3DS or 2DS, still can't really decide, and get Pokemon X/Y and some other games. And then the PS3 yesss.
Sometimes I play Ragnarok Online with my boyfriend, a really old MMORPG, but still a good one.
Small bird who lives here sometimes, and wanders other times.
Got Creatures related content to share? Submit to Heck Yeah, Creatures!
Icon by gettehld on twitter!

9/2/2013 | |
Pokemon! Lol. And also occassionally random PC games like Zoo Tycoon and The Sims.
Drawing today! |


9/2/2013 | |
Besides Creatures, eh? Well let's take a look at my desktop. I like Minecraft, the old 90s Petz games, Spore, occasionally Insanaquarium, Zoo Tycoon 1 and 2, I used to play Toontown (but I heard Disney's shutting it down), and a little-known homemade game called Warrior Cats-Untold Tales.
Now to look inside my 3DS case: Mostly Pokemon, Drawn to Life, some Mario games, Mariokart (if that wasn't included), and Animal Crossing.
For the Wii and Xbox: Viva Pinata, Animal Crossing (again), Disney Universe, probably a lot more but I don't have either system with me right now.
And finally, the Playstation: Spyro. |


9/2/2013 | |
Minecraft, Portal, Portal 2, Scribblenauts, some random Shockwave games, some random online games, Luxor, Windosill, Perfect World, Rockband, Kirby Air Ride, a lot of the Legend of Zelda series, Create, some Spyro games, Animal Crossing, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Gauntlet, Mariokart, Mario Party, Super Mario Sunshine, several other Mario games, Kingdom Hearts, POWDER, some Sonic games, Robot Unicorn Attack 2, and some more that I can't recite off the top of my head.
Oh, and I used to play Petz 5, but I don't anymore because my dad said it was doing terrible things to the registry.
Hi! |


9/5/2013 | 1 |
My roommate and I have been playing final fantasy X
it's pretty cool, especially for when it was released
I've also been playing some Shadow of the Colossus and Ico.
On my computer I really enjoy Black and White 2 (not the pokemon games)
Ouh! and I don't know if it's been mentioned before but I really LOVE Okami to death, it's one of my favorites. |


9/5/2013 | |
In terms of what I've recently been playing: Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, Dark Souls, Spelunky, Skullgirls, Zelda: Wind Waker, my several Pokemon games (SoulSilver, Diamond B/W and their sequels) and so on.
Then there's The Last of Us, Rayman Origins, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Resident Evil Revelations, DuckTales Remastered, FF7 and FFIX on my Vita, and Muramasa Rebirth. |