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Gaia 2.0 (looking for help on coding)   



So, I would like to "Rebuild" Gaia

I've started working on new sprites for her, and am working on giving her a new voice, but the problem with her is how buggy she can be, I'm hoping someone can help me with coding her to be more up to date, especially for the new steam edition, and to be able to run in both DS and C3? I know pretty much nothing about coding, but I'm pretty good at sprites, and sound design. I would like her to have functionality for both world's ecology at once, not just one or the other, is that possible? I would not know how to compile all the new files into a single agent so that would be another thing I need help with...

Peppery One


  4/13/2022  2

First project and you choose Gaia of all things? I admire your enthusiasm. This is by no means a small thing. Sorry if I'm brash, but you might want to start a few house numbers smaller.

However, if you do want to pull through with this, there are several problems with the OG Gaia:

1. Gaia is a hybrid. Not quite creature, not quite agent. Being a creature with agent scripts tacked onto the side makes for a bit of a debugging nightmare. On top of the regular issues of working on large scale ecology handling agents, you now also have to deal with a moody little brat that might wanna do her own thing. Solutions exist, but it's still not something to brush over easily.
At the same time you will have to make sure that the genetics are in order. The best scripts in the world won't be able to rescue the situation if the genome is garbage. You're working on two fronts at once and only get a success if both of them are in working order simultaneously. That alone may cause a lot of frustration.

2. The default Gaia is a geat. It's a fourth creature species besides norn, grendel and ettin. Geats are annoying to work and play with because they can trigger arbitrary game crashes and the wasteland glitch. Maybe the steam version fixed it, but I seriously doubt that the publisher even knows of the glitch's existence, considering that there are no official geat breeds at all, and inofficial ones are scarce.

3. Gaia has an incomplete sprite set. That's not a problem per se, but still something to be wary of. Essentially, to keep the work load and file size comparatively small, many poses and facial expressions have been omitted from Gaia's sprite set. Gaia never takes on those poses and expressions, so it's not that big of a deal.
However, you might not quite have full control over her during the development cycle, so you could run into those invalid sprites during debugging. You will notice when the game spontaneously crashes.
A similar thing can happen to the end users. She comes with a warning to not breed or splice her with anything, yet people keep doing it. If you tell people not to press the big red button, they will instantly push it just to see what all the fuss is about. The emerging hybrids will not have the same limitations on their poses as mum, and the game inadvertently crashes.
Make sure to check out Gaius to see what a complete sprite set based on Gaia might look like.

Lets play plants! Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis... Photosynthesis...



Papriko wrote:

Hey thanks for the tips...
You are correct as it is diffcult, I am still wanting to work on a sprite refresh and voice refresh though, I have built sprites for her that are very much more sci-fi, but match up a little bit with the visual style of creatures 3 a little more, and at first when I would inject her the sprites were loading in, but now it seems to crash the game, I'm not sure what is going on here as I have no changed the size of her sprite box, however I have gone outside of the lines of her original model, is this the cause? Or is she just impossible to re-sprite? I have practiced on agents with re-spriting them and it worked I don't know what to think here...

Perhaps someone can help me out on this aspect?
I was getting the green spew a few times at first, and so I did the "fix" for that, but now I keep getting a game crash when I load the files. I have used photoshop to compile the images, and import them into the spritebuilder, is it possible the image information is too much? or?




Try opening and saving in MSpaint before importing. I vaguely remember an issue with PS and BMP



Lacota wrote:
Try opening and saving in MSpaint before importing. I vaguely remember an issue with PS and BMP

Hey so I did just that, but I'm getting an error still, my game will crash and says to free up memory, however if I switch back to her old sprites, it loads and injects her just fine, is there any way I could possibly send you the sprite (tester) to see, perhaps you can see what I might be doing wrong?

This is the error I'm getting-
“Memory has run out – please reboot, free some space on your drive, and run the game again”




Send pictures? :)



Kazooo wrote:
Send pictures? :)

Ok I PMed you :)




Feel free to email me the files at eemfooarchive AT gmail doot com or poke me on discord EemFoo#2014

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